Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 588 A big step

Chapter 588 A big step

The guests were slowly leaving the Sect, and the next day as Wu Long returned from sending off the delegation of the Brilliant Sun Temple, he saw Cai Yin approaching him.

"Your Highness"

He smiled, and she returned his smile.

"Daoist Wu, would you care for a walk with me?"

"I would be delighted to, Your Highness.


Wu Long put out his palm inviting her to walk first, and as she did he followed beside her.

"I had something that I wanted to discuss with you, Daoist Wu..."

Cai Yin opened her mouth to speak after a long time of walking in comfortable silence, admiring the beautiful scenery, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, and basking in the comfortable weather.

"Of course, Your Highness. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts"

"Thank you.

Though I first wanted to express my gratitude for helping me, and my Kingdom"

"Hahaha, Your Highness is too polite. You are someone who Min'er considers her benefactor, so there is no need for you to be so humble about receiving help from me"

"Still, without you not only would have the Kingdom have fallen into the hands of Gu Zhen, but it would have then likely foolishly joined the war against you and have been ruined by now"

"Hmm, as far as the Tingren Kingdom is concerned, you do not have to be so worried about my help either, as it benefited me to leave it out of the conflict"

Wu Long spoke in a lighthearted voice as Cai Yin sighed.

"Even if you say that, it still does not change the fact you did so much for me personally and for my country.

But, I am ashamed to admit that even while those words leave my lips, there is a part of me that shamelessly wishes that there was a way for my people to continue receiving your benevolence..."

The two of them approached a beautiful spot which was on the edge of a small cliff, the buildings and courtyards of the Sect looking like a small idyllic town below them as the trees bloomed with flowers.

Princess Cai Yin stopped and turned to Wu Long who mirrored her actions.

"That is, unfortunately, impossible"

Wu Long smiled, shaking his head and approaching the railing, looking at the scenery while Cai Yin remained on her spot a bit behind him, a wry smile appearing on her face as she lowered her head.

She was expecting that answer, but it still pained her to hear it.

"At least if you mean taking care of Tingren Kingdom"

He then added and she looked back up at him to find out he turned to look at her.

"What do you...?"

She asked in light confusion, as it seemed his words held a deeper meaning.

"I mean that if you wish to take those who support you, and trusted people, it is not impossible for you to join the Eternal Duality Valley with them"

Wu Long smiled.


"Your Highness has no plans to take the throne, correct?"

Wu Long asked and she widened her eyes.

"Yes, but, how did you know?"

"By the fact your entourage included a candidate to the throne, a cousin of yours if I am not mistaken"

Wu Long chuckled, and she nodded with understanding.

"My Tingren Kingdom is slightly more traditional than most, and the one to take the throne has always been a male heir.

Even if women take active part in governing and politics of the country, the throne is steeped in tradition that is yet untouched"

"But that is not the only reason, right?

While you obviously care for the people of your Kingdom, you never had the ambition to rule in the first place"

Wu Long's eyes revealed a glint as he spoke with a chuckle, his words making the Royal Princess amazed at how accurately he read her intentions, while he turned his head to the side to look at the view once more, Cai Yin's eyes, however, never leaving his figure.

"It is quite a conundrum you are in, Your Highness.

You have the heart that cares for the people, firm principles and upright character, possessing a bright mind, yet no ambition that would allow you to take their destinies into your hands.

You are too kind.

And thus your character is not fit for the Royal Palace, even though, it possesses some qualities that the most outstanding member of a Royal Family should have.

In an ideal world you would make a perfect member of a ruling dynasty though.

It is a pity, we live in a world not quite so ideal"

Wu Long did not sugarcoat his words, bluntly telling her his opinion, as she looked at him with surprised eyes.

"You mean that I am not cruel and scheming enough for the Royal Palace?"

She asked and he nodded, turning his gaze back to her.


"But... after you helped us bring stability and purge the rotten-..."

"Stability that will not last too long.

Prosperity is fleeting in a mortal country, Your Highness.

Not even ten years will pass and the palace will once more be enveloped in intrigue, gossips and scheming.

