Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 95: So Cute

Chapter 95: So Cute

Chapter 95: So Cute

"Alright everyone! The battle is about to begin!"

"Don't waste your energy on Luo Tao and those clowns!"

"Let's see how Brother Fan crushes those three prodigies!"


After two battles.

The freshmen from the Southern Province had regained their confidence and began cheering for Qin Fan.

"Enough! Don't get too cocky!"

"I admit, that Qin Fan is indeed impressive!"

"But have you ever considered, no matter how strong he is, can he beat Bai Wushuang's dragon?"

"That's a real dragon!"

"Your Qin Fan can fight seven at once, but so can Bai Wushuang with his dragon! I don't understand what you're so proud of!"


Some couldn't stand the freshmen's attitude and spoke up.

"Huh! So only Bai Wushuang can have a dragon, but our Brother Fan can't?"

Someone retorted.

"Haha! Are you dreaming?"

"Bro, he said Qin Fan could have a dragon! I can't stop laughing! If Qin Fan can summon a dragon, then do it!"

"Seems you've forgotten, let me remind you, Dragon Masters can only contract with true dragons and holy dragons! But throughout history, no Dragon Master has ever succeeded! And you're telling me Qin Fan has a dragon pet... this is too funny!"

"Don't be delusional, Qin Fan should just sit in the second seat among freshmen! The first belongs to our Brother Bai!"


As the crowd laughed again.

The freshmen supporting Qin Fan fell silent.

Because they knew, what these people said was true.

The reason Dragon Masters were considered trash was mainly due to the stringent conditions for contracting dragon pets!

Earth dragons, flying dragons, and lesser dragons couldn't be contracted by Dragon Masters!

They could only contract with true dragons and holy dragons!

The reason...

Experts speculated that earth dragons, flying dragons, and lesser dragons had bloodlines that were too low.

In other words...

Dragon Masters couldn't contract with lesser dragons.

They could only contract with high-level dragons.

This led to no Dragon Master ever having a dragon pet throughout history.

This profession was like those who were too picky during matchmaking.

Not satisfied with those of lower standards.

Not worthy of those with higher standards.

This awkward situation turned the Dragon Master profession into a waste.

Seeing the freshmen supporting Qin Fan go quiet, the others couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright! Let's just watch Brother Bai's dragon performance!"

These people started looking forward to it.


Inside the secret battlefield.

Bai Wushuang glanced at Luo Hao and Xu Niannian disdainfully and waved them away:

"Alright! You two just stand aside and watch!"

"Let me teach this Qin Fan a lesson!"

"Show him there are always stronger people out there!"

Luo Hao and Xu Niannian looked grim, feeling humiliated.

They wanted to argue back.

But seeing the white dragon on Bai Wushuang's shoulder growling at them threateningly, they could only retreat bitterly.

"Damn it!!"

"Just because he has a dragon, he thinks he's so great?"

Luo Hao muttered angrily.

He could no longer maintain his usual superiority.

He was really dissatisfied with this Bai Wushuang!

And equally dissatisfied with Qin Fan!

Xu Niannian, on the other hand, remained calm.

In reality...

Although she was unwilling to admit it outwardly, she knew there was a significant gap between her and Qin Fan.

Because Qin Fan could easily defeat Fang Tairan.

But she couldn't.

Just from this, she knew her strength was inferior to Qin Fan's.

The reason she insisted on stepping onto the stage was that she didn't want to be a deserter.

Surrendering without a fight was too humiliating.

Win or lose, she had to fight.

The difference between her and Luo Hao was...

She was self-aware, while Luo Hao was not.

Perhaps the honor of being the top scholar of the Fengtian Province had blinded him.

But no matter what.

The upcoming 'Battle of the Dragons' was beyond her and Luo Hao's reach.

At this moment.

Under the extremely shocked gazes of everyone.

Bai Wushuang had already unleashed his dragon pet's battle form!!


With a high-pitched dragon roar.

The mini dragon, initially the size of a kitten, instantly expanded in size!!


The deafening sound of thunder echoed in everyone's ears!

In no time.

A fifty-meter-tall four-winged lightning dragon, surrounded by violent lightning, appeared before everyone's eyes!

The first form of the four-winged Wind Thunder Dragon!

Thunderstorm form!


At this moment.

Whether it was Luo Hao and Xu Niannian inside the secret battlefield.

Or the freshmen spectators outside.

Everyone was incredibly shocked!

Because this was the first time they had seen such a majestic lightning dragon!

