Do You Want Me To Be The Villain Like That?? Open Your Eyes And See

Chapter 79: Betrayal

Chapter 79: Betrayal

In the world of Tianyuan, a shocking piece of news rapidly spread across the land, causing widespread panic. It accused Si Guang and Kong Lin, two Immortal Emperors who had long fought to protect Tianyuan, of being traitors and spies for an alien race. This news shook the foundation of the world, especially when one of the four leaders of the Tianyuan Guardian Alliance, Huo Yan, personally made the accusation.

Huo Yan presented evidence that Si Guang and Kong Lin had collaborated with the Heavenly Serpent Race, showing proof that was hard to refute. Amid whispers of disbelief and confusion, the evidence ignited suspicion and anger. People began to clamor for the execution of the two to atone for the countless lives lost on the battlefield. Huo Yan immediately placed bounties on their heads, calling for their capture or death.

Initially, no one dared to pursue them due to their immense power as Immortal Emperors, but Huo Yan sweetened the pot by declaring that Si Guang and Kong Lin were gravely injured after their failed attempts at revenge. This prompted many to set out in anger, eager to hunt them down.

In the endless void, the faint sound of two men's voices could be heard.

"You look awful," one voice mocked, tinged with pain.

The other replied wearily, "You don't look much better yourself."

The two men speaking were Si Guang and Kong Lin. They were hiding in the Void Dimension after their attempts at avenging their destroyed families. Though their revenge had failed, they felt they had at least done something for justice. However, the price they paid was steep. Their powers and cultivation, built up over many years, had been severely weakened. Both were gravely injured, their bodies scarred and broken.

Yet, despite their severe injuries, they cared little for their physical state. The true pain they felt wasn't from their wounds but from the deep loss in their hearts.

Si Guang clenched his teeth as rage simmered within him. "That bastard, Huo Yan! He claimed to want to protect Tianyuan... all along, he was just using us to do his dirty work. I once thought of him as a friend, but now... I know he's the real traitor."

Kong Lin, leaning against the wall of the void, spat out blood. He looked at the red liquid dripping onto the ground before raising his head to meet Si Guang's gaze. "I... I don't think I'll last much longer, Si Guang. I feel myself slipping away... Take my power, use it."

Si Guang turned to Kong Lin, his eyes filled with pain. "Don't say that. You're not alone. I won't let you die like this. We still need to get our revenge... We still have time."

Kong Lin smiled sadly. "I just regret that I couldn't destroy their families like they destroyed ours..."

A heavy silence fell over the two. The wounds in their hearts, unseen but more painful than any physical injury, weighed on them. Betrayed by those they had once trusted, they had lost everything they once held dear.

As they sat in the void, the quiet around them seemed to consume them. Thoughts of Jiang Yun, leader of the Fallen Heavenly Blood Sect, began to creep into their minds. They regretted the choices they had made in the past, the mistakes that couldn't be undone, the losses that followed. Now, they had no resources or elixirs to heal themselves.

Suddenly, both men drew their Immortal Emperor weapons, ready for battle. Si Guang and Kong Lin gripped their weapons tightly and shouted with weary but unyielding voices, "Have you come to hunt us too?"

From the void, a shadowy figure emerged. It was a man dressed in black, his gaze cold but confident. The man in black smiled slightly and spoke, "My sect leader is interested in meeting the two of you."

Si Guang and Kong Lin were taken aback, their hearts pounding. They recognized this man as the one who stood beside Jiang Yun in the small world of the Mu family. They felt a sense of despair, knowing this man was incredibly powerful, possibly on par with or even stronger than Jiang Yun. They didn't want to meet Jiang Yun now, unable to trust anyone after the betrayals they had suffered. The urge to flee was strong, but something deep inside told them to accept the invitation.

The atmosphere grew tense as the two exchanged a silent glance. After a moment, they put away their weapons and nodded in agreement. The man in black smiled and raised his hand, opening a portal of void in front of them—a gateway to an unknown world.

