Doctor Goes Back to Joseon

Chapter 119: Student [3]

Chapter 119: Student [3]

If you think the Flail just stood in front of the warehouse door, you made a mistake.

He was a very good worker and he moved fast. Behind his agility, there was fear for Ganghyuk.

The Flail thought of Ganghyuk as a dreadful man.

Of course, he did the wrong thing to him at first but it was because he was hungry and he had no other job but work as a bandit.

He was caught there and then saw many frightening things such as blowfish toxin and torture…

‘I must do everything he tells me to do. If not, I’ll be killed.’

The Flail thought of their history one by one while lowering his head.

He could think of more than 10 dreadful cases.

He gave him unknown medicine to faint.

When he woke up, he found himself lying down on a bed.

He had an operation on his anus without knowing and he had to discharge bloody feces.

After that, they met some unknown organization called Daedonggye.

They fought with the group.

After that, he was with Euigeumbu and started to torture people.

This time, it seemed that he did something on the dead bodies. He did not want to know what he did on the bodies.

It was certain that he might be injured if he knew what had happened.

He was an axis of evil. He was the devil himself.

‘It is said that Im Ggeokjeong (A good thief in Korea just like Robin Hood in England) was caught and killed. But this one is too elaborate to be caught.’

He knew many high-ranking officials.

The Flail could not think of anything that Ganghyuk would be in trouble for.

Fortunately Ganghyuk liked Flail’s attitude

Ganghyuk pet his back with his big hand.

“Yes, you are my favorite. You deserve the praise. You are a good worker.”

“No, sir. It is too much for me. It is all your virtue.”

“You are flattering. If I left you in the mountain, you would have lived as a thief. How dreadful.”

“Yes, sir. You’re right. You are my savior.”

The Flail thought he was nothing but a scoundrel in Hanyang, which was not better than a thief. But he nodded without saying that. He did not want to make him offended.

He guided the fellows.

“I will guide you. Since Sir Ganghyuk gave me enough money, the status of the clinic is really good.”


“I have them cleaned. All my fellows are cleaning the rooms and facilities there.”

“Okay. Guide me.”

With Ganghyuk’s remark, the Flail went out to the street.

Dolseok took two horses and prepared them for Ganghyuk and Heo Jun.

“Sir, ride this. Dr. Heo, this one is for you.”

“Thank you. You are my favorite servant.”

“Sir, call me a student. You told us that all of us would be students of yours.”

“Yes, you are my best student and my servant at the same time.”

“Yes, sir.”

Dolseok did not try to ask to free him from slavery.

Anyway, what he did for Ganghyuk is preparing water for washing in the morning and holding the reign of the horse.

Other than that, his life is a blessing. He was not born under a lucky star, but he had good fortune to have Ganghyuk as his master.


Ganghyuk rode the horse within a few seconds.

“It feels good to ride a horse. It has been a long time since I rode a horse last time.”

Heo Jun could not hide his dark face.

He could not ride the horse quickly because his body did not move as he wanted. He opened his mouth after some hesitation.


“Yes, what is it?”

“How long have we been there? 10 days?”

“You mean in the warehouse?”

Ganghyuk looked at Heo Jun.

He lost the weight that he put on working in the Naeuiwon.

‘Yes, it’s a hell to have anatomy practices. It does not matter if it is in Korea or in Joseon.’

Ganghyuk remembered his school days.

After two years of happy life, he started the first year of Medical School. It was hell.

Anatomy class was the most frightening one and the seniors gave help for their juniors.

If you only looked at the sentences above, you will think that Ganghyuk had good seniors. But it was a little different from the fact. The process was dreadful.

‘They locked us in the warehouse just like that.’

The warehouse did not have windows. They confiscated everything including watches and mobile phones.

They did not know time and they had to listen to the lectures and memorize them.

When the senior gave food, they ate. When they were told to sleep, they would sleep.

If it were outside, it could take more than 2 weeks to learn it all, but in the warehouse they could learn all the materials in several days.

The same happened to Heo Jun and his fellows.

“No. It is only 5 days.”

“Five days? It seems we had more than 5 sleeping times.”

“I divided one day into two. You slept only 4 hours a day in the warehouse. But you are still good, right?”


“If you have to teach something quickly, you can use this method. It is quite effective.”


They spoke noisily when they heard Ganghyuk’s remark.

They thought it was a dreadfully tiring 10 days, but…

It was Ganghyuk’s trick to make them think so. He put them in a dark warehouse without sunlight and made them concentrate on the lecture and practice only.

“Sir, how can you…”

“That’s too much, sir.”

Yeoju and Yeoni complained in turn.

Especially Yeoni who started to take a few steps back. It seemed that she would kick Ganghyuk’s back in no time.

“Hey, be quiet. I didn’t do it for me. I had to do that because we need to finish before the corpses became rotten.”

“Yes, I know, but…”

“Now you can go and see your patients. You will feel different.”


“Yes, Flail, is it still far?”

“No, sir. We are almost there. When we pass the gate, we can find it right away.”

