Eldritch Guidance

Chapter 70: Dinner Date

“Mycomancy is an advanced form of magic that is derived from plant magic, Dendromancy.

“Originally created for purely agricultural purposes, this type of magic allows for the manipulation of various types of fungi. It can stimulate rapid growth resulting in giant mushrooms. The fungi can also be manipulated through this type of magic to take on countless unique qualities that are both useful for food and pharmaceutical production.

“Mycomancy is also very flexible as a type of magic. While not primarily known for its offensive capabilities, mushrooms can be altered through mycomancy to take on qualities that would be helpful in combat situations. An example being boom-shrooms, a type of mushroom that can violently explode and only exist through the use of mycomancy. As such, this magic can be used in situations where its user is required to fight.

“However, mushroom magic is more known for its non-combat uses.

“In terms of food production, Mycomancy can create edible mushrooms that can grow and thrive in all kinds of harsh environmental conditions. As long as the mushrooms created with this magic have access to water, they can be grown almost anywhere.

“It also surprisingly doubles very well as a type of healing magic. In recent times, the most prominent example of this magic healing ability is the mycelium mesh. Developed and produced by archmage Yaren Zuzanna, this mycelium mesh is a pharmaceutical product that is capable of replicating human cells. Primarily used to allow those without healing magic to reattach severed limbs.

“As such, people capable of using this type of magic are highly sought out after. However, this magic is very rare. Due to the difficulty of learning and mastering this magic, there are only 53 recorded mages in the current day capable of using it.”

—“Advance SpellCraft, 4th Edition” written by Oshrat Nebrod

Within the Lockheart's expensive apartment home. A fancy dinner was being held. It was in honor of Victor Lockheart, Sere’s oldest brother, who was visiting today.

Most of the Lockheart family was sitting around an opulent dining room table lit by arcane candlelight. Adjacent to them, a grand window offered a captivating vista of the sprawling city below.

At the head of the table was Edward Lockheart, father of Sere. His demeanor was that of a seasoned individual, with silver hair lending an air of refinement to his presence. Beside him sat Margaret Lockheart, his wife, who was an attractive woman in her middle-aged grace with chestnut-colored hair.

On the opposite end sat Victor Lockheart, Edward's son, who bore a striking resemblance to his father, sharing his silver-colored hair. Yet, Victor exuded a warmth and approachability that contrasted with his father's much more stern demeanor, fostering a friendly atmosphere at the table. And, sitting between her father and brother was Sere.

On the table, an assortment of delectable dishes was laid out. Everyone was helping themselves to the food.

Ms. Lockheart poured her culinary passion into crafting a truly extravagant meal with the assistance of her husband. Serving a perfectly cooked succulent steak topped with a creamy white sauce made from expensive rock goat cheese. Accompanying it were buttery potatoes and delicately seasoned vegetables. It was a feast to behold.

Everyone was enjoying the food. Sere wielded her knife with precision, slicing it into a tender chunk of steak and placing that piece in her mouth. She savored every bite, appreciating the effort her mother and father made to make this meal.

Edward was the first to stop eating to address his son.

Edward: “So did your brother tell you why he couldn’t join us today?”

Victor: “Lewis told me his unit was doing some military drills up north near the Sloan Republic. Otherwise, he would've come with me today.”

Victor and his brother Lewis were both mages working in the Union military. Lewis held the rank of captain, leading a small company of soldiers. Meanwhile, Victor's exceptional intellect and extraordinary talents propelled him to the fifth rank of general at a remarkably young age. Making him the youngest general in Union State history.

While Victor held the modest title of a fifth-rank general, the lowest ranking for a general, his exceptional abilities were beyond question. Many speculated that had he devoted himself solely to Arcane studies, he might have surpassed even the legendary Tri-mages to become the youngest Archmage in history.

Margaret: “That’s such a shame. You’re always so busy out near the border of the warring states that we rarely all get to see you,” Sere’s mother chimed in.

Victor: “I know. I wish I could come see you guys more often.”

Edward: “I’m more concerned about why they sent Lewis for training exercises near the Sloan Republic. There is an active civil war going on in Gix. I don’t know why we have to worry about those slavers up there. I know they’re terrible people, but they're not stupid enough to try and provoke a war with us.”

