Divine Talisman Grandmaster

Chapter 5

C5 – Runemaster

“Spiritual Water Array, Inferno Talisman Array, Strength Talisman Array, and this Level Two Gale Talisman Array!”

Lu Lixing stood before the counter holding the damaged magical instruments, his eyes methodically scanning each one. He could effortlessly call out the names of the arrays etched into the instruments, and he even felt confident that he could repair these damaged arrays himself.

Consider that even Zha, a Level Three refiner, had to consult the Rune Treasure Book to identify these arrays, yet Lu Lixing recognized them at a mere glance!

“Could this incredible stroke of luck have not only awakened my Talent Rune and granted me a cultivation technique but also opened up the possibility of becoming a Runemaster?!”

In the Stardragon Federation, cultivators are held in the highest esteem, and the most revered among them are the Runemasters. Each Runemaster is a treasured guest among the various powers, not to be offended lightly. Sadly, becoming a Runemaster requires not just talent but also substantial financial backing. Thus, it’s not guaranteed that even one in ten thousand cultivators could achieve such a status, highlighting the scarcity and value of Runemasters.

Take Skyhaven, for instance. Among its twenty million residents, there are roughly three thousand cultivators, but only two are Runemasters. Out of tens of thousands of high school students, fewer than a hundred have the potential to become Runemasters, and of those, perhaps not even ten will actually make it.

Moreover, even those touted as prodigies with limitless potential don’t possess the keen insight that Lu Lixing does!

“This could be my big break.”

Lu Lixing exhaled deeply, tempering his excitement with the knowledge that potential alone doesn’t guarantee success as a Runemaster. He was acutely aware that many gifted individuals had failed to achieve this esteemed title for various reasons. As a poor youngster without financial backing or a mentor, Lu Lixing understood that his journey to becoming a Runemaster would be far more challenging than most.

Some things can’t be achieved with talent alone; money is also essential.

“What are you spacing out for, kid?”

Zha had appeared behind Lu Lixing without notice, extending a blue suitcase toward him. “This is Mr. Wen’s magic tool from Forest Lake Academy. It’s been repaired. You need to deliver it.”

Delivering repaired items to customers was part of Lu Lixing’s job, actually a major part. With work to be done, he had to put his curiosity about the array on hold, took the suitcase from Zha, and strode out the door.

Lu Lixing reached the school just as classes were letting out. A flood of students poured from the building, clogging the entrance. He waited patiently by the wall, deciding to go in once the crowd thinned.

On a normal day, Lu Lixing, the so-called loser from the ordinary class, would go unnoticed. But today was different. The students exiting the school gave him odd looks.

“Is that Lu Lixing? The deadbeat from the Common Class?”

“Yeah, that’s him. A toad lusting after swan meat, constantly bothering the Snow Goddess.”

“Does he really think he can compete with Zhang Tu? That guy’s a genius from the Key Class. What’s he thinking? He’s way out of his league!”

They stood near Lu Lixing, pointing and speaking without restraint, clearly not taking him seriously.

Lu Lixing frowned at the surrounding whispers. Just then, a portly figure barreled toward him, urgency written all over his face. “Why are you at school now? Come on, we’ve got to go!”

The chubby boy was Sha Zhenghao, Lu Lixing’s best friend at school and a fellow student in the ordinary class. Known for his playful demeanor, Sha Zhenghao’s current anxiety was a first for Lu Lixing.

“Why should I go? I’ve got work to do.”

Lu Lixing brandished the briefcase in his hand and said, “This belongs to the Black Masked God, old Zhou. If I don’t deliver it on time, do you think he wouldn’t hesitate to twist my head off?”

Sha Zhenghao, however, was unfazed. He grabbed Lu Lixing’s arm, ready to make a swift exit. “Old Zhou twisting your head is a problem for another day. But if you don’t get out of here now, you’re going to face something far worse than his wrath!”

Lu Lixing’s eyebrows shot up at Sha Zhenghao’s grave tone. “Is this about Sha Xiufen or Zhang Tu?”

Despite his less-than-stellar academic record, Lu Lixing was no fool. Piecing together the whispers he’d overheard and Sha Zhenghao’s urgency to get him off campus, it wasn’t hard to deduce someone was gunning for him. If he couldn’t see that, he’d have wasted all his years.

“You know Zhang Tu is out to get you, and you still show your face at school?”

Sha Zhenghao gave an exasperated eye roll. He’d never noticed his friend’s talent for quietly charming the elite class’s goddess, Sha Xiufen. But mulling over that was a luxury they couldn’t afford at the moment; they needed to make themselves scarce.

As Sha Zhenghao was about to pull Lu Lixing away, a chilly voice cut through the air behind them.

“Are you Lu Lixing?”

The speaker was tall and striking, clad in the tailored uniform reserved for the Important Class’s prodigies. His piercing black and white eyes regarded Lu Lixing with a mix of disdain and superiority.

Lu Lixing turned to face him, a crease forming in his brow. “I’m Lu Lixing. And you are?”

“Bro, you’re in deep trouble. That’s Yuwen Ba, Zhang Tu’s right-hand man from the Important Class!”

While Lu Lixing didn’t recognize Yuwen Ba, Sha Zhenghao was all too aware of who he was. Yuwen Ba had made a name for himself at the school, not for his academic achievements, but for his notorious ruthlessness.

Yuwen Ba was known for his arrogance and tyranny. As a self-proclaimed genius of the elite class, he looked down on everyone else. If a student from a regular class ever crossed him, Yuwen Ba would ruthlessly break their legs in retaliation. To date, over thirty individuals have suffered this fate, with many seeing their futures shattered. Yet, with Zhang Tu’s protection, Yuwen Ba repeatedly dodged the school’s discipline. Consequently, no one dared to cross him, and they would deferentially address him as Mr. Yuwen upon meeting him.

Clearly, Yuwen Ba’s current target, Lu Lixing, was in his sights because of Zhang Tu.

With a menacing look, Yuwen Ba glared at Chen Tang and spoke in a chilling tone, “You don’t need to know who I am. All you need to understand is that you’re not leaving this school on your own two legs today. Your legs are mine!”

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