Entertainment From Divorce

Chapter 70: Tan Yue's "Talk Show for the Post-80s Tonight" premiere

Chapter 70: Tan Yue's "Talk Show for the Post-80s Tonight" premiere

After eating at noon, Tan Yue returned to his work station and sorted out the relevant information about "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", then set the alarm clock for his mobile phone, and lay down on the table to rest, preparing for the interview later.

At one forty in the afternoon, before the alarm clock reminded, Tan Yue sat up. I had something on my mind, and I actually didn't fall asleep at noon, mainly to nourish my spirit.

Tan Yue went to wash his face, and when he came back, he took the USB flash drive to the No. 2 conference room.

Colleagues who didn't have a lunch break saw Tan Yue leave suddenly, some didn't care too much, and some were thoughtful.

fourth floor,

Tan Yue came to meeting room No. 2, knocked on the door, and there was a "come in" from inside.

Tan Yue pushed the door open and went in, and saw that several people were already sitting in the conference room.

They were all well-known planners in Taiwan. Tan Yue knew them, but they didn't know Tan Yue.

Tan Yue smiled and nodded at these planners, then turned to look at Gao Quan, the program director of the entertainment channel who was sitting at the front.

At this time Gao Quan also stood up, looked at Tan Yue with a smile on his face, and called out to Teacher Tan.

Tan Yue smiled and shook hands with Gao Quan, "Director Gao."

Although Tan Yue hadn't spoken to Gao Quan much before, he had met him many times from afar.

"Teacher Tan sit down."

Gao Quan was very polite, making the other planners present couldn't help but look sideways.

As expected of a rookie chief planner who has recently gained fame in Taiwan, he is so valued by the leaders.

Everyone felt emotional and could not help feeling sour.

Tan Yue found an empty seat and sat down, and began to conceive and plan the case in his mind, preparing for the interview later.

Others are also preparing.

Instead, a thin man in his thirties with a beard walked up to Gao Quan and spoke flatteringly.

Tan Yue didn't know this person, but he looked familiar, maybe he had seen him somewhere before.

After a while, another candidate came in for an interview. This person, Tan Yue knew, was a well-known chief planner of the news channel.

After about ten minutes, voices came from outside the conference room, and then two middle-aged people pushed the door and walked in.

Like everyone else, Tan Yue looked up and raised his brows slightly.

One of them was Ma Wanli, the director of the entertainment channel. Tan Yue thought that Ma Wanli would come, but he didn't expect that the people beside him would come in person.


"Director Zhang."

"Master, you are here."

A group of old planners who came to participate in the interview looked at each other, then stood up and greeted Zhang Jizu.

Tan Yue also stood up. When "Tree of Wisdom" suddenly exploded, Zhang Jizu went to the children's channel to give Tan Yue a special opinion.

Zhang Jizu nodded with a smile, didn't say much, pulled a chair from the first seat and sat down.

He glanced at the planners who participated in the interview. Those who could enter the second round of interviews were all well-known planners in the stage, and he had basically seen them all.

Before coming here, Zhang Jizu had already read all the planning proposals, and he had some understanding in his heart.

He is not like Ma Wanli and Gao Quan who need to read all the planning proposals. The director and director of the entertainment channel still have this vision, and he only needs to read the few planning proposals that have entered the interview.

At 2:10, the interview officially started.

According to the order of arrival just now, the interview assessment will be conducted.

The others didn't have to go out and wait, they just watched in the meeting room, whoever finished his plan would leave first.

The first one to start was an old senior planner. When Tan Yue first joined the TV station, he had heard of his reputation and his strength.

Playing the PPT, talking about the plan.

Ma Wanli and Gao Quan were the ones who mainly asked questions, but Zhang Jizu, the deputy director, didn't say much.

Sixteen or seventeen minutes later, the chief planner of the news channel finished the interview and left.

Zhang Jizu, Ma Wanli, and Gao Quan exchanged in low voices, and the interview continued.

The result will not be announced on the spot, and the interviewees will be notified by email later.