Victor: “It’s not a conflict with us the other generals are worried about. It’s, um… actually, I don't think I'm allowed to tell you guys. Let’s just say there's trouble brewing in Sloan, and we’re preparing just in case.”

Sere was chewing her stake, listening to this conversation, before she swallowed and joined in.

Sere: “Lewis isn't in any danger, is he?”

Victor: “Don’t worry. It’s likely nothing. And, Lewis can handle himself. Anyway, I wanna hear from you. You got caught up in some insane conspiracy, I heard. You really managed to stop Sorin?"

Sere: “Oh, um yeah. Did you know him?”

Victor: “Yeah. I took one of his classes when I was attending Graheel. I never thought he was a necromancer. Or that my little sis managed to stop him. How did you do it, by the way?”

Sere: “Um, we managed to distract him long enough to get the big chandelier in the library to fall, and...” she paused, unsure what to say.

Whenever Sere was asked to recount the tale of what happened with Sorin, it made her feel uncomfortable. Each time she told the story, she did so without mentioning Cid, the real one who stopped Sorin. She felt undeserved credit was being attributed to her by not telling people about Cid.

Edward: “Victor, be more sensitive. One of her friends died during that whole thing.”

This story has been taken without authorization. Report any sightings.

Sere’s father sensed her unease and assumed it was related to the death of her friend, Cris.

Victor: “Ah! I’m sorry, little sis. I didn't want to upset you,” he said apologetically.

Sere: “No, that's fine.”

Margaret: “While we’re on this topic and since you’re here, could you talk some sense into your sister.”

Victor: “Huh, what’s going on?”

Margaret: “She was offered admission into the Arcane Eye College but refused.

Victor: “Really?! Why would you refuse that little sis? I know you want to be a healer and all, and Silverwing College is famous for all that, but you still could have been a healing mage through the Arcane Eye.

Edward: “She would have to join the enforcers,” he said as he took a bite of steak.

Victor: “That’s all? Pft, I would have still done it. It’s been forever since a Lockheart got into the Arcane Eye.”

Edward: “She would have had to work, and TRAIN, under Mitra.”

Victor: “Oh…OK, I get it. You made the right choice, Sere.”

Margaret: “Not you too! What is it about this Mitra woman that makes you all agree with Sere’s decision to reject joining the Arcane Eye?”

Edward: “Honey, you don’t know what Mitra is like.”

Victor: “Yeah…”

Edward is a retired combat instructor for the university, and Victor attended the university as a Lionheart student. Both men knew exactly what Mitra was like and found Sere’s rejection of that offer perfectly reasonable.

Sere: “Um, that is not really why I—” she said before getting cut off by her father.

Edward: “It doesn't matter. Regardless of what you choose, I'll support you as your father. It’s what parents are supposed to do. Right, honey?”

Sere’s mother let out a deep sigh.

Margaret: “I suppose.”

Edward: “Besides, not many people can say they rejected an offer from Lazarus Vaal. That's pretty impressive in itself.”

Sere: “I guess. But, I'm getting a lot of unwanted attention because of it. I really didn’t want fame like this. People are constantly trying to interview me.”

Edward: “Don’t worry. I talked to your uncle. He knows how to handle those annoying paparazzi, and the attention should die down soon.”

Sere: “Thanks, dad.”

Edward: “You’re welcome. Unfortunately, I couldn’t do anything for your two friends. They've been pumping out articles about them like no tomorrow since the university announced the Sleuth-Hawks. So expected to still be hounded down when around those two in public.”

Sere nodded.

Suddenly, a beeping sound could be heard in another room.

Margaret: “Oh! That’s the timer for the cake. I better go take it out of the oven,” she said, before standing up and walking into another room.

Sere's excitement surged to the surface, bubbling over with a gleeful smile. The mere mention of her mother serving cake transformed her demeanor into that of a child.

Sere: “Oh, man. Mom's famous blam berry cake. I can’t wait,” she said while licking her lips.

Victor: “Hahaha. Same old Sere. Still crazy about Mom’s cakes. Better be careful and hold back on dessert, or you’re going to ruin your girlish figure.”

In the blink of an eye, with a murderous rage, a fork was sent flying right at Victor’s head. It cut through the air with a hissing sound. The glint of its metallic surface shimmered as it hurtled toward its target with deadly precision.

