Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 943

The Medicine-Taking Genius Wizard Episode 943

Dapcheon (3)

An acrid wasteland covered in blood and oil.

Priests recited prayers and armies of machines exploded gunpowder.


thud!! Quad deuk!!!

A silent scream. A deafening roar.

The pain and screams of the fallen are drowned out by the shouts and prayers of the survivors, and they trample with their own hands without even being able to distinguish the lives of those who fought together.

The amount is so overwhelming that it fills the entire battlefield stretching out to the very end of the horizon.

In the clash that divided heaven and earth, all kinds of death bloomed like flowers and fell like dust.

A battlefield so chaotically scattered that it is impossible to distinguish between factions and factions, and mechanically repeating slaughter and destruction.

Even hell, where it’s too much to pour your heart into just killing the enemy in front of you without knowing what you’re fighting for.

Lennok was walking in the middle of such a battlefield with his religious leader.


There are no techniques such as magical footwork or space transfer techniques.

Even in this chaos, the back of the religious leader walks slowly with his back as if he were going for a walk.

If he was aware of the meeting with the leader and was trying to arrange it, he would also be trying his best to keep the time on track.

Therefore, Lennok focused on walking along the leader and looking around the battlefield.

‘An ancient Holy Spirit-based technique built into the Archangel series. In the second, did it exist in its proper form?’

The power wielded by priests who summon the image of an angel.

It looks similar to what the priests of the Guido Church use, but it also seems a little more concise than Lennok’s memories.

Was it an intentional result that the shamanism used by the religious order was not so clean?

However, what interested Lennok more was not the priests of the old world, but the existence of a machine army fighting on the other side.

Complex-shaped war machines that confront the priests, clad in shadow-like black energy.

‘It has the shape of a machine, but its design structure and operating principles are not that elaborate. ‘Is it just that they used that as the base?’

An image appeared in Lennok’s eyes as he focused his attention amidst the rushing fire and fire.

‘If I were to really ask about the power source… it’s similar to the spiritual system. I’m filling in the gaps by combining necromancy and mechanical engineering.’

The black spirit body wrapped around the war machine is not a shadow, but a spirit that has been adjusted to inhabit non-human bodies.

And assisting the soul is a part of necromancy so transcendent that not even Lennok can understand its depth.

Could it be that everything that is happening now was a disaster caused by the magic of just one person?

The moment when Lennok realized that fact and his mouth tightened slightly.

A gloomy black-green glow rose from the far end of the horizon.


A gloomy pillar of light mixed with black and dark green explodes at incredible speed, connecting the sky and the ground.

The fact that it appears at the end of the horizon is proof that the size and diameter of that light is tens of thousands of meters.

It’s so overwhelming that even Lennok pauses at the unrealistic scale that goes beyond the laws and common sense of the world.

[For a long time, being on par with the world and moving on to the next level has been called ascension.] Breaking the

long silence, the religious leader opened his mouth.

[However, there were pioneers who realized for themselves that it was not such a noble feat….]


The cult leader referred to Lennok’s memory of this moment as the moment when an ascendant succeeds in ascending to heaven.

It is a word that is not allowed in the third world, where the fourth does not exist.

This cannot happen in the world of Lennok, where there are no transcendents who have succeeded in ascending to heaven.

If so, this memory must be a moment that shows the miracle that existed in the second world.

If the leader remembers the moment of successful ascension, it is possible because this memory is a second one.

Since the leader moved to meet the leader who lives in his memory, should we say that the leader is also considerate of him and sets the stage for him?

In that case, the owner of this memory is not the leader or leader-

“It was a memory challenged by an ascendant other than you.”

[Do you understand my curiosity about my ascension? It is not a memory worth choosing as a meeting place.] The

cult leader smiled faintly.

[I’m not sure if I can call that moment a memory anymore….]


[Showing this memory to you today is possible because this moment is meaningful to us as well….]

While Lennok remained silent at the leader’s meaningful answer, the leader walked slowly and spoke.

[This is because there is something to be said about the methodology chosen by one of the most outstanding pioneers in all three worlds.]

It is the methodology of a pioneer.

