Divine Mastering Dragon System

Chapter 1

C1 – Two Systems

[Beep! You’ve transmigrated. Experience Point +1…]

[Beep! You’re feeling a bit confused. Experience Point +23…]

[Beep! You glance down and breathe a sigh of relief. Experience Point +666…]

Who am I? Where am I?

My name is Choo Qin. Have I really transmigrated?

After three minutes and twenty-one seconds, Choo Qin finally came to terms with the fact that he had indeed transmigrated, though his emotions were a complex mix.

The idea of transmigration wasn’t new to him. Having devoured countless novels, Choo Qin had often daydreamed about his own transmigration adventure.

“But seriously, is this some kind of joke, universe? I worked tirelessly for three years to get into Tsinghua University. You send me transmigrating right after my college entrance exam results? I was on the verge of my life’s pinnacle!”

Despite his gripes, Choo Qin found the idea of transmigration coupled with an accompanying system not too hard to accept.

After all, Choo Qin was an orphan with no one to care for him, though the old dean might mourn his disappearance for some time.

“Wow, this system is pretty powerful!”

Choo Qin’s eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the system that came with his transmigration.

The System Interface was remarkably straightforward, with just two simple panels in his mind.

The first panel kept track of his Experience Point gains.

He could earn Experience Points constantly.

[Beep! You wave your hand. Experience Point +21…]

[Beep! You swallow. Experience Point +56…]

The second panel detailed his acquired abilities.

Host: Choo Qin

Experience Point: 4,321

Rank: Level 1 Magic Apprentice (0/100)

Holding back his excitement, Choo Qin cautiously used his thoughts to click on the upgrade button, and to his surprise, the Rank category actually changed.

The Level 1 Magic Apprentice was now a Level 2 Magic Apprentice!

A surge of warmth spread through his body, along with a peculiar strength. He felt like he could punch out a bull with a single blow!

“Magic Apprentice? Does that mean I can actually use magic now?”

Choo Qin closed his eyes, channeling the magic within his body just like in the novels. He focused the magic into his hands and released it in a burst.

[Beep. You have mastered the basic Fire Ball Arts.]

[Fire Ball Arts (0/100): Launch a fireball that varies in power based on your magical strength and Rank.]

A pale red fireball burst forth from his hands, striking the slightly yellowed mud wall and punching a hole through it.

Choo Qin was dumbfounded. Having grown up steeped in science, witnessing the kind of magical power only seen in movies left him utterly astonished.

“Upgrade, upgrade!!”

Experience Points were accumulating by the second. As Choo Qin grappled with his shock, his Experience Points surged by several thousand!

He was abruptly elevated to a Level 4 Magic Apprentice with Intermediate Fire Ball Arts.

It was then that Choo Qin shook off his daze and began to take in his surroundings and the flood of new memories in his mind.

He had, without a doubt, traveled to another world, and the status of his new body was not insignificant!

He shared a name with a newly minted prince!

Earlier in the year, the old emperor had died, and the ensuing power struggle among the princes for the title of Imperial Lord ended with the ascension of the ruthless Eldest Prince.

Luckily, Choo Qin was merely an inconspicuous figure among the old emperor’s many children. After a purge of his siblings, the Eldest Prince had spared the few remaining inconspicuous ones, relegating them to a minor territory on the frontier to live out their days as comfortable nobility.

“Still, you’ve had a rough time as a prince, haven’t you?”

Choo Qin let out a wry laugh. He had no particular desire for the throne, but the body he’d inherited seemed excessively feeble.

He might even fall short of some lesser nobles!

With fewer than ten guards and an old butler, he didn’t even have a single maid!

To make matters worse, his luck was abysmal. The Eldest Prince had carelessly assigned him to the desolate Thundery Castle, where he met his untimely end in less than a fortnight, paving the way for Choo Qin’s transmigration.

“Alas, my friend, your life as a prince was truly harsh. But now that I’ve taken over your body, I’ll make sure to achieve greatness in your stead!”

“And as for your dream, I’ll fulfill it too if the opportunity arises.”

The prince’s dream was somewhat ludicrous. Despite being of imperial blood, his deepest fixation was on a woman he couldn’t attain!

The fragments of memory had become somewhat hazy in his mind.

Choo Qin shook his head. If he ever had the opportunity to visit the so-called Royal City, he mused that it wouldn’t be out of the question to help this unfortunate soul achieve his dreams.

[Beep… Host detected! Energy levels are sufficient. Activation in progress!]

[Beep… The Ultimate Raising Dragon System is now active. You need 1000 gold coins to unlock the Dragon Dimension and embark on the path to divinity.]

As Choo Qin’s mind wandered, a system notification suddenly echoed in his thoughts.

He initially assumed there had been an update to the Upgrade System.

But upon closer inspection, he discovered an entirely different System Interface within his consciousness.


[What’s happening?]

[Another system? The Raising Dragon System?]

[Beep. Your emotions are experiencing significant fluctuations. Experience Point +2334…]

Two systems, two entirely distinct programs, were operating seamlessly alongside each other.

Furthermore, the Raising Dragon System appeared to be more sophisticated than the Upgrade System, complete with voice commands and a mission system, just waiting to be engaged.

Dragons! He could actually raise dragons? Then, he could one day become a Dragon Knight.

The day’s consecutive surprises had left Choo Qin momentarily at a loss for words.

“Hmm, 1000 gold coins?”

Choo Qin breathed a sigh of relief. He might not have allies or authority.

Yet, thanks to the Eldest Prince’s “generosity,” every transparent prince had been given 10,000 gold coins as a travel stipend, so parting with 1000 gold coins was not an issue.

Stretching languidly and inhaling deeply, he reflected on the pleasant surprise from the Upgrade System. He had a hunch that the Raising Dragon System would be equally thrilling.

Choo Qin slowly opened the door to his current abode, the desolate Thundery Castle.

Desolate it may have been called, but it was still somewhat more impressive than he had anticipated.

Despite the lack of servants and the slightly aged rooms, the castle’s grandeur was undeniable.

With a bit of refurbishment, it could indeed be a fine residence.

His mind teeming with thoughts, he made his way to the main hall. Now, with 1000 gold coins in hand, it was time to activate the Raising Dragon System.

The following is the polished text:.

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