Hundred years later, the continent will be full of turmoil, maybe not as big as Gu Zhen's plan, but enough to topple one or two dynasties.

Thousand years later, none of the countries existing now will be here anymore, only the Azure Eagle Empire will likely survive as it has people behind it that live longer than that"

Wu Long spoke without letting Cai Yin finish her thought, as it was a conversation he had many times and thus could see its progression, turning to look at the distant scenery as his hands clasped behind his back.

"I've seen it far too many times.

There was a time when I actively helped countries, families, people, only to find ruins thousands of years later.

Time will flow and turn mountains into plains, seas into deserts..."

Wu Long's tone became a bit distant as Cai Yin listened as if bewitched, sucked into the atmosphere.

"...but then, plains will become mountains in other places, and other deserts will become seas.

A volcano will erupt, burning the forest, until the new forest rises from the ashes.

The fortune comes and goes, and on the ruins of one kingdom will rise a new one, to perish after prospering and then give rise to another.

And so the cycle goes on.

It may seem that one low is the worst time of all, or one high is the highest of them all, but it only seems so because the scale you compare it on is not vast enough, take enough steps back, and you will see the waves of time"

His peaceful tone strangely did not make her doubt his words, even though what he said was far too distant. His claim of experiencing it, oddly did not give rise to the feeling of discrepancy, instead fitting very naturally.

"But is it not meaningful to put in effort into shaping the present that you want?"

She asked as the way he spoke made every effort seem futile.

"Of course, which is exactly what I do.

I intervene as I see fit, shaping the present of the world around me as I want to see it. I just mean that it is important to recognize the fleeting nature of that present.

When I intervene and bring peace, I don't harbor hopes that this peace will last forever, neither if I bring prosperity to someone do I expect them or their descendants to never know poverty.

Of course, if I attained immortality and stayed in one place to continue ensuring the success of something, that would be different.

But even immortal dynasties have cycles of crisis and prosperity.

Not to mention that I have no interest or obligation to sacrifice eternal effort to maintain peace and success of a country.

My help is limited only while it is within my grasp, and after that moment passes, I leave it to those who come next"

Wu Long nodded as he turned back to her with a chuckle.

"But we digress.

What I meant to say was that you may find it comfortable to be a member of the Royal House of Tingren Kingdom for some time, but it will be a fleeting comfort.

And thus I am offering you a way out"

He then smiled as they briefly shifted to a slightly more philosophical discussion.

"But is that not the obligation of those ruling to not abandon those they rule?

How... how, after being born into the Royal House that carries this burden of responsibility, how can I abandon it?"

She asked, conflicted, as her heart strived to agree, while her sense of duty bound her like chains.

"Why abandon? You will establish a good rule, by your chosen candidate, who you would advise, ensuring the prosperity of your Kingdom for the next decade or even more.

Not to mention, you have gotten your country through the toughest crisis it would face in the next thousand years.

I would say that you have long since fulfilled your duties as someone who just so happened to be born in a ruling house, and repaid everything this country has done for you since birth.

As for the future, you just have to trust that there would be someone who would appear to lead your people to prosperity in the future.

Even if you stayed, the very maximum you could ensure your country's prosperity is 3000 years if you reach Mortal Transcendence Realm.

In the end, you would still have to leave the country to the future generations.

Such is the fate of mortal countries"

Wu Long's words were like a heavy hammer that shattered the chains binding Cai Yin, as her eyes opened wide as her heart beat loudly in her chest.

She gulped, her throat becoming dry as she was reasoning with herself.

"I... I... can I really... can I follow you... there where you are going?"

She asked after a long pause, her voice still full of hesitation, but a strong desire born within her eyes visible to Wu Long like on an open palm.

"Of course, I made the offer, and don't plan to rescind it"

Wu Long chuckled.

"Then... I... I would be in your care, Daoist Wu"

"Mm, likewise, Your Highness"

Wu Long smiled seeing the excitement and trepidation in Cai Yin's eyes, who just now took a big step from her past she was bound to, into the future that opened up before her.

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