The object's speed and power were enhanced with aether and would be dangerous if it hit a normal person. Fortunately, Victor was a Lockheart, and Lockheart's are not normal.

With a swift movement that matched the fork's blinding speed, Victor intercepted the utensil effortlessly. He caught the fork between two fingers. The impact of his catch created a small shockwave, causing the nearby curtains to flutter briefly.

Sere had thrown her fork at her brother and had put everything she had into it. Using enhancement magic, she heightened her physical abilities to their peak. She also coated the fork in aether to allow it to cut through the air better. From an outsider's perspective, it looked like a legitimate attack against Victor's life.

Victor: “Whoa! Your accuracy is as good as ever. But, you put a lot of power into that. It wouldn't have harmlessly bounced off me. What if I didn’t block and let that hit like usual?” he said playfully.

Sere clicked her tongue in annoyance.

Sere: “As if something like that could ever hurt a monster like you. And if you did get hurt, I’ll patch you up, painfully!” she said with rage in her eyes.

Victor: “Man, still as scary as ever.”

Edward: “How old are you and you’re still doing this? Stop teasing your sister. You know she is sensitive about her weight.”

Margaret: “Did someone cast a spell? You two better not be fighting!” she yelled from another room, detecting the fluctuation of aether from Sere’s throw.

Sere took a deep breath, concerned that angering her mother might result in missing out on a coveted slice of cake. She made a conscious effort to quell her emotions, allowing the tension around the dinner table to dissipate.

Soon enough, the Lockhearts resumed their casual banter, with Victor regaling his father and sister with tales of his military adventures. Laughter and shared stories abounded as they settled back into the familiar rhythm of family life.


In the heart of the Graheel’s east end, amidst the labyrinthine alleys and streets that would be lit with neon at night, were John and his loyal canine companion, trotting faithfully by his side.

The street was lined with charming old buildings that were rebuilt and modernized.

John and Lunar walked in comfortable silence, their footsteps echoing against the quiet backdrop of the neighborhood. Occasionally, Lunar would pause to sniff at a particularly intriguing scent, his tail wagging furiously as he explored the familiar streets.

It was the middle of the day, and there was hardly anyone around, evident by the countless close establishments and almost completely vacant sidewalks, save for the occasional passerby. John was sure that this area must be teeming with activity during the nighttime hours. But, during the day, there was hardly anybody around. This was a part of the city that was much more active during the night than the day.

Several well-dressed mutant men wearing dog collars passed by John, their sharp suits catching his eye. They offered a subtle nod of acknowledgment, a small gesture of friendliness, before resuming their journey onward.

“Hmm, they were all wearing dog collars. Actually, almost everyone I've seen around here wears dog collars. The people in the Red-light district have such a weird fashion sense.” John thought to himself.

While it was true that the Red-light district wasn't as active during the day, there were still some establishments that operated at this time. Among them were restaurants, whose doors are usually open to cater to both the day and night crowds, thanks to rotating staff schedules. But, they were closed. And, that was because of the people with dog collars that walked by John.

Unaware of the significance of the dog collars as a symbol of high-ranking Nighthound members, John perceived them merely as an odd fashion statement for those who lived around here. He never imagined that they were the ones who closed down all the stores along the path John was walking.

The Nighthounds continued to do everything in their power to keep people away from John. Beyond his line of sight, they orchestrated a concerted effort to maintain a perimeter around him, and dispatched groups of their more imposing members to intimidate and deter anyone who dared to approach him. They did this all while acting as just casual bystanders going about their business, as per Kyle’s orders.

None of them were told anything about John. Despite lacking a full comprehension of the reasons behind their actions, the Nighthounds tailing John dutifully carried out their orders without hesitation. Their loyalty to their leader, Yin Whitetail, was unwavering, prompting them to obediently follow orders even when the rationale eluded them.

They recognized that John held a profound connection to the Nightqueen, though the precise nature of this relationship remained shrouded in mystery. This caused a lot of rumors and speculation among some of the higher-ranking members of the Nighthound.

John's gaze drifted into the distance, where the imposing silhouette of his destination, the Night Tower, loomed against the skyline. The sheer magnitude of the structure was awe-inspiring; its size dwarfed even iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower from his original world.

Inside that building was a restaurant, where he would meet Yin.

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