The Flail pointed at Heungin Gate (the name of the Eastern Gate of Hanyang).

The guards were inspecting people who passed the gate.

While they were waiting their turns, the face of Heo Jun turned ashen.

Ganghyuk asked while noticing Heo Jun’s complexion.

“What’s the matter?”

“Ah… It seems that I have not reported for 15 days.”

“I think you wrote a letter to the court that you could not go to work because of the epidemic.”

“Yes, you are right. But the chief officer of Bojewon must have sent another letter that the disease was defeated. Therefore, for the five days…”

It meant that he was absent for 5 days without any authorization.

Ganghyuk was not bad in attendance at all when he was in that world.

Actually, it was impossible for a person who was not faithful or not diligent to survive in the medical industry.

“Heo. You must hurry up and go… Eo? Why are they coming to us?”

Ganghyuk pointed at the policemen who came to them.

One of them was a Seonjeongwan (high ranking policeman) considering his costume.

“They are coming to us… ah, coming to me.”

Heo Jun saw that the eyes of Seonjeongwan were fixed on him.

“Why is he sending a Seonjeongwan?”

“Ah, sorry. I did not mean it. I did not expect this situation.”

“No, sir. I had to take care of it by myself. I am afraid if there is a big incident.”

As a matter of fact, absence without notice was not a really big crime.

Heo Jun was not a high ranking politician such as Jeongseung (Prime Minister) or Dangsanggwan (Ministers or Vice Ministers). He was at best a Cheomjeong in the Naeeuiwon.

There were many other doctors in higher ranking in the Naeeuiwon, his absence would not make a big difference.

However, the face of Seonjeongwan was quite fearful and the steps of the policemen sounded scary.

“Are you Heo Jun?”

He held a portrait of Heo Jun in his hand.

The letters on the poster was familiar to him but he could not remember whose letters they were at a glance.

Ganghyuk is a person who does not pay attention to the things that he is not interested in.


Heo Jun answered while bending his body as he was surprised at the presence of the Seonjeongwan.

Fortunately, he was not hostile.

“Oh, good. Finally I found you. Where were you then?”

“Well…. There was an epidemic in the Bojewon area…”

“I know but there was a report that it was sorted out. Were there more patients?”

“No, it is not that…”

“Okay. Let’s go. You have a patient.”


Heo Jun followed him without saying anything at the remark that he had a patient.

Heo Im had to run quickly together with him as they had the same destination.

Ganghyuk said while looking at the back of the two people who suddenly disappeared.

“They will be okay, won’t they?”

“Yes, sir, perhaps. Dr. Heo will be ok.”

It was Yeoju who answered.

She did not come forward if it was not necessary.

If she said it, it meant she had clear background.

Ganghyuk looked at Yeoju and asked.


“Did you notice the portrait?”

“Yes, I did. It seems that I had seen such a picture before.”

“It was the painting of the Prince. His painting style is quite extraordinary so it is difficult to forget.”

“Aha, yes. Then did Prince Gwanghae call him?”

“I don’t know but I think that it is not a bad sign.”


The prince himself drew a portrait to find Heo Jun.

It means the prince was not in an emergency.

‘It seems that he takes care of his wrist well.’

The painting was not the one that a sick person drew.

It had power and spirit. Even Ganghyuk felt the vitality and broad-minded spirit from the painting.

They passed Heunginmun without difficulties even though Heo Jun left them.

Ganghyuk was a noble man and he had many tokens that Prince Gwanghae and some other noblemen such as Jeong Cheol gave him.

Sometime later, they arrived at the clinic that the Flail had prepared.

“Here we are.”

Makbong pointed at a house.

Nobody told him that it would be used as a clinic.


“Did you write the signage?”

“Yes, I wrote it in Eonmun (Korean- In Joseon, noblemen used Chinese characters while women and ordinary people used Hangeul. Eonmun is alias of Hangeul.)”

“Do you mean that we are the famous doctors from Suwon?”

Dolseok asked as if he could not believe his eyes.

Ganghyuk was confident.

“Yes, you are good doctors.”

“Are we…?”

“If I say so, it becomes true. Dongpa, let’s make your hometown Suwon.”

“Ah, yes…”

Dongpa entered the yard.

Ganghyuk wrote some other things as well as ‘Clinic’.

At the door of the room, there was a board showing the name.

“Dolseok, Yeoni, Makbong, Dongpa… Where are your names? Miss Yeoju and Sir?”

“Yeoju is a spare.”

“What is that?”

“When you are too busy, she will help you. If not, she will draw paintings and sort the books. Yeoju will be busy.”

“Then Sir?”

Ganghyuk looked at the pupils of his students.

Nobody opened his mouth but Ganghyuk knew what they wanted to speak.

‘Why am I not working? You must want to ask this question, right?’

It is natural.

What kind of chairman or president of the hospital would be working in the examination room?

He will be busy with management.

But Ganghyuk had a sort of conscience.

He had no intention to only play.

Therefore, he did not need to hide anything.

“I will see the patients who made reservations.”

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