Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 26: The Aftermath

Lucas sprinted through the dense forest, the underbrush scratching against his legs as he raced toward the site of the explosion. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing with the fear that gripped him.

The sheer magnitude of the blast had left him stunned, and now his mind was a whirlwind of worry. What the hell happened there? he thought anxiously, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

[Host, you really don't need to worry so much,] the system chimed in, its tone annoyingly calm, almost as if it found the situation amusing.

"What do you mean, 'don't need to worry'? My sister has been kidnapped!" Lucas snapped, his voice edged with panic and frustration. The thought of Lucy in danger was enough to send his heart into overdrive, and the system's nonchalance only made it worse.

[You truly are slow on the uptake, aren't you?] the system replied, dripping with condescension, as if Lucas had missed something glaringly obvious.

Lucas felt a surge of anger flare up inside him, his fists clenching as he pushed himself to run faster. "What are you talking about?" he demanded, the irritation clear in his voice. The system's tone was infuriatingly smug, as if it was toying with him.

[Your sister, Lucy, is in the process of awakening her special physique,] the system explained, its voice tinged with a gleeful satisfaction, as if it was enjoying keeping Lucas in the dark. [And I must admit, I neglected to mention something rather important.]

Lucas's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin as he dodged a low-hanging branch. "What is it?" he barked, every muscle in his body tense with anticipation.

[To awaken a special physique, one requires an enormous amount of mana,] the system began, almost relishing the moment. [The moment Lucy began her awakening, she started absorbing the mana around her.]

Lucas's mind raced as he tried to process the information. "She's absorbing mana...?" he muttered, his pace slowing slightly as he tried to make sense of it.

[And considering she's fused with the divine mask I so graciously provided,] the system continued, its tone smug and self-satisfied, [it's been even easier for her to pull in that mana. The process is going smoothly, as expected.]

Lucas's eyes widened as the pieces began to fall into place. "You mean she's awakening her special physique right now, so I don't need to worry?" he asked, the fear in his voice slowly giving way to a mix of relief and awe.

[Yes, exactly,] the system confirmed, as if Lucas should have figured it out earlier. [The moment she awakened, she became far more powerful than you'd expect. Her latent power has been unlocked, and let's not forget how my divine mask works—it absorbs mana from any available resource.]

"Any resource?" Lucas echoed, the full implication of the system's words hitting him like a freight train. His steps faltered for a brief moment as realization dawned on him.

[Precisely,] the system declared with a haughty air, as if it was stating something incredibly obvious. [So, in this case, the Black Claw gang is already finished.] The system paused for dramatic effect before continuing, [That explosion you heard? That was just a little sign that Lucy's special physique was waking up. The bandits around her? They're nothing more than fuel for her now.]

Lucas's breath caught in his throat. The explosion... it wasn't a sign of danger; it was Lucy's power manifesting, consuming everything in its path. Relief washed over him, but it was tinged with the lingering anxiety that still clung to his thoughts. "So... she's okay?" he asked, his voice softer now, the anger replaced by concern.

[Yes, Host, she's more than okay,] the system replied, its tone almost soothing. [She's far more powerful now than any of those bandits could ever hope to be.]

Lucas let out a long breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "I see," he murmured, the relief settling into his bones like a cool balm. But even as the tension began to ease, a gnawing urgency remained. He had to see her—he had to confirm with his own eyes that Lucy was safe.

With renewed determination, Lucas pushed forward, his pace quickening as he neared the site of the explosion. The forest around him blurred, the trees and underbrush becoming indistinct as his focus narrowed solely on reaching his sister.

When he finally broke through the treeline and arrived at the goblin village, he came to a sudden halt, his eyes widening in shock. The entire area was a scene of utter devastation.

The ground was scorched black, the once-thriving goblin village reduced to nothing more than ashes and charred remnants. The acrid scent of smoke and burnt earth filled the air, stinging his nose.

"My gods..." Lucas whispered, his voice barely audible. "Is this the power of her special physique?" There was awe in his tone, mingled with disbelief as he took in the devastation that surrounded him.

[Obviously,] the system replied, its voice carrying a note of impatience, as if the answer should have been clear from the start.

Lucas's eyes darted across the ruined landscape, searching frantically for any sign of Lucy. His heart hammered in his chest, fear gnawing at him despite the system's reassurances. Finally, his gaze landed on a solitary figure lying in the middle of the destruction.

"Lucy..." he breathed, relief flooding through him. She was there, sleeping peacefully amidst the chaos. Her clothes had been completely burned away, likely due to the intense heat generated by her awakening, but her body was unharmed.

Lucas hurried to her side, dropping to his knees beside her. "Has her awakening finished?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly with concern. Despite the devastation around them, the sight of her unharmed brought him some comfort.

[Yes, it's finished,] the system confirmed, its tone almost bored now. [The process is complete. She's safe. Let's just get out of here now—I've done my job.]

Lucas nodded, a mixture of emotions swirling within him—relief, awe, and a growing respect for the power his sister now possessed. "Okay," he agreed quietly.

He gently draped his cloak over Lucy's body, shielding her from the cold air, before carefully lifting her into his arms. As he stood, cradling her close, he couldn't help but marvel at the power she had unleashed.

The journey back home felt surreal. The forest, once a place of danger, now seemed almost serene in contrast to the destruction they had left behind.

Lucas moved steadily, his steps sure and measured as he carried his sister through the underbrush. The weight of what had transpired pressed heavily on his mind.

"I never imagined..." Lucas began, his voice breaking the silence. "I never imagined she'd be so powerful. If this is what she's capable of, then... we have to be careful."

[Indeed,] the system agreed, its tone more serious now. [But that power will also protect her. The world is a dangerous place, and she'll need every bit of strength she can muster.]

Lucas tightened his grip on Lucy, holding her protectively. "I'll make sure she's safe," he vowed, determination hardening his voice. "No matter what."

As they continued their journey back, Lucas couldn't help but feel a deep sense of responsibility. Lucy's awakening had changed everything. The path ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear—his sister was no longer the vulnerable girl she once was.

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