Dominator with Endless Level-up System

Chapter 12

C12 – The Law of Survival

After a night full of trials, Lee Tian reaped a bountiful reward. He had ascended from middle level 1 to middle level 2!

His body had grown to the size of a mouse!

For an ant like Lee Tian, boasting such a massive frame along with a pair of formidable scythes was truly a sight to behold!

In the animal kingdom, the criterion for females choosing a mate is simple: size matters!

A male of considerable size earns the right to select a partner!

Lee Tian spent the first half of the night in an intense hunt. Come the latter half, he found an ideal spot and meticulously set up a perimeter of spider webs. Any intruding animal that brushed against the web would instantly rouse him from sleep.

Once his trap was set, Lee Tian nestled inside to rest and decided to check the Infinite Evolution System.

“System, show me the attribute panel!”

“Host: Lee Tian

Race: Ant Clan

Grade: Middle level 2

Talents: Double Strength 1/10 (+), Silk Spitting 1/10 (+), Harvest 1/10 (+), Venom 1/10 (+), Regeneration 1/10 (+), Hard Nail 1/10 (+)

Skills: None

Tools: None

Evolution Points: 0

Experience Points: 3/10

The attribute panel was tidy and easy to understand.

The “1/10” figures next to each talent indicated the potential for growth.

Like Experience Points, once the value maxed out, he could advance to the next level!

However, Lee Tian needed to acquire Evolution Points to directly enhance these talents.

As the data improved, the talents’ potency would surge!

“Could I then become the sovereign of the jungle?” His eyes sparkled with ambition. The dream of reigning as the Abyss’s overlord seemed within reach!

After a brief moment of jubilation, he quickly clamped a hand over his mouth, reminding himself to keep a low profile.

His current size made him a potential feast for larger predators.

Such is the law of the jungle: a creature must be either too small to be noticed or so large that it instills fear in all others to live without the threat of being hunted.

Without fitting one of these sizes, caution is paramount. A creature must master a skill, become an escape artist, or a hunting virtuoso to survive in this dog-eat-dog world!

The jungle was home to many masters of disguise, including chameleons.

As the sun rose the next day, Lee Tian only stirred from his slumber when the sunlight warmed his skin, stretching languidly.

The bustle of the previous night had worn him out, and he had slept through until this moment before remembering today’s mission.

He had set his sights on hunting a chameleon, unsure if fortune would smile upon him and grant him the creature’s gift of camouflage.

Imagine if he could blend into his surroundings with a chameleon’s ease—such an ability would be a hunter’s dream!

Mastery of camouflage is a hallmark of any skilled hunter.

Yet, finding a chameleon that had perfected the art of disguise was no small feat.

Lee Tian ventured in one direction, traversing through thickets of jungle and across mountain streams without even realizing it.

Along the way, he managed to take down a Level-10 Low Rank centipede and a Level-3 grass flower snake, boosting his rank to Level-4!

After fording another stream, a peculiar rustling nearby caught Lee Tian’s attention.

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