Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 84: Infinite Shock

Chapter 84: Infinite Shock

Chapter 84: Infinite Shock

Luo Hao had thought about trying a solo run.

But upon further consideration...

Even though Bai Wushuang had the Four-Winged Thunder Dragon, soloing wouldn't match the efficiency and speed of a team.

So teaming up was the more relaxed choice.

As for Qin Fan's solo attempt...


In his eyes, it was just an act of self-humiliation!

When the time comes, Qin Fan might not even get past the first stage and would be teleported out immediately.

Once all the freshmen officially entered the dungeon...

A crystal-clear holographic projection screen appeared in the center of Arena No. 1, operated by the staff.

Before the screen fully displayed the image, loud laughter erupted from the speakers.

"Hahaha! Who would've thought! The monsters in this dungeon are all of the dark element! This is perfect for our team!"

As the image became clear...

One could see pillars of luminous magic striking deformed monsters in the dark corners.

It turned out to be a team with a Holy Spirit Mage as the main DPS.

All the spells of a Holy Spirit Mage had inherent light attributes.

This naturally countered dark element monsters.

No wonder they were laughing.

Then the scene shifted again.


A high-pitched dragon roar sounded!


This immediately made all the deans and instructors sit up straight, their gazes turning serious!

They saw a massive white-scaled dragon unleashing a devastating breath attack imbued with wind and thunder onto the deformed monsters of the first stage!


The deformed monsters couldn't withstand even a second of the wind-thunder breath, instantly dying!


Many instructors couldn't help but gasp.


Good heavens!

Bai Wushuang's Four-Winged Thunder Dragon was too powerful!

Although the first stage was a warm-up, with the weakest monsters in the entire dungeon...

They were still level 28.

Other freshman teams couldn't achieve an instant kill.

After all, this was a high-difficulty diamond-level dungeon.

But to Bai Wushuang's dragon, they couldn't even withstand one breath...

"If nothing goes wrong, Bai Wushuang is destined to become one of the world's strongest beast tamers!"

"Indeed... The Four-Winged Thunder Dragon is rare even among dragon species!"

"It's said that the Four-Winged Thunder Dragon's bloodline might break through upon full maturity. If it becomes a sub-dragon species, Bai Wushuang will soar!"

The instructors were optimistic about Bai Wushuang's future prospects.

Even the deans frequently nodded, clearly agreeing with the instructors.


They're incredibly powerful.

Almost at the top of the biological food chain.

Even a land dragon, like an armored dragon, would be an extremely formidable pet.

Only nobles with powerful backgrounds could acquire them.

"Speaking of dragons..."

"Shouldn't we switch to Qin Fan?"

"After all, this kid is a genuine dragon tamer. We also want to see if he really has a dragon."

At this moment...

The elf instructor named Anna couldn't contain her curiosity.

This remark...

Made many instructors nod in agreement.

They were indeed curious about what the top-ranked Qin Fan, favored by the deans, was capable of.

Could he have really contracted a true dragon?

"Alright, switch to Qin Fan's screen!"

Dean Liu Jinhua instructed.

A second later...

The director in the control room switched to Qin Fan's view.



The image on the screen instantly left all the deans and instructors completely stunned!


So white!

The entire frame seemed to be filled with endless, terrifying snow, covered in countless snowflakes!


Everyone, deans and instructors alike, were dumbfounded.

Even the director's eyes widened.


What's going on?

Did he switch to the wrong camera?

How could an underground dungeon entrance be filled with frost and snow?

This was bizarre!

"Activate Camera 2!"

Liu Jinhua ordered.

With the dean's command, the director quickly switched to Camera 2.


It was still covered in frost!


What the heck?

"Camera 3."

Liu Jinhua continued to command.

The director scrambled to switch...

But it was still all white!

Camera 4, white!

Camera 5, white!

Camera 6, white!



Liu Jinhua couldn't help but slam the table, shouting, "Lao Zhou! What are you doing? Are you sure you're switching to the Imperial Underground Laboratory's cameras?"

The director, known as Lao Zhou, quickly raised his hands, swearing, "Dean! These are indeed Qin Fan's cameras!"

Liu Jinhua fell silent.

The school had pre-installed nano-cameras in each dungeon space.

Every stage had thousands of nano-cameras to fully capture the challengers' combat details.

But after switching dozens of cameras, they were all white!

Not even the basic image was clear.


It couldn't be a camera malfunction.