"After you," the man in black said calmly.

Without hesitation, Si Guang and Kong Lin stepped through. As they passed through the portal, a strange sensation washed over them. Their bodies and minds felt lighter, and the scene before them transformed into a peaceful forest. What shocked them most, however, was the intense spiritual energy surrounding them—far stronger than anything they had encountered, even in some of the immortal continents.

They looked ahead and saw a young man sitting calmly, sipping tea and reading a book. His complexion was serene, and though his aura was warm and unthreatening, it carried an indescribable power.

Jiang Yun looked up from his book, his gaze friendly. With a wave of his hand, two cups of tea appeared in front of Si Guang and Kong Lin. "Drink, then we'll talk."

Both men were still cautious, their eyes fixed on Jiang Yun, but the aroma of the tea was enticing. It was fragrant and filled with medicinal power, making them feel that this was no ordinary tea but perhaps a miraculous elixir capable of healing their wounds.

Si Guang and Kong Lin hesitated briefly before raising the cups to their lips. As they drank, warmth spread throughout their bodies, and the pain and exhaustion began to fade. The tea didn't just soothe their physical wounds—it seemed to heal the emotional scars they carried. In no time, they were restored to full health, astonished by the miraculous effect. They offered sincere thanks to Jiang Yun, ready to speak, but were interrupted.

Jiang Yun set down his book and gazed at them calmly. "I know you have many things to say, but first... I want to know what you plan to do next."

Under the serene yet tense atmosphere of the deep forest, Si Guang and Kong Lin sat before Jiang Yun.

"I want revenge," Si Guang spoke with unwavering determination.

"I do too," Kong Lin added, his voice filled with simmering rage.

Jiang Yun smiled faintly as he calmly sipped his tea. He gazed at the two of them with a tranquil expression and asked, "After you've had your revenge... what will you do next?"

This question left Si Guang and Kong Lin silent for a moment. They exchanged glances, feeling the emptiness in their hearts. All they had been focused on was revenge—vengeance for their families and loved ones. The silence lingered for a while before they realized something deeper within themselves.

Both of them knelt down on one knee before Jiang Yun in unison, their voices firm and resolute as they spoke.

"Please, allow us to join the Fallen Heavenly Blood Sect."

Jiang Yun smiled with satisfaction, his eyes revealing a hint of admiration. "I do enjoy talking with intelligent people like you two," he said simply, before taking out a small jade item from his hand. "From now on, I will announce two important positions within the Fallen Heavenly Blood Sect."

Jiang Yun's voice echoed throughout the sect, and every disciple stopped what they were doing to listen intently. They all knew that every time Jiang Yun made an announcement, it would bring about a significant change in the sect.

"The first is Si Guang... he will assume the role of Lord of the Peak of Time," Jiang Yun's voice resonated throughout the sect.

"And next is Kong Lin... he will assume the role of Lord of the Peak of the Void," he continued calmly.

The disciples in the sect whispered in awe upon hearing this announcement. They knew of Si Guang and Kong Lin—ranked 9th and 10th on the Golden List, legendary Immortal Emperors of the Tianyuan world. The fact that both had now joined the Fallen Heavenly Blood Sect shocked everyone.

One disciple murmured excitedly, "As expected of Sect Master Jiang Yun... he always attracts powerful individuals to join the sect, ever since Elder Mu Ling..."

Suddenly, the scene shifted back to Jiang Yun, sitting with Si Guang and Kong Lin kneeling before him. They spoke in unison, "We have met with the Sect Master."

Jiang Yun smiled faintly and waved his hand, signaling an Elder Protector to carry out a task. Then he spoke again.

"Here are three techniques that will help you grow immensely powerful."

Jiang Yun said as he placed three stone tablets before them for study.

"These are techniques that every force under the sect's command must practice."

He looked at them with a friendly gaze.

