Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 78: Little Dragons Make a Move

Chapter 78: Little Dragons Make a Move

Chapter 78: Little Dragons Make a Move


Dead silence.

The entire hall of the secret realm palace was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, filled with disbelief as they stared at the information displayed on the announcement screen.

It was as if their three views had been shattered, and it took them a long time to recover.

Everyone recalled their previous disdain and ridicule towards Qin Fan.

And their self-righteous arrogance.

Their faces were burning with embarrassment.

While everyone was seemingly slapped in the face and fell into an eerie silence.

Some still refused to believe the truth before them.

This person...

Of course, it was Chen Wei.

"Senior Sister..."

"Are you sure there's no mistake with this information?"

"This guy stayed in the Magic Tiger Forest for over twenty minutes!"

"How could he achieve such an astonishing result?"

He loudly expressed his doubts.

Perhaps Qin Fan's achievement was so shocking.

That even the originally silent crowd couldn't help but stand up and agree.

"Yes, Senior Sister... Are you sure there wasn't a BUG in the database?"

"This result is really exaggerated! He led the previous best record by more than five minutes in every secret realm! I doubt this!"

"Is this a result a human can achieve? I don't believe it!"

"Either the central data site was hacked, or it's a display BUG! I really don't believe this is Qin Fan's achievement!"


It's not that they were being stubborn.

But the result was indeed too exaggerated!

Generally speaking.

There are two types of best records for the highest difficulty of a secret realm dungeon.

One is the highly valuable solo speedrun best record.

The reason it's valuable is that the result alone can demonstrate how terrifying and outstanding a person's strength is.

Clearing the dungeon solo without any teammates!

The other is the team speedrun best record.

This tests the team's coordination and cooperation abilities.

The team speedrun best record is much shorter than the solo speedrun best record.

Take the Magic Tiger Forest for example...

Before Qin Fan appeared.

The solo best record was 7 minutes and 42 seconds.

The team best record was 4 minutes and 31 seconds.

It shows that more people make it easier to clear the secret realm dungeon in team mode.

But now...

Qin Fan alone!

Achieved a result of 2 minutes and 32 seconds!

And the overall rating was still SSS level!

This means he must have cleared all the small monsters in the Magic Tiger Forest to achieve such a high overall rating!

The previous solo and team records were only rated S level!

Qin Fan's achievement is a complete crush in every aspect!


Who would dare to believe this?

Even Luo Hao, Bai Wushuang, Xu Niannian, and other top talents, who originally looked unhappy, calmed down after hearing everyone's doubts.

To be honest...

When they first saw Qin Fan's result, they were deeply shocked.

After recovering, their first thought was: This result is definitely fake.

But as top talents, they couldn't say it.

Because once they spoke up, it would easily be seen as being stubborn.

Now that others helped to voice it, they were happy to see it happen.

And among these people, only Su Rou knew that Qin Fan's result was absolutely true!


She knew Qin Fan had dragons!

However, should she stand up and speak for Qin Fan?

She glanced at Luo Hao, who looked cold, and the others who were speaking up, and ultimately chose to remain silent.

Qin Fan listened to everyone's doubts about his achievement, still without any desire to refute.

In his eyes, these idiots weren't even qualified to affect his mood.

He treated every word they said as wind passing by his ears.

However, Qin Fan's silence made Chen Wei even more convinced that things were as they seemed.

Just as Qin Fan was about to turn and leave.

Chen Wei stepped out and blocked Qin Fan's way.

He sneered, "What? Running away because your fake result was exposed?"

"Don't worry, as long as you boldly admit..."


Before the word 'admit' could come out.

Chen Wei was horrified to see two small heads, one crimson and one ice-blue, suddenly and without warning, shoot out from Qin Fan's collar at lightning speed!

Before he could see what they were...


A crimson flame with terrifying heat.

And an ice-blue frost with bone-chilling cold.

Poured harshly onto his face!


Amidst the astonished gazes of the crowd, a scream filled with endless pain echoed in the hall.


Chen Wei's body fell straight down.

And his face was now completely severely burned! The intense pain from the burning and freezing made him lose consciousness and pass out!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

No one expected Qin Fan to suddenly make a move at this point.


Once again, he instantly took down Chen Wei!


The most surprised person was actually Qin Fan!

He never dreamed that the two little dragons would suddenly emerge from his collar and give Chen Wei an ice and fire double blast!


