Divine Talisman Grandmaster

Chapter 28

C28 – Excluded Early!

“Candidate number 1088, Lu Lixing, has lost his life during the test. His score is insufficient to pass!”

A chilling mechanical voice echoed, snapping Lu Lixing back to reality. His eyes flew open, and he clenched his fists in defiance.

He had been sabotaged!

Lu Lixing was certain that the test had been tampered with deliberately.

To be eliminated on the very first question was utterly absurd!

Lu Lixing knew that by tomorrow, the news of his premature exit would be the talk of the entire school, making him the butt of every joke.

“Zhang Tu!”

Almost instinctively, Lu Lixing pinpointed his suspicion on Zhang Tu. With a personal vendetta against him and the influence of a prestigious family, Zhang Tu had the means to manipulate the test. His grandfather was a board member at the school, after all.

No one else came to mind who would have the motive to frame him in such a way.

Zhang Tu was intent on altering the course of Lu Lixing’s destiny!

“Candidate number 1088, please exit the area.”

The proctor, standing outside the test pod, regarded Lu Lixing with a complex mix of emotions, a trace of sympathy crossing his features.

“You’ve crossed someone you shouldn’t have. Brace yourself for the backlash.”

The proctor exhaled a weary sigh. He was aware of the recent incident and recognized Lu Lixing’s potential as a burgeoning talent. Yet, Lu Lixing should never have crossed Zhang Tu.

Lu Lixing stepped out of the pod, his gaze sweeping the room. All the other candidates were still immersed in their tests, meaning he was the sole person ousted so early—none had faced a test like his.

The proctor gave Lu Lixing another look and remarked, “With your capabilities, you stand a good chance of being accepted into a top-tier university.”

Though the door to the Six Great Academies had closed for Lu Lixing, securing a spot at a prestigious university was still commendable. The proctor meant to offer solace, but to Lu Lixing, the words stung with insult.

“I will make it into the Six Great Academies!”

With unwavering resolve, Lu Lixing met the proctor’s gaze and declared in a firm undertone, “I refuse to give up!”

As Lu Lixing’s retreating figure disappeared from view, the proctor shook his head, resigned to the inevitable outcome that no one could alter.

Wen Shi stood by the window, his gaze steady as he watched Lu Lixing exit the examination hall. The somber look on Lu Lixing’s face was clear, but Wen Shi had no intention of offering comfort or pity.

Such was the harsh truth of their world: without strength, one was doomed to be preyed upon.

Wen Shi was well aware that the Zhang family had intentionally tampered with Lu Lixing’s test. He could have intervened or tipped off Lu Lixing, but he chose not to. He had his own agenda—to use the machinations of others to push Lu Lixing, to force him to confront the world’s brutality head-on.

Only with this stark realization could Lu Lixing make the right decisions.

Even with the truth laid bare, Wen Shi wasn’t concerned about Lu Lixing harboring any resentment towards him; after all, he hadn’t wronged Lu Lixing in any way.

“After you’ve endured the ruthless oppression and strikes from the scions of the great houses, perhaps you’ll understand the torment and agony we feel,” Wen Shi murmured to himself, a message from Wen Shanmei surfacing in his mind. She had cautioned him against judging Lu Lixing by conventional standards, suggesting that sincerity was the key to earning Lu Lixing’s respect. Wen Shi, however, believed they needed no such genuine effort—just a nudge from the unruly nobility would suffice.

When Zhang Tu backed Lu Lixing into a corner, Wen Shi planned to step in at the opportune moment, offering a lifeline—a special admission to the Cosmic Star Academy. He would be the one to lift Lu Lixing from the depths of despair to the heights of paradise. In that moment, gratitude would surely bind Lu Lixing to him.

But first, Lu Lixing had to demonstrate his worth.

The test’s duration varied widely; some candidates faltered within an hour, facing elimination, while others endured to the very end, completing every question.

After Sha Zhenghao completed his test and stepped out of the testing pod, he hurried over to the school’s sports field, eager to meet up with Lu Lixing once he finished his own exam. They planned to grab a bite to eat after the school released the results.

By the time Sha Zhenghao arrived, the field was dotted with students. He immediately spotted Lu Lixing sitting in a corner, and his surprise was evident. “What happened? How did you finish before me?”

Sha Zhenghao was genuinely puzzled. Lu Lixing had been getting stronger, so why did his test end so quickly? Could it be that Lu Lixing’s answering speed had improved?

Lu Lixing just slightly pursed his lips in response, choosing not to share what had transpired. It wouldn’t change anything.

Seeing the dark look on Lu Lixing’s face, Sha Zhenghao realized his error. It wasn’t that Lu Lixing had sped through the test; he had been prematurely eliminated.

With this in mind, Sha Zhenghao took a seat next to Lu Lixing and gave his shoulder a reassuring pat. “Dinner’s on me tonight, no need to be shy about it!”

The meal might make a dent in Sha Zhenghao’s wallet, but he was more than happy to cover it.

After all, even if Lu Lixing didn’t ace the exam, it wasn’t the end of the world. They could enlist in the military together and achieve great things side by side.

Touched by Sha Zhenghao’s kind gesture, a glimmer of gratitude shone in Lu Lixing’s eyes. In a world that seemed to be against him, having such a friend by his side was truly comforting.

“Thanks, but the meal is on me,” Lu Lixing said with a smile, a hint of steely resolve flickering in his gaze. He added firmly, “Besides, I might still have a shot at turning things around!”

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