Emperor! Can You See Stats!?

Chapter 6: Force Circle and Quad Core

Chapter 6: Force Circle and Quad Core

Still with bloodshot eyes, Marius opened his mouth.

“Your highness, what do you want me to do for you?”

Eurius also looked serious as he held Marius’s hands tightly.

“First of all, please do something about the education time. I’m sick of it!”

A week later, at Marius’s request, who reported the test results to the emperor, all of Eurius’s basic education except swordsmanship was not simply supervised, but he took charge of it himself.

It was a very exceptional situation for one of the best scholars in the empire to teach one person’s entire education, even if he was the imperial prince.

The emperor smiled contentedly, thinking that his strategy worked better than he expected.

“See? He can do it if I push him hard enough.”

The more talented the servant, the more results he got when he worked hard!

Nodding his head, the emperor readily agreed.

But the reality was like this.

‘I don’t think there is much theory that I can teach the first prince anymore.’

Marius gave him a lot of free time for most of the time that had been useless education from Eurius’s point of view, according to his request. 

Thanks to that, he barely got out of the tight and useless schedule and got some personal time to prepare for the future.

‘The first priority is to regain my previous level.’

Grand Duke Wilhelm and Count Wallace were not fools. He couldn’t fool their eyes and ears forever.

He had to restore his previous power as much as possible before the Grand duke’s trap reached him! This was the biggest reason why he persuaded Marius, who was in charge of his schedule.

“Your highness has shown so much interest in swordsmanship lately that I feel motivated to teach.”

Heinz seemed to be in a very good mood lately.

If the prince’s education results were good, his position as a teacher would naturally rise.

Of course, he was not a person who sought petty favors, but if he taught under the same conditions, wouldn’t he prefer a motivated student?

“Your highness has diligently trained, so you have built enough physical foundation to move on to the next step. Now you can start training as a real knight!”

Heinz looked serious today as he took out a small blue stone from his bosom.

“Today we will start training to feel the force. You already know the basic knowledge about force, right?”

“Of course.”

[Force] is an intangible power and flow that exists everywhere in this world.

The outstanding knights and warriors in this continent were all warriors who used this force to overcome human limits.

“First of all, the first task is to feel the flow of force and create a loop that circulates it inside your body.”

The name of the loop was ‘force circle’.

In the imperial knight course, this process of creating a circle was called the first stage. It was not uncommon for people with no talent to take months to complete this stage.

But there was a special method to shorten this process drastically for someone in his position as an imperial prince. It was the object that Heinz had just taken out of his bosom.

“Today you will take this force stone and I will guide you through the flow artificially.”

[Force Stone.] This was a crystal that was rarely formed where the force flow condensed in nature.

This crystal, which emitted a faint blue light like a gemstone, was a treasure that allowed a knight to absorb pure force that would take years of training for an ordinary warrior.

‘It looks like it has A-grade purity.’

Eurius smiled with satisfaction.

No matter how great a warrior he was in his previous life, creating a force circle itself depended on the amount of training.

And if he suddenly circulated a lot of force without any foundation, his body might not be able to withstand it.

But it was different if he took a high-purity force stone and then had an excellent warrior like an imperial guard help him create a circle.

“Your highness, you must not lose consciousness until I say it’s done.”

Heinz repeated several times with earnestness and handed him the force stone.


As soon as the force stone went down Eurius’s throat, Heinz tensed up and put his hand on Eurius’s back.


Heinz immediately injected force into Eurius’s body and crushed the crystal. And he began to control the powerful force flow that tried to leak out from his body.


It was not an easy task to precisely guide the flow of force from someone else’s body rather than his own. Even for an imperial guard-level warrior.

Sweating profusely, Heinz began to condense a circle of force in Eurius’s body center so that his body would not be shocked.

“Your highness, are you okay? Just hold on a little longer.”

This work was also accompanied by quite a bit of pain for the recipient. He was worried that the prince, who had grown up preciously, might not be able to endure it, so Heinz kept giving him words of concern.

“Umm… I think I’m fine for now.”

Eurius groaned slightly and pretended to endure the pain. But his situation was different.

