Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 28


As soon as Lennok saw another call from an unknown number, he hung up without regret.

The number of times the cell phone rang is over dozens of times. They were all calls from Dyke.

Since Lennok didn’t respond at all to the reward offered by the other side, his body was heating up.

First of all, the amount more than double the previously promised success fee was deposited into my bank account, but I didn’t intend to be satisfied with just this much.

If we couldn’t give trust in this way from the beginning of the operation, where is the guarantee that it won’t happen in the future?

It doesn’t pay off until Panoa gets a lot more than he promised.

Lennok was ready to give up collaborating with them without hesitation if he was just going to wash his mouth with this at Dyke.

In the end, it was Panoa who raised the white flag first.

[I got a call from Dyke. They asked me to come to the head office in a week. In the meantime, I’m trying to determine the marginal line that should be received from this side, but if you have time, come and see her face.] I

thought it would take some time to decide on an incentive to give to Lennok, but I never thought they would ask for a grace period of a week.

Panoa was well aware of the fact that time was not an issue.

By now, she must have sensed that she had to give Lennok more than money.

Waiting a week or so wasn’t a big deal, if that’s for sure.

Thinking so, the moment he opened the bar, Lennok noticed that the atmosphere inside was very strange.


Jenny’s bar wasn’t always very noisy, but it was different from the time when the noise of the drunkards never stopped.

In the middle of the bar in a strangely quiet bar, someone was sitting with his back to the door and quietly drinking. Next to


, Jenny watches him with an annoyed expression, and Jordan with an expressionless face.

But what you should pay more attention to than that is the attitude of the other customers in this bar.

Until this time, customers who had not cared about anyone visiting were subtly wary of the person sitting at the bar.

She is skinny and tall enough that her legs stick out from the side of the bar area.

Although he was wearing a suit, his arms and legs had quite a few wrinkles, and a strong smell of perfume emanated from nearby.

Noticing Lennok’s approach, the man slowly turned his head.

“Oh, you finally found me. I was waiting for you.”


A desolate yet blunt impression. The neck visible under the shirt is full of all sorts of unknown tattoos.

He was tall enough to make the glass he was holding look small because of how big his hands were, and grinned at Lennok.

“Do you know who I am?”


“Right. But from now on, you should know.”


As soon as the man finished speaking, a strong force attacked Lennok.

A sharp sword fired with clear will in magic power.

It was ferocious enough that an ordinary person would not be able to breathe at once, but it could not penetrate even Lennok’s shield and vanished after hovering in vain.

Looking down at Lennok, whose expression didn’t change, the man smiled intriguedly.

“He’s the one who suffered a lot from what you did this time.”

tuk tuk.

Lennok, who pushed his mana as if brushing off dust from his shoulder to let go of his momentum, responded.

“Is that the guy who used to work with Paul Ackerman?”

“It was a business that received investment from that friend.”

“You mean a trader who sells weapons.”


The man narrows his eyes and glares at Lennok.

Now there was only dead silence in the bar.

“So you’re here to retaliate for that?”

It’s faster than I thought, but it’s not that I didn’t think of this situation.

It was inevitable that there would be enemies the moment you touched the close profit relationship in the 40th District.

Up until now he had been trying to avoid pointless conflict, but Lennok had given up on pretending to be clean alone in this filthy back alley.

Only by taking away the things they are holding can they rise higher.

A collision was unavoidable.

Did he read something from Lennok’s expression?

The man stared at his face silently, then shook his head slowly.

“……At least not today.”

He slowly rose from the bar, his head trying to touch the bar’s ceiling.

It’s a big thing that looks like it’s 2m easily. I felt it from the moment I sat down, but he was a very elongated person.

“I just came to warn you.”


“Little boy. We don’t look at our opponents as children. For the first time or so, you can skip the topic, but if you try to get your hands on our business one more time, you’ll have to be prepared.”


Once more, the mana centered on the man surged violently to press Lennok’s shoulders.

Maybe it’s a personality that can’t be solved without killing the opponent’s spirit.

Lennox had no intention of putting up with it.


Shock magic reduced to the size of a fist was shot directly into the man’s abdomen.

The one shot that broke Eriksen’s back in an undeveloped district at once.

However, the man was surprisingly excited, but soon recovered his complexion and looked down at him with a look of surprise.

Lennox met that gaze and responded calmly.

“Don’t get me wrong. I will tell you in advance.”


“If you try to solve the problem in such a messy way, the client here won’t stand still. You don’t think that Paul Ackerman is stupid enough to leave a dead body behind, right?”

The man’s eyebrows twitched at Lennok’s difficult words.

He would have guessed that there would be a back ship, but he never thought that Lennok would threaten him back like this.

Lennok stared up at the man calmly like Lennok.

Even now, the calculator was busy running in his head.

