Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 110  Spirit Creation realm

110  Spirit Creation realm

Jayden hugged Jia and began to transfer Yang Energy into her body, he made sure that the speed and quality of the energy were a lot better than last time.

Jia was stunned and was wondering whether this much contact was normal between a mother and son. To not do something that could hurt his feelings, she stayed still and didn't push Jayden away.

Remembering the last time Jayden hugged her like that, Jia's face turned red and her body became hot. ' This method of energy channelling is certainly better, but aren't we a bit too close. ' she thought.

But the soothing effect of the Yang energy made her forget all her worries, she hugged him back tightly, the more energy her body absorbed the more she wanted, and she was already getting addicted to it.

She let's her tensed body relax into his arms, as she unconsciously tightened her grip around his body. She wanted more of him and wondered what else could be done to feel even better.

Jayden didn't do anything after that, he wanted to slowly change her mind, after transferring energy Jayden sat back, pretending to be exhausted.

" Mother, how are you feeling now? " Jayden asks.

" This way of energy transferring is much better than the previous one. " she said.

' Though I felt something was still missing. ' she thought, but didn't want Jayden to know about it.

" That's great, I have a few more ways, that would be even more effective than this one. " Jayden said with a big smile.

" Even more effective? " Jia said, as her mind raced with various possibilities, then she shook her head and removed the unnecessary thoughts.

" Now, can you tell me? " Jayden said, looking expectantly at her.

" Haa, so you really want to know about the Spirit Creation realm? " Jia sighed, she thought he would've forgotten about it by now.

" Yes, tell me and don't worry about me having a heart demon. " Jayden said.

" Haa, fine then, I will tell you about my experience. " Jia said, sighing again.

" Whenever someone breaks through into the Spirit Creation realm, that person's soul goes through a test, that's what we call it. Failing the test could result in death, comatose, a setback in cultivation or simply that person's cultivation being ruined entirely.

In the test, your soul is thrown into a different world, though we don't know if it's real or not, your soul could transform into anything from humans to monsters or even insects and plants. The goal differs from person to person, for some it might be to survive while for others it might be to find something.

And to make it even more difficult, you will be overloaded by one of your emotions, it could be any emotion, for me it was envy, envy towards my younger sister, in that world, who was best at everything.

If you can subdue that emotion, then the spirit that you create will be able to use it. However, I failed and ended up killing her. Also, I really don't want to talk about the final goal of my test. It could take anywhere from a day to months, it depends on the tasks. This is just the gist, there is a lot more to the test, I don't know why you're asking, but be careful. " Jia concluded with a pained expression, she couldn't see his cultivation base, as Jayden had used a method to hide it before, and now he was using that bracelet.

Jayden took in the entire information slowly, then he asked:

" What kind of spirit did you create? "

" My Spirit is an Ice fairy, and it is one of the strongest Spirit in the entire Kingdom. " Jia replied.

Jayden took out a Snowy Dragon fruit and gave it to Jia, he already had 11 and even if he shared it with all his wives, the remaining would definitely go to waste, since they could only use one.

" No, Jin, I can't take this, how did you even get that? " Jia said, pushing the fruit away. He was already helping her, so if she took the fruit too, she would feel too much indebted to him and the guilt may create a heart demon.

"It's fine mother, I don't even need this. I found it in the forest, please take it, I want you to have it. " Jayden said.

Jia reluctantly took it, although she is the sect leader, she never really got the chance to eat it, and not wanting to use her power to take important herbs for herself, she never really tried to get it.

" Mother, I'm going into seclusion, so I probably won't be able to help you for a few days. " Jayden said.


A frown appeared on her face, but then with a rare smile, she said: " It's alright, you need to focus on your Cultivation. After you come out, you can show me the other techniques you were talking about. "

" Okay, Mother. " Jayden said and gave her a hug. This time Jia didn't feel strange about the hug and she hugged him back.



Jayden came back to his house, all the women were already awake and waiting for him.

After entering the house, Jayden took out the herbs he got from the Treasure pavilion and distributed them among all of them. Then he instructed them the proper way to consume them, as they were still too weak to consume it directly.

" I'm going into seclusion soon, so we probably won't be able to meet for a week or two. " Jayden said, looking at his wives and Emma.

" Is there really no way? " Sasha asks, her expression turned sad.

" Can't you just go into seclusion in that world with us? " Sophie asks.

" I can go there, but I have a different place in mind to cultivate at, though I'm not sure if you all can enter that place. " Jayden said uncertainly. " Give me a moment. "

' Dingir Mamuda, is it possible for them to enter the Nether World? ' he asks in his mind.


Jayden waited patiently for her reply, then after a few seconds, she replied:

" I have no control over that world, after all, you're the lord of that world, though you don't have absolute control over it yet, but you can still bring some people with you." ' Okay, thanks, one more thing. ' Jayden said in his mind and then paused.

" What is it? " ' What's the use of fate points other than using them during a fight, or momentarily increasing my luck? ' Jayden questions.

" You'll know after you reach 10,000 FP. But I can give you a hint, like something related to luck. " she said, giving almost no details.

' Haa Fine, I'll wait, but why haven't you given any quest to me lately? ' Jayden sighed and asked.

" I have other matters too, you know, but after you come back from your seclusion, I'll give more interesting quests. " she said and then went silent. Jayden smiled and then turned to look at his wives, who were looking at him expectantly.

" You can come with me there, but since I'm going to break through, I won't be able to interact with any of you for a few days. " Jayden said.

" Yayyy!! That's fine, just being around you is enough for me. " Alice clapped happily.

" Brother, me? " Emma looks at Jayden cutely and asks.

" Of course, my Emi can come. " he picked her up and said.

" Great, then I'll also cultivate beside you. " Eleanor said, excitedly.

" When are you going into seclusion? " Sasha questions.

" Today " " What kind of place are we going to? " Sophie asks, a big smile on her face. " It's a strange place, you'll know when we go there. " Jayden replied.

" Shall we go? " Jayden asks.

" Yessss!!! " everyone shouted, excitedly.

" Nether World " Jayden spoke and commanded to teleport all of them to the Nether World. In the next moment, Jayden along with everyone else disappeared from the room.

[ Entering Nether World ]

The next moment everyone appeared at a place, where everything was engulfed by the purple flames. Sasha and the others looked at their surroundings in wonder, the place looked beautiful and ominous at the same time.

" Wow, these purple flames aren't hurting us at all. " Sophie exclaimed.

" I can control at least that much in this world. " Jayden said, as he took in a deep breath.

" You can cultivate here if you want or can go back to that world you previously stayed at. " Jayden said and walked towards Emma who was looking at a creature that was burning with purple flames.

" Emi, is it cute? " he asks.

" Yes, bite? " she asked, controlling the urge to touch the animal.

" No, it won't bite. " Jayden said and watched as Emma began to pet the creature.

" We would like to stay here, even if we can't talk, just having you around feels good. " Eleanor said and all the other women agreed with her.

" Emi too, stay. " Emma said, pulling on his sleeve.

" Fine, but train properly and don't play too much. " Jayden said, stroking Emma's hair.

" Mmm " she nodded and began to follow the purple creature.


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