Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 30: The Four Types of Divine Scriptures

As Lucas sat by the campfire, the system's voice echoed in his mind, brimming with arrogance and superiority, ready to impart its knowledge on the complex world of Divine Scriptures.

[The Divine Scriptures are divided into four types,] the system began, its tone almost condescending as if it were talking to a mere child.

Lucas leaned in, knowing that whenever the system took this tone, something significant was about to be revealed.

[The most common—though still leagues above anything a mere mortal could hope to achieve—are the Body Divine Scriptures,] the system continued, dripping with disdain.

[These scriptures, while quite basic by my standards, focus on transforming specific external parts of the body.]

[In rare cases, they can even alter the entire external body—legs, hands, skin, you name it. But don't get too excited; these are the entry-level transformations.] The system paused, as if giving Lucas time to absorb its 'profound' wisdom.

[Examples include the Dragon Body Divine Scripture, Tiger Claw Divine Scripture, and so on.]

[The second type, far more refined than the first, are the Organ Divine Scriptures,] the system declared, as if revealing a great secret. [These are rarer than Body Divine Scriptures and focus on transforming specific organs into something far superior—kidneys, heart, liver, eyes.]

[Of course, these scriptures also enhance the external body, but only to the extent that it can handle the might of the transformed organs. After all, what good is a powerful organ if the rest of the body crumbles under its strength?]

The system listed examples with a tone that suggested Lucas should feel honored to even hear their names: [Dragon Eye Divine Scripture, Titan Kidney Divine Scripture, and others.]

Lucas nodded, trying to keep up, though the system's tone was starting to grate on him.

[Now, let's move on to something even more exceptional—the Elemental Mana Divine Scriptures,] the system announced with clear pride.

[These are rarer than both Organ and Body Scriptures and focus on transforming mana by fusing it with a specific element—Dragon Fire, Divine Thunder, and the like.]

[These scriptures also alter both the external and internal body, enabling it to wield and resist the elemental power. However, don't mistake them for something as crude as simple body enhancements; these are on an entirely different level.]

The system seemed to swell with pride as it mentioned examples like [Dragon Flame Divine Scripture, Divine Thunder Divine Scripture.]

Finally, the system's voice grew even more haughty, if that were possible. [And now, we arrive at the pinnacle—the Core Divine Scriptures, the rarest and most powerful of them all,] it declared, as if this was the ultimate truth of the universe.

[These scriptures are in a class of their own. Without a special physique related to a core, you cannot even dream of cultivating these. Attempt it, and you'll die—a fitting end for those unworthy of such power.]

Lucas felt a shiver run down his spine, but the system wasn't done yet.

[Core Divine Scriptures work by transforming or fusing with the existing special core within the body, such as a Flame Core or Lava Core, into something far more powerful.]

[For instance, a Flaming Dragon Core can be achieved with the Dragon Core Divine Scripture,] the system explained, its tone laced with smug satisfaction.

Sensing Lucas's confusion, the system graciously continued, [I must clarify something since it seems you're in the dark about this—yet again.]

[Even though you might think the core functions like the heart, let me enlighten you: they are worlds apart. The heart merely pumps blood and mana; the core, on the other hand, pumps liquid mana throughout the body.]

The system went on, clearly enjoying its role as the 'wise teacher.' [This liquid mana replaces blood, gradually transforming both the inside and outside of the user's body.]

[It's not just a simple change—it's a comprehensive metamorphosis, aligning the user's entire being with the nature of the core.]

The system paused, as if waiting for Lucas to acknowledge its superior knowledge. [So, do you understand now?] it asked, its tone leaving no doubt that it expected nothing less than full comprehension.

Lucas exhaled slowly, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the information. His brow furrowed with concentration, and he finally spoke, his voice steady but thoughtful.

"So, in essence," he began, glancing at the campfire as if the flickering flames could help him organize his thoughts. "Body Divine Scriptures focus on transforming specific external parts of the body, giving physical enhancements but not messing too much with what's inside." His tone was measured, almost as if he were testing the words, making sure they felt right.

He paused briefly, his eyes narrowing as he continued, "Organ Divine Scriptures, on the other hand, are all about transforming specific organs. They make localized changes to the body to support the enhanced organ's function." There was a hint of understanding in his voice, a realization of just how intricate and specialized these scriptures were.

"And then," he said, his voice lowering slightly as the complexity of the topic began to settle in, "Elemental Mana Divine Scriptures focus on transforming mana itself, fusing it with elemental energy.

They make minor adjustments to the body to handle that power, but they don't go as deep as the Core Divine Scriptures." Lucas's tone here was almost reverent, acknowledging the sheer power and danger inherent in these scriptures.

Finally, his expression grew more intense as he concluded, "But Core Divine Scriptures… they're on a different level. The rarest, most transformative—changing you inside and out.

They align your entire being with the nature of the core, fundamentally altering who you are." There was an unmistakable gravity in his voice now, a recognition of just how profound and life-altering these scriptures could be.

[Exactly,] the system responded, sounding almost pleased, though still arrogant. [And remember, the heart and core are different. So, a Dragon Heart Divine Scripture is nothing like a Dragon Core Divine Scripture. It's as if you're finally starting to grasp the basics.]

Lucas nodded but then remembered something that had been bothering him. "I've heard some cultivation manuals with the same names as these Divine Scriptures. Are they related?"

The system practically scoffed at the question. [As I've told you before—though it seems my wisdom is wasted on you—Divine Scriptures are far superior.]

[Comparing them to cultivation manuals is like comparing the heavens to the dirt under your feet. Even if the titles are the same, they are worlds apart. Didn't you hear me yesterday?]

"Just confirming," Lucas muttered, his voice tinged with a mix of irritation and resignation. He couldn't deny the relief that came with finally understanding the system's convoluted explanations, but the system's relentless arrogance was grating.

[Good,] the system replied, its tone dripping with self-satisfaction, as if it had just bestowed the secrets of the universe upon an unworthy disciple. [Now that you understand—finally—we can proceed.]

Lucas took a deep breath, his expression hardening with determination. "Let's start creating the mask," he said firmly, his voice steady as he prepared to harness the power of the Divine Scriptures once again, ready to prove that he could keep up with the system's lofty expectations.

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