Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 465

Chapter 465: The Dilapidated Inn

Inside, Zelsh chuckled and waved at the innkeeper, “You’ve already got our reservation, right?”

“Of course! King Zelsh, everything’s been prepared and the inn has been cleared. Consider your silent stay here completely ready,” the man bowed.

“Great! Then have lunch set out as soon as possible!”

While Zelsh was acting like he ran into an old friend, the candidates were all startled to realize something. The cold hadn’t lessened at all since they walked in!

“I’ll show them to the rooms,” Zelsh remarked, moving on with a wave.

“Of course! We appreciate your patronage,” the innkeeper replied with a bow.

As they walked deeper into the inn, everyone continued to shiver. When they reached the great room past the reception area, Zelsh threw up his hands with pride, “Here we are! We’ve rented the whole place, so make sure to use every amenity to the fullest!”


“Every amenity? What amenities?” Oli laughed.

“Well, follow that hallway and you’ll find five bedrooms, and five more down that hall,” Zelsh explained, acting as if he hadn’t sensed the sarcasm in Oli’s voice. “That there is the entrance to their famous ice baths. I recommend using them at least once a day, if not two or three times a day!”

“Ice baths?!” questioned Yeter, barely holding himself together. “Master Zelsh, how come it’s still so cold while we’re inside?”

Giving Yeter a stupid look, Zelsh scoffed, “Ehhh? Did you forget the view from outside? This old place has zero insulation, that’s why we can afford to rent out the whole place.”

Oli wanted to cough up a lung, but he didn’t know whether it was in frustration or laughter.

“This is the perfect place for us to stay, so why are you complaining?!” barked Zelsh, konking the stallion on the head. “Anyway, that area is the dining hall where all our meals are covered by the inn, offering the best of Avalanche City’s chilled cuisine. And you can eat however much you’d like, even up to seven meals a day!”

Everyone stared at Zelsh like he had led them into an asylum. They said nothing though. They were too shell-shocked to understand what was really happening.

“Don’t look at me like that!” Zelsh turned his back to the youths, acting offended. “I go through so much to make sure you’re fully adapted to the environment, and this is the thanks I get...”

“Thank you, Master Zelsh.” Oli gave a full bow and dropped his confused expression. “Are rooms first come first served?”

Zelsh turned back around and smiled, “Yup! Hurry if you’re picky about your living space.”

As Oli moved toward one of the hallways, Fulkar and Trenk both bowed next with Freele and Trantor after them. They left and Yeter was now alone, still stunned and shivering.

“... You know, as a close friend of Oliver, you surprise me,” Zelsh laughed, slapping the stallion’s side. “If you want to fully adjust to this place, then why would I have you stay in a pampered shelter from the environment? Now hurry or you’ll be bunking even farther from your friend.”

“Y-yes! Thank you, Master Zelsh!” Yeter gave a frantic bow and rushed after Oli, shouting and claiming the room beside him despite Trenk already testing the bed.

Oli took the room closest to the great room and the inn’s amenities. Trenk kicked Yeter out of his room with Fulkar’s help, while Fulkar had already claimed the next room over. In the end, Yeter was forced to take the room three doors down from Oli. And Zelsh would later take the last room in the hallway. Trantor and Freele were the only ones to take a room in the second hallway, sharing one of course.

The young cultivators chatted and hung out while they continued quivering from the cold. That continued for about half an hour until Zelsh gathered them all for lunch.

“Eat up! Only the best soup for the best candidates!” boasted Zelsh, digging into the ice-cold seafood soup.

No one complained. But everyone took their time trying the first bite. Oli was the first to taste the meal after picking up the bowl and feeling how cold it was. “... Well... It doesn’t taste bad.”

“What do you mean? It’s delicious! Chef, give them each another round!” Zelsh laughed, having the woman rush back to the kitchen.

“True. I’m just... not used to eating anything this cold. It gives it a peculiar taste and texture,” admitted Oli, poking at the large block of ice in the center of his bowl. “But I can get used to it.”

“That’s the spirit! What about the rest of you?”

Fulkar nodded as he slowly started eating. Trenk didn’t complain or say anything as he slowly shoveled into his mouth. Trantor and Freele didn’t say anything out loud but they communicated with each other via their expressions. Yeter was the only one to taste the soup and sigh, “This... Can’t we get something warmer?”

Scoffing, Zelsh replied, “Where’s your sense of hospitality? This is a delicacy of the region, and you’re looking down on it after a single bite?”

“But it’s so... different. Can’t it just be chilled and not cold as ice?” asked Yeter, trying his best to pout and act innocent.

“Fine, fine. You don’t need to eat it.”

“Thank you, Master-”

“You can starve instead.”

“... Thank you, Master Zelsh, for finding us such a delicacy as our first meal in Avalanche City...” Yeter groaned and took his second bite.

They all agreed with Oli as the soup itself wasn’t bad. It was just so strange to feel their bodies shiver with every bite as it slithered down their throats and plopped into their stomachs. And with a second serving set down in front of them, all they could do was swallow their usual feelings and reactions along with the soup to finish the meal as soon as possible.

Zelsh managed to down five bowls before most of them could finish their second bowl. Yet Oli ended up eating three servings, though he did need to force himself past the temperature.

“Since Oli’s finished, he can take the first bath.”

“Master Zelsh, must we-”

“Yes, Yeter, you’re all required to take at least one bath every day,” answered Zelsh. “And, starting next sun, you’ll be required to take two a day.”

Hearing that, Oli got up from the table and bowed before Zelsh changed his mind and forced him to eat more. “Thank you, Master Zelsh. Please excuse me while I head to the bathhouse.”

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