Qin Fan glanced around at the crowd.


Except for top talents like Luo Hao, Bai Wushuang, and Xu Niannian.

All other freshmen were so frightened that they took a step back!


They were also scared by what just happened.

Oh my gosh!

This Qin Fan!

He acts without a word!

And it's direct disfigurement!

The key is that from the flame and frost just now, many people felt the terrifying power of the magic!

If this move was used on them...

The result would be the same as Chen Wei, directly collapsing!

And at this moment.

Everyone caught another sensitive piece of information.

Magic skills!

Qin Fan can also use magic skills!

And it's instant-cast!

The only magic skills a Dragon Master can use...

Seems to be Dragon Magic, right?

My gosh!

Dragon Magic that doesn't require chanting!

No wonder this guy can achieve such monstrous secret realm results; he was hiding his strength!

Luo Hao, Bai Wushuang, and Xu Niannian, although not scared, also had serious expressions at this moment.

They suddenly reflected...

Did they really underestimate this Dragon Master from the South Province?

Facing the many eyes filled with fear, surprise, and solemnity, Qin Fan directly turned and walked out of the secret realm palace.

This time, no one dared to stop Qin Fan from leaving.


And just a few steps out of the secret realm palace.

A 'giggle' sound came from his chest.

Opening his collar.

He saw two cute little dragons, each holding onto Qin Fan's shirt with their little claws to hang on him, laughing mischievously.


They were very satisfied with their handiwork.

And when Qin Fan opened his collar and glared at them...



The two little dragons tilted their heads, pretending to be innocent and naive as they looked at Qin Fan.

"You guys..."

"Sigh! Forget it!"

Facing these two adorable little creatures, Qin Fan couldn't bring himself to blame them.

Speaking of which...

Qin Fan, who was connected in mind with the little dragons, could understand their thoughts at the time.

The little dragons could understand human language because of their contract with Qin Fan.

While quietly lying in Qin Fan's arms, they had already heard the outside crowd's slander and ridicule towards their master.

At that time, they were already unable to hold back.

If their master hadn't forbidden them from acting on their own, they would have already come out to teach these short-sighted lowly beings a lesson.

Mainly, Chen Wei, this guy, had the bad luck to step out and block the way.

This made the two little dragons unable to hold back any longer!

In their eyes, their master was as noble as they were.

And those who mocked their master were like the lowly monsters in the secret realm dungeons.

The difference was 'can kill' and 'can't kill'.

At this moment.

Not only did the lowly being speak disrespectfully, but he also dared to block the way!

Xiaojiu and Xiaohan couldn't hold back any longer!

They immediately popped out and gave Chen Wei a blast of dragon breath.

Their high agility made their actions as fast as lightning.

So fast that the crowd only saw a terrifying flame and frost suddenly bloom from Qin Fan's chest.

And then Chen Wei was disfigured and completely lost consciousness.

This was still Xiaojiu and Xiaohan holding back as much as possible.

If they were really angry, that blast of dragon breath just now could have completely burned and frozen Chen Wei's entire head.

Then Chen Wei would have to call a third-rank priest to use Resurrection.

Fortunately, the armor Qin Fan wore outside was thick enough.

Plus, the two little dragons deliberately shrank their size, so outsiders couldn't see that Qin Fan had two little treasures in his arms.

"In the future, without my permission, you're not allowed to hurt people, understand?"

Qin Fan pretended to scold them.



The two little dragons whimpered pitifully.

Obviously, they didn't understand why their master would blame them.

After all, they helped their master vent his anger.

Seeing the two little dragons' pitiful appearance, Qin Fan couldn't bear to scold them anymore.

"I'm not blaming you, just let me have a mental preparation next time you make a move."

Qin Fan quickly patted the heads of the two little dragons.

No choice...

He had to make the two little dragons understand not to act on their own.

Because in this world, there are very strict laws to constrain those with professions.

As mentioned before.

Those who can transition to combat professions in the profession ceremony are still the minority.

Most people, due to their talent, return to ordinary life.

So most people in this world are ordinary.

Then there's a problem


What if professionals use force to oppress others? Ordinary people are really fragile in front of combat professions, dying with a snap of fingers.

To solve this problem.

Longguo Country, and even the whole world, issued laws to restrain professionals.

For this, various countries united and established the International Professional Arbitration Court.

To prevent the two little dragons from accidentally harming others in the future, the necessary reminders had to be given.

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