The image was very clear.

It was just covered in endless frost.


"Switch Qin Fan's camera to the second stage!"

"This scene is probably because the kid used some kind of frost spell."

"We'll wait for him at the second stage!"

Liu Jinhua had no choice but to make this decision.

All the deans and instructors were filled with curiosity at this moment.

It wasn't that they lacked experience.

This was the first time they encountered such a situation!

Even the deans and vice-deans who knew Qin Fan possessed the Holy Flame Dragon were now deeply doubting themselves.

Logically speaking,

even if the image was obscured, it should have been covered by endless divine flames,

not frost.

Could it be that this kid had acquired some kind of frost divine skill during this period?

But no matter what,

the answer would soon be revealed.

They just needed to wait at the next stage's camera.


When the director, known as "Lao Zhou," switched to Qin Fan's second stage camera...

all the deans and teachers were completely stunned!

This time, although the camera was filled with flames, the image was much clearer than in the first stage.


Where were the people!?

Damn it, where were the people!?

In the vast, empty laboratory, endless flames burned.

Every liquid tank storing bio-mechanical monsters was shattered, and the level 33 diamond three-star mechanical minotaurs, bio-mechanical cat monsters, and terrifying aliens...

were all burned to ashes.

The 'sizzle' of burning could be heard through the speakers.


This was the second stage of the Imperial Underground Laboratory!!

Eight thousand alien monsters' siege!!

And they were all burned to death!?

More shockingly...

When Dean Liu Jinhua, full of awe, asked Lao Zhou to switch to other cameras in the second stage,

Lao Zhou's voice, filled with helplessness, came through:

"Dean... those cameras are really broken!"

"They've all been burned!"


This conclusion

undoubtedly left the teachers even more stunned!


Burned out?

Those high-tech nano-cameras, specially treated with magical means to prevent being damaged by students' skills...

you said they were burned!?

Those high-tech nano-cameras had been quality tested during production!

More than a dozen level 45 and above second-transition mage kings had bombarded these nano-cameras, ensuring they remained intact before being installed in these dungeons.

And now you're telling me...

these cameras that could withstand level 45 mage king bombardments were burned out by a level 29 freshman!

Except for the deans who knew about the Holy Flame Dragon, all the teachers were dumbfounded.

Completely dumbfounded!

In just one minute, the shock and awe they experienced...

was more than they'd had in an entire year!

"Uncle Zhou, switch to the sixth stage camera immediately!"

At this moment,

Instructor He Yalan seemed to realize something and quickly spoke up.

This remark

undoubtedly left the teachers even more astonished.

The sixth stage...

wasn't that the final BOSS stage with the Mechanical Minotaur King and the Terrifying Alien Queen?

And Lao Zhou didn't hesitate, quickly complying.

This was also the first time he had encountered such a bizarre situation.

He'd spent most of his life in this school.

He'd organized hundreds of campus competitions and exams, big and small.

It was the first time he'd seen a situation where the camera couldn't keep up with the person!

A few seconds later,

the camera finally switched to the sixth stage of the Imperial Laboratory.

There, in the very center of the laboratory,

were the Mechanical Minotaur King and the Terrifying Alien Queen, the two BOSSes.

In the outermost area of this stage were liquid tanks containing fifty thousand experimental monsters.

All level 37 mechanical minotaur commanders, bio-mechanical cat monster leaders, and terrifying alien generals.

Fifty thousand level 37 elite monsters!!

As soon as the two BOSSes' health dropped to 50%, a summoning skill would automatically be triggered.

The challenger had to find a way to interrupt the two BOSSes' summoning chants.

If they failed to interrupt the summoning chants, they could only crush a return scroll and obediently go home.

Because next, they would face the massacre of fifty thousand elite monsters!


As the sixth stage camera gradually cleared,

a slender figure finally appeared in front of the deans and teachers!

They swore...

they hadn't felt such a persistent obsession with a person in a long time.


the deans and teachers saw the person they'd been longing to see, but their faces froze.

In front of that slender figure, there quietly lay a glittering diamond treasure chest.

Behind him...

lay a field full of dense monster corpses.

Naturally, this included the huge corpses of the Mechanical Minotaur King and the Terrifying Alien Queen.

At this moment, the voice of the dungeon spirit echoed through the speakers into the ears of all the deans and teachers...

A huge thank you to [Daniel Lewis] for joining my Patreon! Your support means the world to me

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