Epic Transformation: The Dragon Master Who Defies the Divine

Chapter 98: Setting Conditions

Chapter 98: Setting Conditions

Chapter 98: Setting Conditions

Seeing Feng Yuanyuan and the others being dragged onto the competition stage, Qin Fan just changed at them indifferently and then lost interest.

To him, they were just insignificant clowns trying to gain some attention.

Not even worth being called obstacles.

He felt it was a waste of his time to look at them for even a second.

However, at this moment...

A group of starry-eyed girls crowded around him.

"Qin Fan, can I touch your little dragon cubs?"

"Qin Fan, what are the names of these little guys?"

"Ah! They're so cute! I want to hold them in my arms!"

Seeing these girls approach.



The two dragon cubs both let out warning cries, and their sensitive noses were filled with the girls' perfume scents.

Too pungent!

Damn stinky humans!

Xiaojiu's dragon mouth suddenly sparked, and Xiao Han's dragon mouth gathered icy air.


They hated the humans approaching them.

The dragon cubs were extremely disdainful and dismissive of all creatures other than their master.

If these humans dared to get closer, they wouldn't hesitate to breathe fire or ice on them, potentially causing severe injury.

Even in their juvenile form, the power of their breath shouldn't be underestimated.

Seeing the warning from the two dragon cubs and the suddenly boiling fire and ice elements, the girls' faces changed, and they quickly withdrew in fear.

Qin Fan said flatly, "Want to touch them? Fine. But at your own risk! Don't cry to me if you get seriously injured!"

The girls: "..."

Seeing the humans retreat reluctantly.

The two dragon cubs finally calmed down.

To soothe the little ones, Qin Fan had to promise them something painful.

He had to buy a hundred Purple Crystal Lionhead Geese tonight, to make braised and roasted goose for them.

Each Purple Crystal Lionhead Goose cost two hundred credits.

One hundred geese, that’s twenty thousand credits!

Qin Fan was going bankrupt!

But it didn't matter, as long as the little ones were happy.

Ten minutes later.

The entire challenge match officially ended.

Feng Yuanyuan, Luo Tao, Su Rou, Bi Dejiang, and others all ranked outside the top 100.

Although their condition could be restored by the priest team.

The fatigue from repeated challenges and the mental collapse from being taunted affected their performance significantly.

As a result of several subpar performances, those who should have been in the top fifty dropped out of the top hundred.

They had been "trained" by many new students.


"See if you dare to be arrogant again!"

At the same time.

These people began to call Qin Fan "Brother Fan" actively.

They had no choice.

Qin Fan was now the undisputed number one freshman!

And also a Dragon Master who had contracted two Holy Dragons!

It might not be unprecedented, but it was definitely unparalleled!

If this news got out, not just Longguo Country, but the whole world would probably be in an uproar!

"Alright! Quiet down!"

"I announce that the freshman exam is now over."

As the chief examiner of this freshman exam, the Dean of the Combat Academy, Liu Jinhua, began to speak.

"This year's freshman exam rankings are now settled. I ask you all, is there anyone dissatisfied with the current ranking?"

All the new students responded loudly, "No!"

What a joke!

This was the fairest competition ever!

If anyone was still dissatisfied, it would mean they were stupid!

Those who were the most vocal before had generally fallen far back in the rankings.

Especially Feng Yuanyuan and others.

Their rankings fluctuated the most.

From the top fifty to outside the top hundred.

Luo Tao fell to 212th place.

This was quite amusing.

Now Luo Tao, Feng Yuanyuan, and their group looked extremely sullen and angry.

"Good! Otherwise, if Feng Tian Academy were again accused of favoritism by you freshmen, we, the deans and teachers, would be very upset!"

Mentioning this matter.

Many people felt deeply ashamed.


Previously, Qin Fan had broken the records of the three secret realms with a thunderous momentum.

But he was accused by everyone of favoritism by the academy.

This matter was widely discussed.

It was said that other schools knew about it too.

But now...

Qin Fan had given these skeptics a resounding slap in the face.

Their faces were burning with embarrassment!

With those two terrifying Holy Dragons, having such record-breaking achievements was entirely normal, wasn't it?

"Back to the point."

"Regardless, the rankings are now set."

"Those who have achieved good rankings must continue to work hard and strive for greater heights."

"And those who failed, don't be discouraged. Recognize your shame and strive for success. Only by tasting failure can you climb to the peak of success!"

"Alright! No more nonsense, the sorting ceremony officially begins now!"

After Dean Liu Jinhua finished speaking.

The next moment.

He turned directly to Qin Fan and changed his tone.

"In my capacity as the Dean of the Combat Academy, I extend an invitation to Qin Fan, the top freshman. If you choose our Combat Academy, you will receive an S-level herb and an S-level universal skill book!"


Upon hearing this, everyone’s originally calm expressions suddenly showed strong envy!


So straightforward in poaching!


This treatment was only available to freshmen ranked in the top fifty.

Ordinary students could not expect a personal invitation from a dean, let alone such generous conditions!

An S-level universal skill book!

And an S-level herb!

Even Qin Fan found these conditions quite appealing.

Just because Qin Fan had many S-level skills didn't mean S-level skill books were as common as cabbage.

In fact, skill books above B-level were extremely precious!

Many freshmen, especially those ranked slightly lower, had skills at best at the A-level.

And from what Dean He Yalan had mentioned before.

Applying for resources would take at least three months to reach Qin Fan.

It showed how scarce resources were.


Dean Liu Jinhua offered such conditions, clearly from his private treasure.

As a powerful fourth-turn Battle God, he could afford this reward.

"Qin Fan, our Magic Academy will add an S-level Dragon Language Mage skill book to the Combat Academy's conditions!"

"Old man, I noticed your magic talent is also excellent. Join our Magic Academy, and your Dragon Language Magic will surely become even more refined and beneficial!"

Magic Academy Dean Liu Boming also smiled as he spoke.

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