‘I could help you and finish it faster, but I’m sorry for you.’

He had no choice but to avoid suspicion.

It was actually a boring task for him, but he encouraged Heinz in his mind and waited for the work to end.

Was it about two hours later?


[The stat ‘Force’ has been opened.]

[The circle was completed in a particularly meticulous environment than usual. Force aptitude will increase further.]

Along with the notification of the stat window that only Eurius could hear, Heinz finally took his hand off his body and sighed with relief.

“Phew, you won’t feel any pain now. You just need to lie down for a few more hours until the remaining energy is drained.”

The higher the purity of the force stone, the better the effect, but the user’s ability must match it to fully absorb its power.

It was an act of throwing gold into the sea like a stone to give an A-grade force stone to a beginner who just entered the first stage, and it was only possible because he was the prince of the empire.

Even if an imperial guard helped him, it would be a decent result if he absorbed ten percent of it. The efficiency was terrible!

Most of the pure energy filled in the force stone was used to create the force circle, and the rest was naturally discharged out of the body.

But Eurius had no intention of wasting such precious energy.

“Now it’s time for me to start working.”

Eurius closed his eyes again and began to move the remaining energy himself.

First, he checked the created circle.

‘He made it very well and sturdy. Heinz, thank you very much.’

Despite being a newly created circle, there was not a single tiny gap where energy could leak out. It was rare for a prestigious martial family to put so much effort into polishing the basics, unless they were training a successor.

The strength of this circle was very important for the work he was about to do. He felt grateful to Heinz again and began to push the remaining energy into the circle.


It was a very painful task to inject more energy into an already made circle. 

Sweat ran down his forehead.

He recalled the voice of Beatrix, his lover and swordsmanship teacher, who guided him with all her heart.

“The important thing is to create another small loop inside the circle. This way, you can increase not only the output of force that you can release at once, but also the stability.”

This was a secret technique that came from her family, one of the best martial families in the continent!

Beatrix called it ‘core’.

It increased efficiency by creating two additional small loops that assisted circulation inside the force circle. It was dangerous if you were not confident in your control of force, and you couldn’t get any help from outside.

But what he was trying to do was beyond that.

‘With the amount of energy left after creating the circle, maybe I can create a third or even a fourth loop!’

The characteristic of this technique was that the more powerful and larger the circle you had, the more energy you needed.

Therefore, if you reached a level where you could precisely control the force circulating in your body enough to create an additional loop, you would need so much energy that you couldn’t create a core.

Even Beatrix, who had talent and reached the level of one of the top ten superhumans in the continent in her twenties, had only two cores at the age of 15!

But he was just at the baby step stage of completing a circle!

The amount of energy he needed was extremely low.

It was worth challenging even if he had to endure tremendous pain.

Soon two cores were completed.

He was retracing his steps, so it wasn’t that hard until then.


[Your force aptitude has increased. The trait Dual Core has been created.]

Eurius sweated. 

He wasn’t satisfied yet.

‘The third!’

[Your force aptitude has increased. The trait Dual Core has evolved into Triple Core.]

Eurius’s endurance was reaching its limit. The remaining energy of the force stone was almost gone.

In fact, having three cores was already a huge advantage to start with.

Didn’t Beatrix reach an amazing level at a young age by adding just two cores in her previous life?

But Eurius thought he wasn’t enough for that.

‘To be honest, I’m less talented than them.’

Of course, by normal standards, Eurius had enough talent to be considered a genius. But among those he had to face in the future, there were many superhumans who were among the best in the continent.

He felt that three cores were still lacking.

Eurius squeezed out all his remaining energy and concentration to create a fourth core.

‘The fourth!!!’

As soon as the fourth core was completed, his head turned white as if fireworks exploded.

[Your force aptitude has increased significantly. The trait Triple Core has evolved into Quad Core.]

[You are the first person in the continent to create more than three auxiliary cores that handle force. A special skill is created due to an amazing achievement.]

[Special Skill Overheat Created]

[Additional rewards and information will be opened as achievements are achieved.]

[Player Help has been opened.]

‘I did it!’

Hearing the system’s notification in his head, Eurius finally collapsed and fainted.

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