Does this moment itself mean that there is something to learn from not only the leader and leader, but also Lennok?

While Lennok was troubled by the unexpected explanation, the leader whispered slowly.

[When other challengers tried to jump over him, he chose a completely different method…]

As if he still remembers that moment, as if he couldn’t stand it even with his voice gradually fading.

A smile that couldn’t be hidden was mixed with the feeling that even speaking felt difficult.

[He tried to pull it down….]

“…pulling it down?”

The moment when Lennok paused at the clear expression of the leader’s attitude, which he sometimes showed against the leader or Lennok.

The sky over the battlefield turned dark.


The illusion that a huge shadow is cast across the sky and the light disappears for an instant.

Everything that was fighting on the battlefield, where life and death were swapped and blooming, all raised their heads towards the sky.


The sun rising in the sky was being obscured as if it were being eaten by a huge, endless shadow.

A total solar eclipse that looks as if it was artificially created by an unknown giant creature swimming above the stars.

The clouds that cover the sky are not giant, unidentifiable beasts or structures.

It wasn’t the moon and satellites orbiting the star, or even the apocalypse swimming across the open ocean.

It is a much bigger and more incomprehensible concept than that, and something that cannot exist in this memory.

A contradiction that ignores the process where cause and effect must exist and brings about the result.

“No way…”

What overlaps with the sun rising in the sky and covers the ground is the presence of someone who has acquired a status comparable to the world.

Because it has achieved a status equal to the world, even if only for a moment, it has its own power and meaning and stands upright in the open sea.

A miracle of transcendence where worlds overlap. A lunar eclipse that equalizes the status of humans and the world and obscures each other.

The moment when Lennok realized the meaning of the words explained by the religious leader and inadvertently raised his thoughts.


The scenery unfolding before Lennok and the leader’s eyes shattered, and a new scenery appeared before their eyes.

A huge shadow temple floating in emptiness and darkness.

An army of giants marches beneath their feet, and above their heads angels put their hands together as if praying.

An archangel with dazzling wings and a halo in the air, holding out a finger with a gentle expression.

A gloomy black-green pillar of light connecting the sky and the ground. In the middle of the central point that maintains this status quo.

A lich wearing black robes stood alone looking down at the ground.


A skeleton with no visible traces of flesh. The thin bones that make up the arms and legs.

However, on top of the robe are artifacts of all kinds of complex shapes, covering the body.

The whole body of the lich, who felt so thin and unsightly, was filled with magic and thoughts as deep and vast as the sea.


Even though he is a mere reminiscence in my memory, I can clearly feel that he is a magician who has reached a transcendental level.

An ascender who has reached level 9. Among them, he is definitely a necromancer who can summon spirits and spirits and use them as his power.

Even Lennok would have had to fight to the death if he had encountered such a being in reality.

The moment when Lennok’s expression hardened as if he were inadvertently wary, even though he knew that he was a transcendental person who did not exist here.

The cult leader casually turned behind Richie and said.

[Naoise Fenn was a lich with transcendental mediumship qualities throughout the three worlds.]

The lich, who commands the disaster unfolding simultaneously in heaven and earth, tilts his head slightly to look at his profile, as if willing.

[He was born without human senses, but on the contrary, he was born with an innate sense for feeling other concepts…] “

…Do you want to say that he had excellent sensitivity?”

[He has the aptitude to succeed in any field that deals with souls, so he chose necromancy.] A

soft roar rang out from the mouth of the cult leader, who focused his noisy gaze on the lich.

[Because he knew that the next thing he longed for existed outside the world….]


Is he a transcendental person who has perfected his bizarrely bent talents from the moment he was born?

A talent so transcendent that the cult leader himself mentions, remembers, and specifies its name.

He must have been a necromancer with no comparison even in this world.

But Lennok was thinking about the way the cult leader explained necromancy.

Unlike necromancy, which involves manipulating the spirits of the dead, necromancy is a technique that also deals with spiritual bodies that have not experienced death.

Compared to necromancy, it is relatively weak when it comes to controlling spirits, but has unrivaled strength when it comes to summoning spirits.

“Necromancy is the same as, but different from, necromancy. Are you saying that the difference has something to do with the success of the ascension?”

