Divine Mastering Dragon System

Chapter 29

C29 – Admit Defeat

The Jiaang family had made a concession.

Even Choo Qin himself hadn’t anticipated that Jiaang Rudao, renowned for his authority, would back down when he was braced for another confrontation.

The turn of events caught all the noble merchants off guard as well. The Jiaang family, known for their dominance, had unexpectedly bowed their heads.

“Third Uncle… Why?”

Jiaang Hejiao was puzzled as to why her uncle, a member of the Law Enforcement Team, had ceased pursuing Choo Qin. She eagerly posed the question on their way back to the Earl Mansion.

“You youngsters just can’t see the bigger picture,” Jiaang Rudao heaved a deep sigh.

“We initially thought of the banquet as mere child’s play among the younger generation, but it escalated into a serious issue.”

“Do you really know who he is? Thinking you can mock him just because he’s labeled a Loser Royal Highness? But don’t forget, no matter how much of a loser, he’s still a Royal Highness!”

The death of Elder Qiao had left Jiaang Rudao feeling stifled. As an elder, he had to maintain a stern image in Long Song City, but outside, he was acutely aware of the need for the Earl Mansion to tread lightly.

Long Song City might seem vast, but in the grand scheme of the Qilin Empire, it’s merely a tiny vessel.

“Don’t antagonize that Royal Highness anymore.”

“He’s no ordinary man; even I can’t fully grasp his depth.”

“Do you know what your Uncle Gong said to me? Even I stand less than a 30% chance against Choo Qin. The imperial family’s complexity far exceeds your understanding.”

“And about your Grandfather Qin… Sigh.”

Jiaang Rudao left some thoughts unspoken.

Though Qiao Guan had been with the Jiaang family for many years as a guest elder, without any heirs of his own, his passing was just that—another passing.

Jiaang Rudao’s considerations went far beyond those of the younger generation. Today’s events had thankfully spared Jiaang Guangran from any grave consequences, allowing for a more measured approach to resolution.


One million eight hundred and ninety thousand gold coins, seventeen estates.

Three residences in Long Song City, two thousand three hundred Devil Stones, and a variety of other materials.

In just two days since his return from Long Song City, Choo Qin had amassed a fortune that was once beyond his wildest dreams.

He was all set to refurbish Thundery Castle thoroughly. Having struck a deal with the elders of the Jiaang family, there were scarcely any constraints left for him.

Need materials? Purchase them! Short on manpower? Recruit! Lacking guards? Enlist help!

Suddenly, Thundery Castle was abuzz with a newfound vitality. Choo Qin even toyed with the idea of constructing a road directly to Long Song City!

There’s truth to the adage, “Without a windfall, one does not grow rich.” Choo Qin’s recent days were nothing short of delightful.

Whenever curiosity struck, he’d busy himself with designing the layout of Thundery Castle, and when boredom crept in, he’d playfully tease Qiao Ling.

Moreover, Zhen Qiuqiu, whom Choo Qin had healed, had also applied to work at Thundery Castle!

Choo Qin later learned that Zhen Qiuqiu’s facial scars and sharp features were congenital. She had sought help from countless doctors to no avail. She even implored the Old Mage Master, but to no effect, as even some mages were helpless.

Previously, Jiaang Guangran had invited her to embarrass Choo Qin, promising her a consultation with a Sorcerer, only to be unexpectedly cured by Choo Qin himself.

The rejuvenated Zhen Qiuqiu, now wearing a daily smile of contentment, was even more adorable than some internet celebrities Choo Qin remembered from his past life.

In contrast to the sophisticated allure of Jiaang Hejiao, Zhen Qiuqiu stood just 1.6 meters tall, a natural little loli.

For four or five consecutive days, Choo Qin was so overjoyed that he was practically in a state of bliss, revered by all, engaging in every imaginable activity one could pursue in the Alien Realm.

That is until one day, a sudden message popped into his mind.

“Ding! Respected Dragon Tamer, you have not entered the Dragon Void for five days. Your dragon, now starving, has become weak.”

After the message repeated three times, Choo Qin smacked his forehead in realization.

He had utterly forgotten about his dragon! With so much going on recently, he had neglected his Raising Dragon System!


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