Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 4: Becoming A Target

Lucas immediately examined the information of the first Divine Mask he had created, displayed clearly on the system screen.

[Name: Zeus]

[Class: Magic Warrior]

[Tier: One Star]

[Cultivation Manual: Transcendent Tier Thunder Element Cultivation Manual]

He sat on the edge of his bed, the early morning sunlight filtering through the small window, casting a warm glow over the room. As he read the details, a smile of satisfaction spread across his face.

"This looks promising," Lucas murmured to himself. But his smile faded slightly when he read the name of the cultivation manual. "Transcendent Tier Thunder Element Cultivation Manual... it's quite a mouthful," he mused aloud, shaking his head. "It needs a simpler name."

With determination, he spoke to the system, "Just change the name to Divine Thunder Cultivation Manual."

The system responded promptly.

[Confirmation: Renaming Transcendent Tier Thunder Element Cultivation Manual to Divine Thunder Cultivation Manual.]

Lucas nodded in approval, pleased with the new, concise name. "That's much better," he said, leaning back in his chair. He could already feel the potential of Zeus growing.

He then considered his next steps. Strengthening Zeus was paramount. He wondered aloud, "I need to make Zeus stronger. Do I need specific resources, or can I use anything?"

[Resource Allocation: Any resources can be used to strengthen the mask. Optimal performance achieved with highly compatible resources. Thunder-based resources recommended for accelerated cultivation.]

Lucas rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Thunder-based resources, huh? Those are going to be hard to find," he muttered. "But it makes sense. If I want to cultivate Zeus effectively, I'll need the best resources available."

He sighed, the weight of the task ahead sinking in. The forest was vast and dangerous, but he knew he had no choice. "Looks like I'm going on a resource hunt," he said to himself, standing up and stretching. "I need to get stronger, and fast. Six months isn't a lot of time."

The sun had fully risen now, casting long shadows across the room, filling it with a golden glow. Lucas took a deep breath, savoring the cool morning air that flowed in through the open window. He grabbed his bag, feeling its weight on his shoulder, a reminder of the journey ahead. Before stepping outside, he knew he had to speak to Lucy.

He found her in the kitchen, her hands busy with breakfast preparations. The scent of freshly baked bread and brewing tea filled the air, creating a momentary sense of normalcy.

"Morning, Lucy," Lucas greeted, trying to sound casual.

"Morning, Lucas," she replied, looking up with a smile. Her eyes, however, couldn't hide the worry that lay beneath. "Heading out early today?"

"Yeah," Lucas said, adjusting the strap of his bag. "I need to gather some supplies. I'll be back later."

Lucy paused, her hands still for a moment. "Are you sure you'll be okay? The forest can be dangerous."

"I'll be fine," Lucas assured her, his voice steady. "I need to do this. Don't worry about me."

She sighed softly, her concern evident. "Just... take care of yourself, alright?"

Lucas reached out and gently squeezed her shoulder. "I will, I promise. I'll be back before you know it."

Lucy nodded, though the worry in her eyes didn't fade. "Alright. Just don't push yourself too hard."

"I won't," he said, offering a reassuring smile before turning to leave.

As he stepped out the door, the morning light seemed brighter, the air fresher. Lucas felt a mix of determination and resolve. The path to the forest lay before him, a dense line of trees just visible in the distance. The rustling leaves and chirping birds created a symphony of nature, urging him onward.

With each step, his resolve hardened. The forest awaited, and with it, the resources he needed to strengthen Zeus. He walked with purpose, the weight of his mission clear in his mind. Six months wasn't a long time, but he intended to make every moment count.

Meanwhile, after Lucas left, Lucy prepared to go to the market to buy some things for dinner. She hummed a cheerful tune as she tidied up the kitchen, her mind already making a list of Lucas's favorite foods. "Let's see... he loves roasted chicken, fresh bread, and those sweet apples from Mrs. Thompson's orchard," she mused aloud, tying her hair back and grabbing a basket.

The village was bustling with activity as Lucy made her way through the streets. Children played near the fountain, their laughter mingling with the calls of vendors selling their wares. The market was a lively place, filled with the aroma of fresh produce, baked goods, and spices. Lucy greeted the vendors warmly, exchanging pleasantries as she selected the best ingredients.

"Good morning, Mrs. Thompson," Lucy called out as she approached a stall laden with ripe, red apples.

"Morning, dear! Out shopping for dinner?" Mrs. Thompson replied with a smile.

"Yes, I am. I'll take a dozen of your finest apples, please. Lucas loves them," Lucy said, handing over a few coins.

"Ah, that brother of yours has good taste," Mrs. Thompson chuckled, carefully placing the apples into Lucy's basket. "Here you go, sweetheart. Have a lovely day!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Thompson!" Lucy responded, waving as she moved on to the next stall.

As Lucy continued to shop, her basket gradually filled with vibrant vegetables, freshly baked bread, and a large, freshly caught fish. The market's lively atmosphere seemed to embrace her, with vendors calling out their best deals and children laughing as they played nearby. However, amidst the bustling scene, she remained blissfully unaware of the sinister eyes watching her from a distance.

Hidden in the shadows of a nearby alley, two men observed her every move. One of them, a short man with a wiry frame, nudged his companion. "Who is she?" he asked, his voice low and gravelly.

The other man, taller with a scar running down his cheek, squinted at Lucy. "Just a commoner living on the edge of the village," he replied nonchalantly, his eyes flicking back to her.

The scarred man's eyes gleamed with a wicked light as he watched Lucy pick out some ripe tomatoes. "If that's the case, we'll watch her for a week and then kidnap her," he said, his voice dripping with malice. He licked his lips, his eyes roaming over Lucy. "Her body is nice and plump. I want her."

The taller man nodded, his face expressionless but his eyes dark. "Understood," he said simply, slipping further into the shadows to follow Lucy discreetly. His gaze never left her as she continued her shopping, oblivious to the danger lurking nearby.

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