[Necromancy is a technique that calls upon spirits rather than those of this world. As long as the spirit of the ritual is maintained, the concepts of the sacrifice to be offered and the spirit to be summoned can be interchanged as many times as desired.]

The cult leader laughed.

[He knew from the beginning how to control his powers without anyone telling him…]


In the form of a skeleton whose emotions cannot be read at all, he slowly makes the hand sign with both hands together.

A lich’s chant that moves as if he is commanding the moment in slow time, as if he is alone and separate from the urgent pace of the battlefield moving from all directions.

However, just by doing this, the speed of the total solar eclipse in the sky became faster and the shaking of the ground beneath our feet became stronger.


A pillar of black-green light that levitates the Temple of Darkness in the air.

The pillar of light is exploding like an explosion from between cracks in the ground.

“…no way.”

It is not simply that the ground splits and light bursts through the cracks.

Lennok, who realized that the two lands on either side of the crack had different appearances and materials, was unable to control his expression and his face hardened.

“Nonsense. Did they induce a tectonic shift and force a collision…!”

[War, massacre, struggle and conflict… He made the two continents collide materially and ideologically and made them the object of necromancy…] The cult

leader muttered.

[We succeeded in instilling a part of the third world that did not exist yet into this world…]


The dark-green pillar spreading out darkly is aligned with the sky where the total solar eclipse began.

The light, slowly slanted as if sweeping across the ground, draws a dark trajectory using the pure white sky as a drawing board.

A black-green brilliance penetrated exactly across the sky where the total solar eclipse unfolded.

The planet’s crust is used as the object of necromantic magic and collides with it to increase the power of necromantic magic to its limit.

A transcendental miracle that uses amplified necromantic magic to level one’s own status to that of the world.

A momentary opportunity for the ascendant to challenge ascension. A great challenge that risks one’s entire life.

However, Naoise Fenn did not pass his body to the next world or jump over the second world.

He attempted to forcibly drag the part of ‘Daum’ that had not yet come to this world into reality using his necromancy.

Not ascension, but ascent to heaven.

In a completely different way than countless challengers imagined, he understood Ascension, played with it, trampled on it, insulted it, and made it his own.

And at the end of the journey he reached, the next thing he faced was –


At that moment, time stopped with the sound of Noice stuttering.

The abnormality occurred so unknowingly that even Lennok, who had forgotten to breathe and opened his eyes wide, was unable to recognize the discomfort for a moment.

[A few moments that you and I both cherish in our hearts…]

The leader whispered and slowly turned around.

[The last of a world…]


[The memory you might be waiting for would not be a moment with this much meaning…]

At that moment, Lennok was on the other side of the huge shadow temple. I realized there was someone standing there.

A huge crack across the sea and sky.

An image of someone standing with their arms crossed in front of a light that completely splits time and space.

A face mixed with noise and an uncomfortable shadow that makes it impossible to guess the shape of the body.

But even so, Lennok could recognize who he was at a glance.

The Demon Musketeer of the old world. A failed God Slayer.

After lending his power to Lennok, the leader did not leave and disappear.

I just knew where to meet the religious leader and placed myself in the memories of when he would come.

The leader knew from the beginning that the leader was waiting for them in this memory.

[A long time ago… I used to imagine this moment…]

The religious leader whispered softly.

[I don’t know when, but I think I will be able to hold on until the day I believed would come….]


The leader and the leader standing face to face with the transcendental person challenging for ascension.

The two people must have actually met at this moment somewhere in the world that existed a long time ago.

Only then did Lennok realize that everything had finally come together in this place.

The first is coincidence. The second is inevitable. The third is fate.

The whisper I heard right before I opened my eyes in this world.

The origin of those words, which had been hovering around like a curse, finally came to Lennok’s eyes.

How many secrets had to be uncovered to witness this moment?

How many taboos and sacrifices had to be passed, through the blood-soaked past and history, and to find the origins?

The head of the Pandemonium and Guido cults.

The people who always chased after you are now right in front of you.

Even if you stand in the same place, it is not the same; even if you stand in a different place, it is not different.

Three people who could never meet across three worlds came together in one place.

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