Dominator with Endless Level-up System

Chapter 18

C18 – The Hunting Plan

“Green, I’ve got a grand scheme in the works. How about joining me?” Lee Tian asked, eyeing Green expectantly.

Green’s eyes popped open in surprise. He hadn’t anticipated Lee Tian roping him into a major undertaking so quickly!

Flattered, he responded eagerly, “Brother, just give me the word!”

“Great, I love your enthusiasm!” Lee Tian exclaimed. “Let’s walk and talk. I’ll fill you in on the plan.”

As they strolled, Lee Tian laid out his plan. When he finished, Green marveled, “Brother, your plan is brilliant! But it seems like we’re overlooking something crucial.”

Lee Tian chuckled, not the least bit offended, and playfully prodded, “Oh? Enlighten me—what’s missing?”

Green narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. “Bait! Brother, we can certainly use human traps to catch other animals, but no animal is going to waltz into a trap of its own accord. Otherwise, those traps would’ve been sprung long ago, right?” A knowing smile crept across his face.

Lee Tian’s expression shifted as he nodded in agreement. “You’ve got a point. So, how do we entice the prey into our trap?”

“Bait, brother! We use bait!” Green’s eyes sparkled, clearly impressed with his own ingenuity.

He went on, animatedly, “With the right bait, we can draw the prey right into our trap. That way, we’ll capture them with precision!”

In that moment, Green almost wished he had paws to applaud his own cleverness.

Lee Tian caught on. “Just like you lured me here today?”


“Brilliant!” Lee Tian commended, then gave Green a mischievous look. “In that case, you, with your vast experience, can handle the baiting!”

The smile vanished from Green’s face as Lee Tian’s words sunk in, leaving him with a sinking feeling of entrapment.

“Brother, you’re kidding, right?” Green pleaded, his face a picture of dismay.

Lee Tian’s expression turned steely. “Enough talk! It’s settled. Let’s go check out the tiger trap.”

“Catching a tiger!” Green’s complexion blanched at the thought.

Green suddenly realized he was nothing more than bait.

They spent the entire evening in the trap zone, coming up empty-handed.

Lee Tian eyed Green and asked, “Green, when you went out for a stroll, did you actually try to find any prey?”

Feeling wronged and speaking evasively, Green replied, “Brother, I did go, but the prey wouldn’t follow me.”

“What tactic did you use to attract the prey?”

“I’d saunter in front of it, and as soon as it spotted me, I’d take off!”

“Are you out of your mind? It’s never going to chase you that way!”

“Brother, then how should I draw the prey in?”

“I’ll show you.” Lee Tian patted Green’s head and instructed, “You need to be bolder. Spot the prey, and just bite it! But hold off on using your venom—that’s my part! Trust me, if you bite the prey, it’ll definitely give chase!”

Green looked troubled.

This seemed like a tall order for him.

“Green, trust me, my strategy is foolproof!” Lee Tian clapped Green on the back, his voice filled with conviction.

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