Tan Yue listened below, and felt that the chief planners of these channels had made good plans, and the third planner from the city channel made Tan Yue's eyes shine.

In the conference room, three people had already left, and the fourth one was Tan Yue.

Picking up his own USB flash drive, copying the PPT of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" to the computer, and projecting it on the screen through the projector, Tan Yue began to explain his plan.

During the explanation, everyone listened attentively and did not interrupt Tan Yue to ask questions.

Zhang Jizu crossed his hands on his thighs and listened carefully to Tan Yue's detailed explanation of the plan.

When the ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" broke 15 before, he went to the children's channel to find Li Zheng, met Tan Yue once in Li Zheng's office, and asked about the "Tree of Wisdom" program by the way.

In general, Zhang Jizu had a good impression of Tan Yue, he was an excellent talent.


"An important highlight of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" is to firmly grasp current social events and current trends, and make jokes that are enough to attract the audience and put them in the show."

"There are all kinds of news happening in society every day, so there is no need to worry about the subject matter."

"We will have a steady stream of jokes of all kinds, so that the audience will not get tired of the show."

"My plan is like this, I hope the leaders can correct me."


In addition to Zhang Jizu, Ma Wanli, and Gao Quan, there are two other candidates who participated in the competition sitting and waiting. One of them is Qi Xiao, the chief planner of the entertainment channel "Starlight Show", and he is also the one who flattered Gao Quan before.

As the chief planner of the entertainment channel, he has some advantages over other candidates. After all, he has a closer relationship with the channel leader.

Just after hearing the schemes of the previous chief planners, Qi Xiao's heart began to beat, and it seemed that they were better than his schemes.

Now that he heard Tan Yue's plan, although Qi Xiao didn't want to admit it, he had to say that Tan Yue's plan was really the brightest among the candidates who participated in the interview this time!

This type of talk show has rarely appeared in China before, and Qi Xiao is considered an experienced planner in the industry, but he never thought that the show could be done like this before.

However, Qi Xiao looked at Tan Yue who was talking loudly about the program plan, but felt that there was still a big problem with this program. If this problem was not solved well, the program could be passed.

Qi Xiao walked lightly to Ma Wanli, whispered something, and Ma Wanli nodded.

Before the interview started, the question Qi Xiao mentioned about "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" had been discussed with the deputy director Zhang Jizu and the director Gao Quan, and he planned to ask Tan Yue about it on the spot.

If Tan Yue can't give them a satisfactory answer, even if he thinks it's a pity, he can't choose "Talk Show for Post-80s Tonight".

Ma Wanli said to Tan Yue: "Teacher Tan, wait a moment."

Tan Yue nodded, waiting for Ma Wanli and others to ask questions.

Ma Wanli discussed with Zhang Jizu and Gao Quan for two minutes before looking back at Tan Yue and saying, "Teacher Tan, we all think your "Talk Show for Post-80s Tonight" is great."

"But there is a question, we hope you can clear it up."

Tan Yue nodded and said, "President Ma, please tell me."

Ma Wanli said: "The biggest highlight of this program is that it uses current social events and trends to attract the audience and put them in the program."

"There must be news every day, but it is too difficult to make news into interesting jokes."

"It's a test of planning skills, Mr. Tan, are you sure you can handle it?"

After listening to Ma Wanli's ~ Tan Yue smiled lightly. He has made a lot of preparations for this competition. He had thought that the leader of the entertainment channel might ask this question. The effect is invisible, and it is normal to worry about this aspect.

Tan Yue said: "Zhang Tai, President Ma, Director Gao, I have confidence in my plan."

There is no basis for saying it, and Tan Yue also knows that it is difficult to dispel the concerns of several people if there is no real guy.

"I took the time these two days to make a few jokes, which can also be used as the prototype of our first episode. Can I talk about it now?"

After Tan Yue finished speaking, Ma Wanli and the others immediately became interested, "Of course."

Tan Yue had been working behind the scenes for so long, but suddenly he was not used to performing in front of the stage.

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