Divine Talisman Grandmaster

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 - The Battle!

Confronted with Lu Lixing's earnest advice, Zhang Tu couldn't contain his laughter. He had always considered Lu Lixing nothing more than a clown craving the spotlight, and this just confirmed it.

Lu Lixing's counsel was dismissed by all; they felt it would be more fitting for him to be preparing his final words at this juncture.

The audience shook their heads in resignation, their hopes of hearing Lu Lixing deliver some noble pre-battle rhetoric dashed.

In the private box, the assembly of VIPs found themselves intrigued by Lu Lixing's unexpected remarks, sensing something odd in the air.

Could this be the benevolence of a man facing his demise?

Yet, knowing Lu Lixing as they did, they could envision that, should he truly fight with all his might, he might indeed take down a few adversaries.

“What an oddity he is,” Zha Yanhui remarked, her gaze on Lu Lixing icy. “Even without facing injustice, he was never destined for greatness.”

Initially, Zha Yanhui held some interest in the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform, but now, she saw Lu Lixing as nothing more than a jester.

“Let's watch in silence,” Feng Cuo interjected, breaking his usual silence. His words quelled the murmurs in the box—not that they thought he was defending Lu Lixing. Feng Cuo cherished silence, particularly the kind found amidst the thunderous chaos of battle.

Abruptly, the somber sky erupted with the sound of thunder, and a deluge followed, spilling from the heavy clouds. The stadium staff activated the protective shield for the spectators but left the central arena exposed, drenching the competitors.

“The time has come. The battle is about to start,” Zhang Tu muttered, his fists clenched, his eyes fixed on Lu Lixing with a chilling resolve. He was poised to strike at the first signal from the referee, ready to claim Lu Lixing's life.

With the audience's breath held in anticipation, the referee Na Youye appeared on the Crystal Screen, his demeanor composed. “Now,” he announced with steady assurance, “I declare the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform underway!”

With Na Youye's command, the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform officially commenced. Simultaneously, the Crystal Screen shifted to a live view of the arena, where Lu Lixing stood alone against a hundred elite warriors, the air crackling with the tension of the imminent clash!

As Zhang Tu had strategized, the moment Na Youye declared the battle underway, he sprang into action. Utilizing his shoes, inscribed with a level two Gale Array, he closed in on Lu Lixing like a gust of wind. Brandishing a blade forged from hardened black steel, he launched a vicious strike aimed at Lu Lixing's head!

The image on the Crystal Screen captured this moment, eliciting gasps from the onlookers. The stark contrast between Zhang Tu's savage assault and Lu Lixing's stoic composure was striking!

Yet, Zhang Tu's blade missed its mark, striking the ground and ringing out with a sharp clang. Lu Lixing deftly sidestepped the attack.

That was merely a test. As the blade hit the earth, Zhang Tu swiftly twisted his wrist, aiming a horizontal slice at Lu Lixing's waist. He was determined not to let Lu Lixing evade him again.

Meanwhile, the other 99 contenders simply watched from the sidelines, with no intention of aiding Zhang Tu. They believed that with Zhang Tu's full-force attack, Lu Lixing's defeat was inevitable. Why vie for the spotlight when the end seemed certain? Their focus was on quietly claiming their rewards.

Contrary to expectations, Lu Lixing faced the oncoming blade with a graceful leap. His toes landed precisely on the flat of the blade. His body then plummeted, pinning Zhang Tu's sword to the ground. No matter how hard Zhang Tu pulled, the blade wouldn't budge.

A wave of astonishment swept through the spectators. No one had anticipated Lu Lixing's move. It was executed with flair, but had it failed, his ankle could have been severed. The risk was immense.

To Zhang Tu, the audience's exclamations rang in his ears like taunts of his incompetence. His weapon was no match for Lu Lixing, who easily overpowered him. The humiliation was unbearable.

In that moment, Zhang Tu was forced to concede that Lu Lixing was indeed formidable, certainly more so than himself.

“Everyone, charge together!”

At this point, Zhang Tu was no longer concerned with showing off. The crowd surged forward, intent on slashing Lu Lixing to death with their knives. People are fickle. Though Lu Lixing had stolen the spotlight, once he was dead, he'd be forgotten, and Zhang Tu would remain the celebrated genius.

Hearing Zhang Tu's command, those hesitant to engage felt compelled to act. They could dismiss what Lu Lixing had said, but not Zhang Tu's words. They dared not cross Zhang Tu and certainly didn't want to end up like Lu Lixing.

The hundred fighters quickly dispersed, encircling Lu Lixing at the center, each glaring at him with fury. He was doomed anyway. Better to let Zhang Tu finish him off than to attack en masse.

In the stands, the audience felt a twinge of disappointment as the one-on-one duel ended and the battle shifted to one against a hundred. They sensed the fight drawing to a close.

“Lu Lixing, my dear brother, you've got a lifetime of barbecues ahead of you. Hang in there!”

Sha Zhenghao was ashen-faced, anxiously staring at the Crystal Screen, where Lu Lixing's rain-soaked figure blurred. Tears streamed down his face.

Sha Xiufen's gaze also darkened as she watched Lu Lixing on the screen. It all seemed to be coming to an end. Let this downpour be the tears I cry for you!

Nobody believed Lu Lixing stood a chance, not even Wen Shanmei, who had been coaching him these past days. Her eyes welled up as she watched him get surrounded.

Meanwhile, Wen Shi, seated beside Wen Shanmei, wore an oddly twisted expression. The moment for that thrilling surprise was likely just around the corner.

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