Divine Harem: My Sect of Heavenly Beauties

Chapter 43 Necklace

Chapter 43  Necklace

Shen Yu was silent for a moment before a smile broke out on his face as he said.

"Very well then. Xiao Lan, you're officially a Disciple of Divine Harem Sect and also my wife. But you don't have to force yourself. Let's get to know each other and have a happy relationship."

"Thanks, Master. I will do my best on my duties."

Shen Yu chuckled and replied to Xiao Lan.

"As I said, don't pressure yourself. You don't have any duties or anything. Well, aside from one. Just cultivate with all your heart and everything is fine. I made the sect so everyone can be a family and live happily, not to force people. You can do whatever you want, you have all the freedom."

"Master Shen, are you going to have a free sect, like with no rules?"

Lan Ming asked in confusion. "Ah, no. I'm just keeping the rules out because I'm lazy to make them. I don't know much about sect administration and management so I'll just find someone who can do it properly. Since there are only three of us in the sect, I don't see any need for rules. Besides, even if the sect grows bigger, there won't be many strict rules."

Lan Ming nodded, hearing Shen Yu's answer. She pursed her lips and shook her head, as much as she wanted to help Shen Yu in his sect, she couldn't leave her sect. The most she could do was giving advise and tips.

"Anyways, thanks for your hospitality till now, Ming. You're a wonderful person and I already feel close to you. I hope you don't mind when I drop by here more in the future."

Shen Yu smiled and said to Lan Ming. He was honestly very thankful for her help as without her, things would have been quite troublesome. Although at first he felt like Lan Ming was just pretending and only helping them because of some ulterior motives, he didn't care about that now. He could see her sincerity and doubting her would be an insult to her. 'Well, even if she has ulterior motives, it doesn't matter. I'll help her regardless. She's a nice person and if she wasn't in a sect already, I would have invited her.'

Shen Yu sighed thinking of that. He would have offered Lan Ming a higher position in his sect but it was impossible since she was already in a sect. Leaving a sect had penalties, especially if you had higher status and those penalties were set by the Heavenly Sect Federation.

It was to keep the integrity and relationships of sects. Although Shen Yu was sure they would be able to handle penalty, he was also sure that Lan Ming wouldn't agree. She was attached to her sect or maybe to someone.

"Haha, you jest, Master Shen. You're always welcome to my humble abode. I'll always serve you. I would have actually accompanied you to the Heavenly Sect Federation but unfortunately, I need to leave for the Sect. I have some work there."

Lan Ming giggled, putting her palm on her lips.

"It's fine. You have already given your precious time and I won't waste more of your time. Here take this."

Shen Yu said as he handed Lan Ming a beautiful necklace. It held a small red crystal which radiated a strange aura. Lan Ming took the necklace and looked at it in wonder. It looked beautiful and she couldn't wait to try it.

"Take it as my gift. It's something I personally made and it can lead you to my Sect's location without causing you any harm. You would also be able to bypass the formation surrounding my Sect. I have also left a part of consciousness in it so if you're in danger, just call out to me. I'll help you."


Lan Ming couldn't speak for a while as she looked at the Locket in shock. She gulped and turned towards Shen Yu.

"Master Shen, this is too precious, I-I can't take it. What if someone kills me and takes this, it'll be harmful for you sect. Besides, you have already given me the Flawless Pill so this..."

"It's fine, Miss Lan. Master consider you as someone close so he gave it to you. Besides, he just want you to be safe, that's why he left a part of his consciousness in it. Who can kill you if Master is with you? Literally no one."

Ying Yue spoke, as she smiled at Lan Ming. She had taken off her mask since only her closed ones were there. Xiao Lan, on the sides also nodded her head. According to her, Lan Ming was basically getting a Invincible cheat code. No one would be able to harm her with Shen Yu with her.

Lan Ming felt conflicted but in the end, accepted the necklace. However, she didn't put it away but smiled. Since Shen Yu had said they were now close, she could request something.

"Uh, Master Shen, can you help me with this?"

Shen Yu raised an eyebrow and nodded. He wasn't so dense not to notice what was going in Lan Ming's head but it certainly made him happy. The feeling that someone wanted him was filling his heart with happiness.

Of course, he didn't forget Ying Yue and Xiao Lan, but each and everyone held a different place in her heart and although it's been a short time since he met them, he had come to love them. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

He stood up and took the necklace from Lan Ming's hand. He then walked behind her and helped her wear the necklace. His hands brushed against her soft skin, sending shivers down to both of their body. It was a quick task but both were taking their sweet time.

On the side, Ying Yue looked at Lan Ming's silly smile and whispered to Xiao Lan.

"She's a goner."

"I will be surprised if she isn't after seeing his face. Not to mention how great his personality is. Anyone would fall for Master."

"Indeed, Master is just that great that anyone would fall for him. Aiya! I'll have to manage a lot of things. Too many bitches will try to take advantage of master."

"Heh, then we will just need to eliminate before they reach master."

The two women giggled and gossiped as Shen Yu and Lan Ming took their sweet time in silent flirting.

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