Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System

Chapter 185: You Make Such A Good Couple!

Chapter 185: You Make Such A Good Couple!


After Tisha and Pekora introduced themselves to us, we decided to introduce ourselves a bit better, alongside all our members, I also introduced the wolf pack led by the strong Frost, our two crows, Yuki (who had already gotten friendly with the new kids), Draugann (who had already introduced herself ahead of us), and more.

After that, we inspected around the groups and we got the names of most of the people, it's gonna be hard to remember them all, but for now, most of the people was feed, bathed, given new clothes, and then sent to rest over their beds, it was the best thing they could do for now. Many were too weak to move too much, and although the kids were being active, they too were rather weak.

Oh right, we also introduced the Ice Golems and the Snow Beasts, their souls, which were former members of these two tribes and some of the ice giants enslaved, seemed friendly to everyone, although they were unable to speak yet.

There were a lot of emotional people there… some cried a lot, there were sisters and even mothers within these golems and snow beasts, but I suppose this was better than them dying out. It felt similar to Benladann's case.

Now that my Death Magic has advanced enough, I think I should be able to do something for her parent's souls too…

After the whole thing, I invited everyone into an enormous feast, and we ate plenty, Skadi was a very efficient hunter, accompanied by the two crows in the skies, they brought a lot of prey. Around six Ice Bears, ten Ice Wolves, and even two wild Frost Bisson. Coupled with all the things we had; we cooked this meat for everyone. The Rabbit-kin was also able to eat meat, and were not like their animal counterparts, as they were omnivorous, so everyone ate their fill.

We spent the rest of the day talking with the people, interacting with everyone, and making sure that everyone had what they needed. Meanwhile, I also continued to upgrade Fuyu through constantly generating super-hardened Ice Bricks and infusing her entire body with dozens after dozens of Runes of Stealth, so many that it was already reaching half a thousand of them. I wanted as many as I could muster to make her as invisible as possible to the outside world.

We also began to assess our other gains, such as money. We got around 5 million Mana Stones, but I could easily see that they would be depleted in the days to come after we use them into buying food for the immense battalion we have inside. I guess we could already be considered a village living inside a floating ice fortress…

Due to that, I am now treated as "Lord" by everyone living here aside from my very close friends and Benladann. And Benladann is also addressed as "Lady".

That day I also announced my official relationship with Benladann, and everyone seemed rather content, we announced it later in the night while having dinner.

"About time!" said Yuki.

"Finally! So, when we are getting the kids?" asked Draugann.

"I am happy for both of you," said Gaston.

"Indeed! You make a lovely pair, my lords," said Dregeann.

The kids also cheered.

"Mama and papa were not married before?" asked Flayr, confused.

"Big sis and Drake were not a couple, Flayr…" said Noirenn.

"Eeeh?" Flayr seemed to not have known we were not a couple yet.

"I wonder if we'll get a new little sibling," said Hansel.

"Can Dragons and Ice Giants have babies together?" wondered Samantha

"No idea. But Drake can do a lot of stuff," said Bellaluna.

"Hm… Half-Dragon… Half-Ice Giant… Little sibling…" said Jonn.

The kids were all talking about a little sibling, which only put me more nervous.

Benladann smiled cutely at their comments, as she held my hand tightly.

"I am so happy too… I love Drake so much… And it made me so happy to know that he also loved me back…" said Benladann, almost about to cry…

"Haha… It is not for you to cry over it… Come on, let's look forward to the future together, alright?" I asked.

"Hm! Sure!" Benladann said, as she cleaned the little tear of happiness that came out of her eyes, as she hugged me tightly.

"You two make a really cute couple, you're going to give me diabetes…" said Draugann.

"They are truly quite the lovely couple…" said Tisha.

"I thought my lords were already a couple before, but I guess they had become an official one now," said Pekora.

After spending the day doing a lot of stuff, we walked back to our room, and we decided to rest for the rest of the night. Benladann hugged me tightly as we slept like babies.

[Day 110]

Today in the morning, I decided to do a few important things, which regarded… Benladann's parents. I was thinking about raising them as Undead somehow.

My Death Magic had progressed enough that I believe I can now conjure this new Spell, named Cadaver heal, it helps Undead-type monsters recover their wounds, in due time, I could even recover the entire corpse that got burned, which I had stored inside my Inventory.

However, I had to first ask her… After all, there was also the possibility of things going bad, or perhaps Benladann wouldn't like the idea of them being Undead.

"Sounds… Fine by me! I want them back as soon as possible… I have never seen Undead before, but if you are a Death Mage now, I can… trust you that you will do a great Job, Drake…" said Benladann.

"Benladann… You really trust me?" I asked.

"Of course I do, dummy… You're… t-the most precious thing I have… s-so of course I trust you!" said Benladann.

"T-The most precious thing?! Me?! Aahhh…"

I almost fell unconscious, she really called me the most precious thing for her! That's really a killer!

"Fufu, that's right! So I trust you!" said Benladann.

"I-I see… I will do my best to not disappoint you, Benladann-chan," I said.


Please make sure to check out my other novels, I am sure that you will like them!

M y W o r l d T r a v e l i n g S y s t e m: The Harbinger of Death: A Story about a young man who is suddenly struck by li ghtning while sleeping with his phone, w hich awakened his ability and the World Traveling Sy stem!

D e m o n Q u e e n R e b i r t h: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!: A Story about a De mon Queen who lost everything, in t he last battle, her soul w as split in half and s he was reincarnated twice in her third life.

E p i c o f C a t e r p i l l a r: A Story about a mysterious man who died of a fever and reincarnated as a Caterpillar in the middle of a for est infested with monsters! He w ill have to so mehow survive as a Caterpil lar in t his world filled wit h cha os.

V a m p i r e O v e r l o r d? S y s t e m i n t h e A p o c a l y p s e: The Story of a young and bullied man born in an apocalyptic world, who is given the chance to become a Vampire and dominate this world as he pleases with a malicious and scheming mind!

E p i c o f I c e D r a g o n : Reborn as an Ice Dragon with a System : The St ory of a young adult man who died buried in an ava lanche and was s uddenly given wishes based on his last desires, suddenly reinca rnating in a N orse mytho logy-inspired cultivation world as an Ic e Dragon wit h a System!

E p i c o f S u m m o n e r: S u p r e m e S u m m o n e r S y s t e m i n t h e A p o c a l y p s e : The St ory of a young web novelist wh o is suddenly thrown into an interdimensional apocalypse but given a powerful System that lets him summon his novel characters to aid him!

E p i c o f V a m p i r e D r a g o n : R e b o r n a s a V a m p i r e D r a g o n w i t h a S y s t e m: The Story of a boy born with strange and myster ious powers who was held ca ptive and u sed as a guinea pig through his entire life, unt il the day he died and suddenly re incarnated as a Vampire Drag on Chi mera in a completely differ ent wor ld, create d by an insane Elder Li ch that claims to b e his f ather !

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