Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 111: Battle for Supremacy in the Trials of Nations

Chapter 111: Battle for Supremacy in the Trials of Nations

Chapter 111: Battle for Supremacy in the Trials of Nations

According to the 'nine out of thirteen' calculation.

In half a month.

The 20,000 credits Qin Fan lent to Xu Nian Nian must be repaid with a total of 28,000 credits.

This is undoubtedly 'usury.'

Although Xu Nian Nian felt that Qin Fan's terms were very unfair and wanted to beat him up.

She ultimately agreed to Qin Fan's terms.

The main reason was that if the enchanting could indeed succeed and consistently trigger the tenfold luck enchantment.

The 28,000 credits would indeed be well spent.


Xu Nian Nian happily came out of the enchanting hall with her level 30 gold staff.

Her staff gained a sixth enchantment effect, also triggering fifty times luck enchantment, shocking everyone present once again.

At the same time, Xu Nian Nian expressed her doubts about Qin Fan's 100% enchantment success rate.

To this, Qin Fan simply replied, "Today just happens to be my lucky day."

The elven girl wanted to continue following Qin Fan to see if his forging success rate was as high as his enchanting success rate.

But under Qin Fan's extremely cold gaze, she reluctantly gave up.

Upon arriving at the forging hall.

Qin Fan specifically requested a private forging room to avoid unnecessary trouble.

It is well known.

All equipment enhancement involves forging and enchanting.

Successful enchanting can add enchantment effects to equipment.

Successful forging can enhance the equipment's grade and 'inherent attributes.'

What are 'inherent attributes'?

Take the 'Blazing Staff' as an example.

[Equipment: Blazing Staff.]

[Grade: Gold.]

[Level: 20.]

[Professions: Mage, Dragon Language Mage, Dragon Tamer.]

[Attributes: Wisdom +150; Agility +100.]

[Enchantment Effects…]

The '[Attributes: Wisdom +150; Agility +100.]' are the inherent attributes.

After successful forging, these inherent attributes will also increase.


Forging can improve the equipment's grade and usage level.

Improving the equipment's grade and usage level allows for more enchantment slots and raises the maximum forging level limit.

The inherent attribute limit of the level 20 gold 'Blazing Staff' is 'Wisdom +700; Agility +650,' meaning no matter how much you forge, the highest inherent attributes can only reach 'Wisdom +700; Agility +650.'

However, if the Blazing Staff is upgraded to a legendary grade, the number of enchantment slots will significantly increase, and the inherent attribute limit will greatly improve.


If you want to enhance a piece of equipment, both enchanting and forging are indispensable.


In front of the intelligent forging machine, Qin Fan tossed in the 'Blazing Staff.'

Simultaneously, he took out some corresponding materials from his storage ring.

Forging and enchanting are different.

Enchanting requires separating all different levels of enchanting materials and combining them with varying amounts of auxiliary materials.

Forging only requires placing all materials in at once, making it simpler and faster.

This time.

Qin Fan took out the following materials...

S-grade forging material 'Tera Mechanical Divine Stone.'

S-grade forging material 'Fairy Jade Essence.'

S-grade forging material 'Emerald Purple Crystal Stone.'

The first S-grade material was obtained from the 'Imperial Laboratory' dungeon.

The second S-grade material was a system reward.

The third was a compensation reward from the school.


[You have confirmed the equipment to forge!]

[Current forging equipment: Blazing Staff.]

[Level and Grade: Level 20 Gold.]

[Current forging success rate: 5%.]

[Forging Protection Scrolls: 0.]

[Do you wish to proceed with forging?]

When the intelligent forging machine projected the information template, Qin Fan did not hesitate to choose 'Yes'!

This time.

No one was watching.

The entire forging room was filled only with the roar of the intelligent forging machine operating at high speed.



As the roar of the intelligent forging machine ceased, it began to emit a golden light!

Golden light signifies success.

Of course...

This is because the forging machine can only trigger golden light, unlike enchanting which can yield multiplied effects.

[Congratulations on your successful forging!]

[Your weapon 'Blazing Staff' has been upgraded from Gold to Legendary grade!]

[Your weapon 'Blazing Staff' usage level has been upgraded from 'Level 20' to 'Level 30'!]

[The current inherent attributes of the weapon are: Wisdom +2100; Agility +1950.]

[The current number of enchantment slots on the weapon has increased to 30!]


"The maximum inherent attributes have increased threefold!"

Qin Fan nodded with satisfaction.


This 'Blazing Staff' had regained its brilliance!

A level 30 legendary staff!

Not just in Longguo Country.

Even globally, no level 30 staff could compare to the 'Blazing Staff!'

With the enchanting and forging completed.

Qin Fan did not linger and headed to the top floor of the Battle Academy office building.

The reason for coming here...

Naturally, it was to prepare for the hatching of his third dragon pet!

"You're here."

The beautiful dean, who loved wearing black stockings and OL skirts, stood up from behind her desk and stretched.

Her sexy, graceful curves were fully displayed in front of Qin Fan.

"Your request for access to the 'Poisonous Mist Mountain Range' has been approved."

"In the deepest part of the Poisonous Mist Mountain Range, there is a poison pool. Even a level 40 second-turn powerhouse must be extremely cautious when entering."

"But for you, it should be no problem."


"You were originally supposed to represent our school in this year's National Freshman Exchange Tournament."

"But after discussing with the other deans, we decided that having you participate would be too unfair, so we decided not to let you compete in the National Freshman Exchange Tournament."

"Instead, you will represent our Fengtian Academy in the Longguo Country division of the individual preliminaries for the Battle for Supremacy in the Trials of Nations."

"No pressure, right?"

Dean He Yalan smiled as she looked at the calm young man before her.

"No problem."

"I will follow the school's arrangements."

Qin Fan nodded.

The Battle for Supremacy in the Trials of Nations.

It is a globally renowned grand event.

Organized by the Global Transferees Association.

Held annually.

When Qin Fan first arrived here, he watched the live broadcast of the Trials of Nations on TV.

At that time...

Seeing the incredible battles between the top talents on TV, he almost thought it was a sci-fi movie!

However, Qin Fan didn't have much time to learn about the details of the Trials of Nations now.

Because he needed to head to the 'Poisonous Mist Mountain Range' immediately to prepare for the birth of his third dragon pet.

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