Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 107: The Ways of the World

Chapter 107: The Ways of the World

Chapter 107: The Ways of the World


[Congratulations on your successful enchantment!]

[Your weapon has gained the seventh enchantment effect: 'Flame Soul Devour'!]

[Flame Soul Devour: Intelligence attribute +600; when your fire attribute magic skills successfully hit an enemy target, 20% of the target’s overall attributes will be devoured and transferred to you.]

Nice! Another powerful enchantment effect!

This isn't just a 30% attribute steal; it also weakens the opponent by 30% of their overall attributes!

Qin Fan nodded with great satisfaction.

Under the nearly desperate gazes of everyone, he finally took the Flamefall Staff, now with seven enchantment effects, out of the enchantment machine!

Initially, the Flamefall Staff with only four enchantment effects was entirely crimson.

But now, it had undergone a significant transformation.

The entire staff had become more slender, with new intricate magical patterns, emitting a faint purple glow.

The magic crystal at the head of the staff was enveloped in a subtle red flame, with the faint sound of a fire phoenix cry, captivating everyone's hearts.

There was no need to look further...

This was definitely the best 20-level gold-grade staff in the world!!

Roughly estimating, this Flamefall Staff might even surpass a 40-level gold-grade staff in power!


Not bad at all.

This luck potion was simply magical!

Not only did it allow him to succeed three times in a row with such low success rates, but each time it triggered the highest fifty-fold lucky enchantment!

Just as Qin Fan was about to put the Flamefall Staff back into his storage ring.


A shifty-eyed, cunning-looking man approached him.

"Little brother, your luck is truly amazing!!"

As soon as he approached, the man gave Qin Fan a thumbs-up and praised him.

In the next sentence, he rubbed his hands together, revealing the characteristic shrewd smile of a merchant.

"Little brother, I am willing to buy your staff at the price of a 30-level gold-grade staff. Would you be interested?"

As soon as these words came out.

The onlookers immediately jeered.

"I say, Zhu Yutao, are you really treating people like fools? This staff is even more powerful than a 40-level gold-grade staff! And you're only offering this price?"

"Exactly! Only a fool would sell it to you!"

"Junior, you must not sell to this equipment merchant! This staff, even with minimal negotiation, could easily fetch at least 150,000 points! That's the minimum!"

An equipment merchant.

Essentially a reseller.

They buy low and sell high.

Profiting from the margin.

But Zhu Yutao's offer was so low that even the surrounding second-year students couldn't stand it.

However, Zhu Yutao didn't mind the students' jeering at all.

He smiled faintly and said nonchalantly, "Everyone, I, Zhu Yutao, am indeed just a small merchant, but I'm currently working for Brother Sheng."

"I'm actually not making any profit from this staff; I'm buying it at cost to sell to Brother Sheng."

As soon as he said this.

The previously jeering second-year students immediately fell silent!

A look of deep apprehension appeared on their faces.

Brother Sheng?

Who is this now?

Qin Fan frowned.

"Xue Sheng, the top second-year student at our Feng Tian Academy, and also the vice president of the student council. His Xue family is one of the top families in Feng Tian Province, even more powerful than the Ma family."

Seeing Qin Fan and Xu Nian Nian's puzzled faces, the qipao-wearing senior sister Xiao Nuoya softly explained.

Qin Fan couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

Alright then!

It seems true that in Feng Tian Province, you can't throw a brick without hitting someone from a prominent family.

"Little brother, I won't use Brother Sheng's name to pressure you."

"How about this..."

"I'll offer the price of a 40-level gold-grade staff."

"Brother Sheng wants this staff for his sister. He specifically asked me to handle this well; otherwise, he will be very unhappy!"

"He's currently out on a mission with his mentor. When he returns, I can put in a good word for you. In the future, if you follow Brother Sheng, at least in your first year, no one will dare to bully you!"

"How about that?"

Zhu Yutao's face was full of a smug smile.

In fact...

Since he started working for Xue Sheng, his business in the academy had indeed become more prosperous.

When encountering students unwilling to sell their equipment, he didn't need to make any threats; he just had to lightly mention 'Xue Sheng.'

Even if the other party was reluctant, they would eventually sell.

You might wonder...

Isn't a top academy supposed to be based on strength and not seniority? How could such ridiculous things happen?

It all comes down to one thing.

It's not Xue Sheng who's impressive, but the title of 'vice president of the student council.'

At Feng Tian Academy, the student council manages many things.

For example...

Anything below B-grade enchantment materials, tools, skill books, and purple-grade equipment... all these items' exchanges are handled by the student council.


Entry permissions to some silver and gold-level secret realms are also handled by the student council for approval before being reported to the teachers.

Where there are people, there are politics.

If you offend Xue Sheng, as long as he's not foolish, he can find a hundred ways to make your life miserable.

Want to exchange for a C-grade skill book?


I'll have someone exchange for it first, so you have to wait for the next one.

Want to exchange for an enchantment material?


I'll do the same, and you'll get nothing.

Anything you want to exchange, I'll have someone get it first, just to block your progress and strength.

Does that make you uncomfortable?

Want to complain to a teacher?


I have a perfectly reasonable explanation.

I'll say someone else applied earlier, based on a first-come-first-served principle, and your teacher can't find any fault.

They can't just remove a student council vice president without reason, right?

Those following Xue Sheng wouldn't accept that.

So, many ordinary students have to sacrifice some small interests to avoid offending him.

There's no other way.

As the saying goes.

Where there are people, there are politics.

And where there are politics, there are social rules.

Of course...

These rules only apply to average students with ordinary strength.

Because the control of high-level resources is still in the hands of the teachers and school leaders.

The student council only manages some low-level resources.

So they can only trouble those who need low-level resources.


"What if I refuse?"

At this moment.

Qin Fan's gaze towards Zhu Yutao was already cold as ice, his murderous eyes locking onto this opportunistic equipment merchant!

If this wasn't within the school grounds.

This equipment merchant who dared to threaten him would have already lost his head!

Today, not only Zhu Yutao!

Even if that so-called student council vice president Xue Sheng came, Qin Fan would still give him no face at all!

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