Do You Want Me To Be The Villain Like That?? Open Your Eyes And See

Chapter 94: The War of the Immortal Cloud Continent, Part 4

Chapter 94: The War of the Immortal Cloud Continent, Part 4

The celebration of the Immortal Phoenix Dynasty's army and their allies continued with fervor. Their joy echoed across the battlefield, with people shouting in happiness. Soldiers and members of allied forces embraced one another in relief and elation at having secured victory. On the other side, however, the Fallen Blood Heaven Sectwas drowned in despair and grief. They had suffered catastrophic losses, and the victory they once hoped for had slipped away before their very eyes. Worse, they had lost their sect master, the guiding light in their darkest times.

Meanwhile, in the void beyond Tianyuan World, a radiant figure stood laughing loudly. His laughter resounded endlessly through the vast, empty space.

"How does it feel now, you arrogant brat? You dared challenge me, huh? Hah! I haven't forgotten your insolence. You think you could bargain with me? It'll take another million years for you to even come close! Hahaha!"

The radiant figure continued, "Now that I've used you, it's time to discard you. Oh, humans... as repayment for the gift you've given me, I shall bestow upon you a slow, agonizing death! Hahaha!"

Back on Tianyuan World, Feng Yi stood motionless before coldly declaring, "Fallen Blood Heaven Sect, I offer you one final chance—surrender or die. Make your choice."

Her chilling words shocked everyone within the allied forces. Many grew confused and hesitant. Feng Yi's proclamation caused unease among her allies; some had wanted to annihilate the Fallen Blood Sect completely. Yet, none dared to speak against her. Not even the leaders of the imperial forces voiced any objections, as Feng Yi's power now towered over all others.

Before the Fallen Blood Sect could respond to Feng Yi's demand, a sharp, mocking voice rang out from the sky.

"Allow us to pose that question instead—will you humans surrender or die?"

Feng Yi's eyes widened in shock as she quickly turned toward the source of the voice. Suddenly, something akin to a blade of darkness sliced toward her. She narrowly dodged the attack, but the sword slave standing beside her was not so fortunate. His head was severed instantly, blood splattering across the battlefield.

Fury blazed in Feng Yi's eyes as she glared with intense hatred. A massive surge of energy erupted from her, and she launched a counterattack into the void. A deafening boom echoed across the sky as the void burned and melted under her flames, revealing shadowy figures standing behind a thick curtain of smoke.

As the smoke cleared, what everyone saw sent a chilling fear through their hearts. Strange creatures appeared before them, beings that had never been seen in Tianyuan World. These figures were massive, exuding unfathomable energy. Feng Yi gazed at them with a mixture of fury and disbelief, while the shadows smiled mockingly.

Facing these unexpected entities, Feng Yi muttered under her breath, "Giants?"

Before she could process the sight before her, the void opened again, revealing even more unfamiliar races that had never before stepped foot in Tianyuan. There were the Earth Rats, small but swift creatures; the Sky Serpents, surrounded by a chilling aura; the Ghost Clan, who manifested with eerie strangeness; and the Shadow Clan, whose forms were so elusive they seemed barely corporeal. Many other races followed suit.

Feng Yi's voice trembled with confusion and anger as she spoke, "They shouldn't be able to enter Tianyuan World... How is this happening?"

She struggled to make sense of it, knowing that Tianyuan's protective formations should have barred entry to beings from other realms. Destruction of those formations should have been impossible, as the Heavenly Dao governed them. Then, the realization struck her like lightning—these beings had received power from the Heavenly Dao of Tianyuan World itself. Feng Yi's eyes widened as the truth became clear. These invaders had been allowed in, not through force, but by the very will of Tianyuan's Heavenly Dao. Rage surged through her uncontrollably as the thought settled in. Flames erupted violently from her body, scorching everything around her as her fury consumed the surrounding area with unbearable heat.

Feng Yi shouted, "Leave Tianyuan World! Consider this your final warning!"

But the leader of the Giant Tribe merely laughed, stepping toward her without fear. "Leave?" he said in a deep, booming voice. "No... no! From now on, this world will belong to us!"

The leader of the Sky Serpent Tribe added with a mocking tone, "Look at you, daughter of Feng Yang. You're in no position to issue commands. You'd better save your voice to scream in my belly!"

The eyes of the Demon Horse Tribe leader glowed with a venomous green hue as he spoke, "What do we have to fear from you? Can't you see there are a hundred thousand Immortal Emperors here, ready to make you their meal? Or has that brat Jiang Yun's attack scrambled your brain?"

Feng Yi's eyes widened in fury as she realized the scale of the threat before her. These tribes had larger plans, and they weren't foes she could easily handle at the moment. The overwhelming pressure from the countless Immortal Emperors surrounded her on all sides. Yet despite this, she refused to back down. Her fiery aura still raged fiercely, and she prepared for battle, though she knew the situation was rapidly worsening.

Amid the tension, hope seemed to fade from every corner. Suddenly, the members of the Fallen Blood Sect, who had just been consumed by grief, wore strange, eerie smiles on their faces. Without warning, they began committing suicide one after the other.

Mu Chu Yuan quickly summoned her jade sword and stabbed herself in the throat, her blood spurting out in streams. Soon after, others followed. Ming Hai and Mo Jun ended their own lives with faint smiles. No one from the Fallen Blood Sect hesitated in taking their own lives. The Sky Serpent Tribe leader, witnessing this, burst into crazed laughter.

"Look at them! They're so scared they've chosen to kill themselves! Hahaha! Even in death, I'll still roast their corpses and feast on them!"

The mocking laughter of the various tribes echoed throughout, as they gazed upon the lifeless bodies of the humans scattered across the battlefield.

Meanwhile, the soldiers of the Immortal Phoenix Dynasty were left confused and stunned by these actions. Huo Yan stared at Kong Lin and Shi Guang, who lay motionless on the ground. His mind swirled with questions as chaos continued to unfold around him.

Long Wei rushed toward the lifeless body of Long Teng, cradling it in his arms as he shouted in grief, "You haven't even met my daughter yet! I was still hoping to hold a grandchild!" He frantically used all the healing elixirs he had to try and save Long Teng, but it was too late—death had already claimed him. Long Wei looked down at his son-in-law's corpse, overcome with sorrow.

Mo Ji was no different. He stared at Ba Zhi, whose body was slowly being consumed by his own demonic power. Mo Ji's heart was heavy with regret as he thought back to the past. What would have happened if he had saved Ba Zhi that day? Memories of old times flooded his mind relentlessly.

The laughter of the various tribes continued to ring through the air amidst the despair of the Immortal Phoenix Dynasty forces. In the void outside Tianyuan World, the radiant figure laughed with pure delight.

"How cowardly! Look at your people, Jiang Yun—they're killing themselves! Not that you'd care anymore... because you're already dead! Hahaha! And to make sure you're not lonely in the afterlife, I'll send all of humanity to join you... It's over for them!"

He laughed maniacally, but then...

Suddenly, a Void Blade pierced straight through the radiant figure, mercilessly cutting into him. He had no chance to speak further as a hand gripped his neck tightly. As he struggled to turn and see his attacker, terror gripped him when he caught sight of the man's face—a face twisted in a horrific smile that sent a cold fear deep into his soul.

"H-How... you... you..." The radiant figure's voice trembled, his life force slowly being drained away. The man said nothing, only smiled wider, tightening his grip until everything went dark.

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