"Damn! Is this the dragon's battle form? It's too amazing!"

"This dragon is truly awe-inspiring! How will Qin Fan fight this?"

"Haha! That Qin Fan even dared to let Brother Bai step up too! What now? Surprised?"

"Huh? Wait! Why doesn't Qin Fan look scared at all?"

As these words fell.

Everyone saw through the screen that Qin Fan, standing opposite the towering dragon, was still calm despite the lightning elements sweeping the battlefield.

Still calm!!


This guy must have experienced the Rift War, right?

Or was he so scared by the dragon that he forgot to react?

How could he remain so calm!

If it were any of these spectators facing this imposing dragon, they would've been scared out of their wits!

"Now... Qin Fan should summon his dragon pet, right?"

The deans and teachers were now looking forward to it.

A true dragon?

Or a holy dragon!?

Except for the deans who had watched Qin Fan's college entrance examination footage, the other teachers began speculating.

But the next scene...

Left everyone completely stunned!!

Under everyone's expectant gaze, Qin Fan, still calm, removed his Swift Wind Armor!



Two chubby little creatures fell to the ground from Qin Fan's clothes.

The staff, already instructed by the deans and teachers, immediately aimed their high-tech nano-cameras at the two little ones!

This allowed everyone to finally see the true appearance of these little creatures!


What is this?

So cute!!

The girls outside couldn't help but look at the two little ones with hearts in their eyes after seeing the images!

It’s worth mentioning...

Xiaojiu and Xiao Han's baby forms were much cuter than Bai Wushuang's dragon!

Even when Bai Wushuang's four-winged Wind Thunder Dragon was in its baby form, it still looked very fierce and menacing.

Its white scales covered its body like armor, and its head seemed to be wearing a helmet, with only one eye visible.

The wings, surrounded by wind and thunder, trembled from time to time, emitting a sharp and chilling aura.

This ugly form was nowhere near cute and lovable, making it hard for anyone to like.

On the contrary, the two little ones that fell out of Qin Fan's arms...

One was crimson red, and the other was icy blue.

Both had chubby bodies and plump little paws.

Especially their eyes, which looked like they were inlaid with ruby and sapphire, exuded a unique innocence of children.

Their scales hung down, making them look completely non-threatening.

Just looking at them made people want to hold and cherish them.

What was even more endearing...



Upon realizing they had left their master's side, they quickly hopped to Qin Fan's feet, then climbed up his pants like little kittens, showing their clingy nature.


Their cries were too cute!!

Even the men who had no interest in keeping pets felt their hearts soften!

At the same time, everyone realized...

Could these be Qin Fan's dragon pets?

And there were two of them!!

So what level of dragon were these!?

Mainly, these two little ones were too cute, and Qin Fan had them deliberately restrain their terrifying aura as holy dragons.

Although everyone was shocked, they couldn't determine what kind of dragons these were!


Qin Fan, as a Dragon Master, could only contract with true dragons or holy dragons.

But the clingy behavior of these two little ones made it impossible to associate them with the legendary high-level dragons!

Weren't true dragons and holy dragons supposed to see humans as ants?

How could they possibly be willing to contract with Qin Fan?


Did Qin Fan, due to some special opportunity, break the 'Dragon Masters cannot contract mid to lower-tier dragons' rule and successfully contract two flying dragons or lesser dragons?

As for earth dragons...

They were dumb but not to the point of being unrecognizable.

Earth dragons had no wings.

Only flying dragons and above had wings.


Could these two chubby little cuties really defeat Bai Wushuang's ferocious dragon?

They looked completely non-threatening!

If anyone was shocked...

Bai Wushuang was the most shocked!

When he saw Qin Fan's two dragon pets, he almost spit out the water he was about to swallow!!

He instinctively looked at his towering dragon beside him.

Seeing that his dragon had no fearful reaction.

His initial panic gradually calmed down.


False alarm!!

No wonder Qin Fan dared to be so arrogant and want to fight three at once!

It turns out he broke the 'Dragon Masters cannot contract mid to lower-tier dragons' rule and successfully contracted two flying dragons!

They couldn't be lesser dragons, true dragons, or holy dragons!

Because his dragon showed no fear upon seeing these two dragon pets!

This meant that these were flying dragons!

And flying dragons that were less powerful than his own!


His contracted four-winged Wind Thunder Dragon was an extremely powerful existence among flying dragons.

So there was nothing to worry about!

A huge thank you to [romeo thomas] for joining my Patreon! Your support means the world to me

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