Dragon's Wrath: The Cursed Returnee

Chapter 193 Traces

"Maybe it is a diversion," Emily said. "They moved toward an area with mana until their traces disappeared from the environment. Ivan's armor emitted more or less the same waves of fuel when he moved when he put in some effort."

Ethan didn't recall that before, his senses weren't that good at the time, and the world had plenty of mana. Regardless, Emily had a point; that was exactly how he imagined that Ian and his father would act. They sure were a sneaky family.

"I don't think that the kingdoms beyond these lands have anything that would be useful for a group aiming to revive someone," Dante said. "As for the empire… their technology was quite advanced, but I heard that all of that was destroyed in the war."

As Ethan pondered the circumstances surrounding Ian and his family's actions, a realization started to take shape in his mind. It began to make sense why they would be searching for alien and magical technology. Considering their goal of reviving Ian's mother, they needed all the resources and knowledge at their disposal. Perhaps, he thought, they were not yet ready to put their plan into action.

Ethan's mind delved into the intricate web of possibilities. He contemplated the intricate nature of their objective, understanding that it required meticulous planning, precise timing, and access to advanced technology. It was evident that Ian's family was driven by a desperate desire to reunite with their loved one, willing to explore uncharted territories in the pursuit of that goal.

He acknowledged the significance of their quest for alien and magical technology. It hinted at a sophisticated plan, one that required a deep understanding of otherworldly realms and the intricacies of mystical forces. It was a testament to the lengths they were willing to go to accomplish their objective, to tap into the extraordinary and harness its power.

"We aren't part of a diplomatic mission; we are here under cover since we don't know if those three will cause trouble to the people of this world… we can't let ourselves be noticed," Dante declared. "We will wait until night and then move as fast as possible, so rest as much as you can."

As Ethan stood amidst the desolate and lifeless city, he couldn't help but feel a sense of futility creeping into his thoughts. The gray, barren surroundings, devoid of any signs of life, gave him a distinct impression that worrying about being noticed by the inhabitants of this world was simply a waste of time.

In his heart, Ethan acknowledged the grim reality of the situation. With no one to observe or question their presence, the need for caution seemed unnecessary. It was as if they were insignificant visitors in a forgotten realm, overlooked by the forces that governed this desolate landscape. While part of him found solace in the notion of anonymity, another part couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment.

In any case, the group looked for a nearby building where they could hide for a couple of hours. Most of the ones nearby had been destroyed by some battle, but there were a few that were still standing. They were covered in dust, though.

Aline used her magic to clean the place from the dust. She used fire magic to keep the interior warm and illuminated without letting any smoke leave the place. Emily didn't waste time and began to use the Mana Force.

Initially, Dante and Aline observed Emily's meditation with curiosity and mild confusion. They couldn't quite comprehend why she would engage in such a practice when she didn't use mana like they did. Her calm and serene demeanor piqued their interest, and they wondered what purpose her meditation served.I think you should take a look at

However, as they continued to observe her closely, a subtle shift in Emily's aura caught their attention. It was as if a gentle breeze of energy surrounded her, distinct from the typical manifestations of mana they were accustomed to. They sensed a gradual but steady expansion of her inner power, as if she was slowly increasing her mana pool through different means.

"It seems that Emily has been busy while we were abroad," Dante said while putting his sword on his side and sitting on the ground. "Did we miss anything while we were away aside from the disappearance of those three students?"

"No," Ethan replied.

Aline looked around in search of something that she could use to sit. While she cleaned the place, she didn't want to sit on the floor. Now that Ethan thought about it, her clothes were way more focused on fashion than on the objective of the mission. Some leggings and a summer red dress. Ethan didn't know shit about fashion, but he felt that it was weird. Regardless, she approached Dante and kept studying Ethan.

"What? Do you want to change Dante for me?" Ethan asked. "Sorry, but I am more into the more mature type of women."

"Your sister told us to be wary of your nonsense, but I am still surprised," Aline furrowed her eyebrows.

"That is not nonsense at all; it is a true objective fact," Ethan shrugged.

Dante couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the unexpected nature of the comment. It seemed as if Ethan's words inadvertently brought a momentary respite from the somber atmosphere.

Dante's laughter was not meant as a response to the intended humor of Ethan's remark but rather a recognition of the contrast between the situation at hand and the unintended effect it had on the group. He appreciated Ethan's unintentional effort to infuse a touch of levity into their surroundings, even if Ethan himself wasn't aware of it.

The laughter served as a brief interruption to the prevailing seriousness, a momentary release of tension. It allowed the group to momentarily step away from the weight of their mission and find solace in the small spark of humor amidst the bleakness.

"Anyway, thank you for coming with us," Dante said.

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