"Now, begin your training. In the meantime, I have a welcoming gift prepared for you both."

Si Guang and Kong Lin wasted no time, diving into studying the stone tablets immediately. Not long after, they completed their training in the three techniques bestowed by Jiang Yun. The techniques not only greatly increased their spiritual power but also extended their lifespans tenfold beyond that of a typical Immortal Emperor. They exchanged astonished looks—not only were their bodies and spiritual power stronger, but their souls had touched upon realms they had never experienced before.

"If we ever face those bastards again... the result will be very different," Si Guang said confidently, with Kong Lin nodding in agreement.

As they reviewed the newfound power they had gained, Jiang Yun spoke up. "Kong Lin... bring out your people. I will heal them."

Kong Lin was momentarily stunned, surprised that Jiang Yun knew about the people from his family who had been lost. Overwhelmed with gratitude, he knelt down with tears streaming from his eyes and brought his family members out from the void at once. "Thank you, Sect Master..."

Jiang Yun simply smiled faintly before waving his hand to begin healing them. Suddenly, a portal to the void opened, and an Elder Protector emerged with a large, gleaming cauldron filled with icy spiritual energy. Si Guang and Kong Lin immediately recognized the familiar spiritual aura contained within the cauldron.

Jiang Yun looked at them and said, "Open it."

The Elder Protector lifted the lid of the cauldron, and immediately, millions of spirits surged out. Among these spirits, Si Guang and Kong Lin were shocked to realize that the spirits were those of their own family members—their family, who they thought were lost forever, now stood before them. Both of them couldn't hold back their tears any longer.

Jiang Yun waved his hand once more, using powerful spiritual energy to create new bodies for the spirits. He drew power from the Soul Tribe to fuel the resurrection of their family members. As the spirits entered the bodies that had been created for them, their forms slowly restored, according to their age and cultivation level before death. Even the unique physical traits of their family members were revived. Jiang Yun meticulously clothed them as well.

Kong Lin, with tears in his eyes, muttered, "The cycle of reincarnation... can it really be used like this?"

Si Guang added, "The Emperor's body of Time and the Emperor's body of Samsara? No... there's got to be more..."

Soon, the family members of both Si Guang and Kong Lin were fully restored. They opened their eyes in confusion and bewilderment. The screams of the Soul Tribe members used as fuel for the resurrection echoed through the area, but no one paid attention to anything but the miracle that Jiang Yun had performed.

Si Guang and Kong Lin knelt down, bowing deeply with tears flowing freely, "Thank you so much, Sect Master... our lives are yours from now on."

Jiang Yun waved his hand gently.

The two men smiled with joy, rushing to embrace their revived family members with care. "This time... I will protect you all."

The newly resurrected family members were still disoriented, trying to make sense of what had just happened. One person whispered, "I thought I was dead... Wait! Father?"

Another shouted in anger, "Now that I've been given another chance, those bastards from the Dragon Clan and the Golden Commerce Hall... I'll kill them all!"

The air filled with shouts of vengeance and sorrow. Those whose bodies had just been restored cursed the ones who had wronged them. A young woman leaped into Si Guang's arms, sobbing, "Husband... I thought I would never see you again..."

Kong Lin was also tightly embraced. Neither of them could hold back their tears any longer. They wept openly and said, "Let's save this for later. From now on, the Si and Kong families will be forces under the Fallen Heavenly Blood Sect."

The families of both men understood that they had died and had been resurrected by the powerful man standing before them. They knelt in unison, speaking in strong, unified voices.

"We have met the Sect Master of the Fallen Heavenly Blood Sect!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "All of you, begin training in the three techniques from the tablets... to prepare for the future."

Without hesitation, they began their training immediately. At that moment, a system-like voice echoed in Jiang Yun's mind.

[Host... your actions are truly villainous, even if your methods are a bit cruel... well, very cruel.]

Jiang Yun opened his book again, his expression turning cold once more as he replied, "So what..."

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