Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 38: The Change Within Lucy

Lucas stood there, staring at Lucy, who was now drenched in blood, her eyes still blazing with the remnants of her berserk rage. The transformation before him was almost too much to process. This was his sweet, gentle sister—yet now she looked vicious, terrifying, a far cry from the loving protector he had always known.

His heart pounded in his chest, a storm of disbelief and concern churning within him. What on earth had happened to her? Unable to make sense of it, Lucas quickly reached out to the system. "What happened to my sister?" he demanded, his voice laced with desperation.

[Oh, come on,] the system responded, its tone dripping with smug satisfaction. [Isn't it obvious?] There was a slight pause, as if the system was savoring the moment. [This is the glorious effect of her special physique at work! Quite the spectacle, don't you think?]

Lucas's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing as he processed the system's words. "So, you're telling me that her special physique is messing with her personality? And you didn't think it was important to warn me about this?" His voice was sharp, cutting through the tension in the air.

[Warn you?] the system echoed, letting out a derisive laugh. [Oh, please! I didn't tell you because it's so rare that I didn't think it would actually happen.] The system's tone grew even more condescending.

[Besides, who could have guessed your sister would be the 'lucky' one to trigger this transformation? Consider it a delightful little surprise!] The system's words dripped with sarcasm, as if it found the entire situation amusing.

Lucas's frustration boiled over, his voice rising as he demanded answers. "How could this happen? My lovely big sister is gone!" His agitation was palpable, his desperation clear.

The system didn't miss a beat, continuing with its haughty tone. [Oh, there are a few reasons, if you must know,] it began, almost as if it were indulging him with an explanation.

[But it all comes down to your sister herself. She's been manaless for three years, bottling up all that frustration, and then she had to deal with all that nonsense about the gang. Can you imagine how powerless she must have felt, fearing for her dear little brother?] The system's mock sympathy was barely disguised.

It then let out a mocking chuckle, as if the situation were a joke. [And then, when that tiger decided to go after you, well, it was like poking a dragon's inverse scale. Poof! The sweet, gentle sister you knew is gone, replaced by this lovely little berserker. Isn't it fantastic?] The system's words were laced with cruel amusement, as if it took pleasure in the chaos it had helped create.

Lucas felt a cold shiver crawl down his spine, his heart sinking as the implications of the system's words settled in. "So, you're telling me she's going to be like this from now on?" His voice was low, almost disbelieving, as if he was still hoping for some reassurance.

[Oh, absolutely!] the system replied with gleeful certainty, its tone brimming with mischief. [But don't worry—she'll only be crazy around others. With you, she'll still be her sweet, doting self. Isn't that just perfect?] It teased, as if the situation was some kind of grand joke.

Lucas's shock deepened, leaving him almost speechless. "Can't you do something about it?" he asked, his voice tinged with desperation. He needed to know there was some way to bring his sister back to who she used to be.

[Do something about it? Why on earth would I?] the system crowed, clearly reveling in the situation. [This is brilliant! You've hit the jackpot, kid!] The enthusiasm in its tone was unmistakable, as if Lucas had just won a grand prize.

Lucas could almost see the system puffing itself up with pride as it continued. [A Volcanic-type physique combined with a berserker personality? That's a combination most people would kill for!]

It paused for dramatic effect, savoring Lucas's discomfort. [Her power is going to be off the charts! If she'd stayed her kind, gentle self, there's no way she could've handled this kind of physique. Now, she's perfectly equipped to control it. You should be thanking me!]

Lucas clenched his jaw, a mix of emotions churning within him. Relief, unease, and a growing sense of dread. He exhaled slowly, the weight of the situation pressing down on him.

"So, she'll still be kind to me… but to everyone else… she's going to be like this?" His voice was soft, almost resigned, as he tried to reconcile the sister he knew with the one she had become.

[Exactly! She'll still be your loving big sister, but anyone else who crosses her? Well, let's just say they'll regret it. She's far from an easy target now, and isn't that a good thing?] The system's voice was almost patronizing, as if trying to convince him that this change was for the best.

Lucas sighed deeply, the sound heavy with resignation. The sister he loved was still there, at least with him, but this transformation was more than he'd ever anticipated.

He had wanted to protect her, but now, it seemed she was the one who had been reshaped to protect him in ways he hadn't foreseen. The thought brought him little comfort, but at least he knew she would no longer be vulnerable.

The system, still basking in its perceived success, added one final jab. [Trust me, kid, this is going to be amazing. You've got a sister who's practically unstoppable. What more could you ask for?]

Lucas let out a long, weary sigh, his voice tinged with resignation as he muttered, "Yeah, yeah, I get it."

But as his words faded, his focus shifted entirely to Lucy. He watched as the realization of her actions slowly dawned on her.

Her fierce expression softened, giving way to a mix of confusion and dread. Her wide eyes darted from the blood-stained ground to her trembling, blood-soaked hands. The fierce warrior she had just been moments ago now seemed fragile, lost in the aftermath of her own power.

Seeing the fear and uncertainty in her eyes, Lucas's heart tightened with a deep, protective instinct. Without a second thought, he stepped forward, his gaze full of concern and unwavering support.

No matter what changes had taken place, she was still his sister—the one he had sworn to protect. And now, more than ever, he was determined to be there for her.

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