You’re ready to take the risk, but that doesn’t mean you have to stupidly bear the burden all by yourself.

If necessary, he was willing to divert attention from Lennok by appropriately selling Dyke’s name.

It seemed that dirty murderous intentions flowed from his eyes for a very moment, perhaps realizing the intention of the words, but he quickly calmed down his emotions.

He recognized that he was not in a position to act in this situation.

“….good. Let’s do something that has never happened before. Got it?”

At the same time, he did not forget to throw a glance at Jenny and threaten him.

“jenny. Neither do you. Know that the reason I don’t touch your bar is because of Kaise’s name. If you do something stupid like circling this guy…”

“Beck. Too many words.”


“Get out of my bar right now.”

The man called Beck did not respond to Jenny’s sharp reply.

He took one last glance at Lennok and left the bar.

Only after the elongated shadow completely disappears does the tense tension disappear.


Lennox let out a small sigh and sat down on the bar.

Jenny poured out a glass of whiskey and handed it to him without saying anything.

“So who are you?”

“Cigar Bang’s executive. Beck Clinton.”

Jenny replied nonchalantly.

“It’s the most active gang in District 48 recently.”

“So it was like that.”

A gang that dealt directly with Paul Ackerman, and a gang that moves with Area 48 as its territory.

Of course, since he died in the harbor of their district, it was only natural that the fever spread.

I never thought that Lennok would be waiting for him at the bar.

“The number of members of the organization is close to 1,000, and the scale of the business is not easy, so it is an organization that belongs to the upper ranks among gangs in terms of financial power.”


“If they collide, they won’t be easy opponents. I recommend cooperating with Dyke and getting the number right.”

It’s a gang gang….

I’ve received various requests against corporate mercenaries, criminal organizations, and scavengers, but it’s the first time I’ve ever dealt with a gang except for the time of Amnak Pharmaceutical Company.

Unlike others who follow the rules to some extent and fit in with the order of the underworld, they are outlaws from birth, and outlaws pickled in the stimulation of violence.

How much pressure should I be prepared for?

What is the probability that the support coming from Dyke will be helpful?

Regardless of what Lennok was determined to do, it is always desirable to assume and deal with the worst in preparation.

Assuming that Panoa’s support does not reach him and he has to deal with Cigar Bang alone, he should start preparing little by little from now on so that he can reasonably deal with unexpected situations.

That was something that had to be done at least before Dyke’s second request began.

While Lennok, who had roughly organized his thoughts, picked up his whiskey glass, Jenny brought a laptop and turned the screen upside down.

“Wait a minute, look at this.”


“About 5 of them, including the unnamed request targeting wizards and the nomination request targeting half of you. Check it out.”

I had no intention of accepting the job because I was still thinking of getting myself in shape… If Jenny said this, she wouldn’t be saying it without thinking.

Lennok immediately grabbed the laptop and looked through the list of requests she had compiled.

Two from the corporate side. one in the office.

The first three quests are common, if common, quests that require the magician’s firepower in a common conflict on this floor.

The fourth was a request from the scavenger again, and it contained the content of finding a useful detective-type wizard who would volunteer to explore the underground waterway.

and last. For some reason, Lennok, who noticed the familiar name, paused and looked up at Jenny.



The name of the broker who gave him the business card the other day was written there.

Considering that it was a nomination request with the exact name of the class, the person involved was probably certain.

“Do brokers operate in this way these days?”

“well. But if you look at the amount you’re putting out, you probably don’t just want to do business.”

In order to recruit Lennok, Sebastian’s advance payment was a whopping 22 million cells.

At this level, it was hard to believe that it was simply to get Lennok’s attention.

“Perhaps he is looking for you because he has something he really wants to entrust to you. Don’t you think it will help you this time?”


Lennok rested his chin in thought, but on the other hand, he couldn’t help but be curious about the appearance of a client he hadn’t thought of at all.

According to what I heard from Jenny in the past, most of the clients he deals with are rich individuals rather than organizations.

And among such customers, there will undoubtedly be quite a few people who are well versed in the physiology of the company.

If Sebastian could eavesdrop on the inside affairs of those companies, especially Dyke…

it wouldn’t be a bad deal.

“Are you okay?”

“Because I don’t care. If you were going to work with him, Van, you would have gone to him long ago. And…”


“My name is already listed as your broker on the deep web.”

Seeing Jenny’s mischievous grin, Lennok inadvertently laughed as well.

It’s been a while since I just let go of such a bloody guest, but I’m a pretty nervous person to be able to play with words like this.

And Lennok felt that her personality wasn’t too bad.

“good. Then come back.”

“If you put in an acceptance request, I will contact you. Do you know how much Sebastian bothered me when I was summoned the other day?”

Could it be that he had already put in work on both sides of the material mind without knowing it?

Instead of replying, Lennok gave a smile and left the bar.

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