Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 92  Angry Milf

Chapter 92  Angry Milf

" Sleep with you? " Lao Rong stared at Jayden in disbelief.

" Have you lost your mind? Do you think nothing could happen to you because of your parents? " Lao Rong was fuming with anger, her face red.

Wang Jin's father is the king of the 'The Beginning' Kingdom, and his mother is the sect master of the 'Divine Sword' sect. But they couldn't care less about his existence, his father has already forgotten about him while his mother goes to extra lengths just to make sure he doesn't have an easy life inside the sect.

The reason, its due to his average talent in cultivation that his father lost interest in him, while his mother hated him because he was an unwanted child. First, the king forced his mother to marry him, and then on their wedding night, he forced himself on her resulting in her getting pregnant after some time, and so a decrease in the pace of her cultivation. She hated him to the core and made sure to not let him have an easy life in the sect.

" No, why would I need to depend on them? " Jayden said, his tone indifferent.

" Just you wait, my husband is going to turn you into a cripple. " Lao Rong blurted out, before standing up to leave.

Just as she reached the door, she heard Jayden's words from behind and her body froze.

" If you leave the room now, I'm going to tell your daughter's secret to everyone. " Jayden knew nothing of any secret about her daughter, he hadn't even used the Void Eye skill, and just spoke nonsense.

" H-How do you know about her secret? " She asks, her voice a little shaky.

" You don't need to know that. " Jayden answers, an 'I know everything' expression on his face.

' I must kill him right now, otherwise it would be a big problem if that secret got out. And I don't think anyone will notice his absence, not that anyone cares. ' Lao Rong's expression looked determined, she looked at Jayden, ready to make her move.

" Hmph, it's so easy to know what you're thinking, Just try it and within an hour, the voice towers will be shouting your daughter's secret out across the entire Kingdom. " Jayden said, daring her to make a move. Voice towers are the places that are used to make the announcements across the kingdom, but only people in high positions can have access to them. Lao Rong doubted his words for a minute, but remembering that he is still the Prince even though abandoned, 'maybe he has sneaked in there before.' She thought. " What do you want? " she asks, ignoring Jayden's earlier request.

" I already told you, spend a night with me. " Jayden scoffs.

" NOOO, I could never do that, even if you were to kill me. " Lao Rong said, her voice resolute. She loves her husband and daughter very much, how could she do something that could break their trust and ruin their family?

" Hmmm, then how about you suck my d- " Jayden began to negotiate.

" Never " Lao Rong interrupted Jayden's words, She had never even done such a thing with her husband, ' How could I- no, no, no. I will never. ' She felt disgusted just thinking about it.

" Then how about you let me lick yo- " Jayden said, pointing his finger at her nether region.

" Nooooo " she interrupts Jayden again, placing both hands in front of her lower body.

" Haa you're making it difficult for me, then this is the last option... " Jayden stared into her blue pupils, a frown on his face, pretending to be displeased by her refusal.

Lao Rong couldn't believe that this was the same boy who always looked so innocent and weak. He, who is bullied by most of the sect's disciples, is responsible for her current predicament. She gulps her saliva, patiently waiting for his next words.

" Then let me kiss you. " Jayden concluded.

" No- " Lao Rong began to refuse again, but this time Jayden interrupted her.

" This is your last chance, and even if we did kiss, no one will know about it ever and I promise I won't go anywhere near your daughter anymore. " Jayden said with a poker face.

" Uh... I-Is there no other way? Remember my husband is the Royal Guard, if he found out about this, he is going to kill you in the most gruesome way. " Lao Rong tried to hide her panic and wanted to intimidate Jayden.

" So you don't want to? Fine, even if your husband kills me later, I'll make sure to release your daughter's secret. " Jayden said and stood up, ready to leave the room.

Seeing that her tactic had failed, Lao Rong panicked and held onto Jayden's arm, stopping him from leaving.

" F-Fine, you can kiss me, but you can't tell anyone else about it and you won't hang around my daughter after this," she said, trying to reason with herself about the strange request.

" Okay, then. " Jayden pondered for a moment then agreed.

He walks in front of her, before pulling her by the waist into a tight hug. Lao Rong's body tenses up, as Jayden inches his face closer to hers. Before she could react, Jayden took her juicy red lips into his mouth.

Lao Rong's eyes widen in disbelief, as Jayden began to suck her lips. She felt Jayden's warm lips surrounding hers, and his tongue occasionally caressing them.

She shut her mouth tightly, not wanting to turn the kiss into a passionate one, She hated the fact that she was actually a little excited by the kiss. Wang Jin was famous across the kingdom for many reasons, and his appearance was one of them.

He is said to be one of the most handsome man in the entire kingdom, and that is also the reason most males in the sect hated him.

" Mmmmmm~ mmmmph??!! "

Jayden's hands caressed her back, as his tongue tried to sneak into her mouth. He moves his hand down and squeezes her juicy ass. She yells in surprise, startled by his action.

Jayden took advantage of this moment and pushed his tongue into her mouth, savouring her tasty saliva. Lao Rong's mind stopped working, as she shut her eyes.

Jayden nibbled on her tongue, enjoying the moment while it lasted, As her mind became clear, she pushed Jayden back before wiping her mouth.

" You- You bastard. I never want to see you around me or my daughter again. " she screeched before stomping out of the room.

Just as she left, message began to pop in front of Jayden.

[ Task completed ]

[ Reward ]: [ 50 Fate Points ]

[ Milf Hunter System, Targets ]:

[ 1. Lao Rong ]


After reading the messages Jayden walked out of the cottage while going through Wang Jin's memories. " Ho! If it isn't the Fallen Prince. " Just after taking a few steps, he heard a voice from behind.

He turned around, and saw a fat shrimp with an oily face, walking toward him with a smug expression, followed with over five lackeys.

Jayden recalled from his memories that this fatty is the servant of the second elder's grandson. " Hmmm, if it isn't the Fat Han. " Jayden jeered using the same tone.

Han was stunned at first, he couldn't believe this weakling had just spoken back to him, In the next intent his face contorted in anger.

" Did you grow balls or something in the past two days? " Han shouts, staring daggers at Jayden.

" Cut the crap and get out of my way, you swine. " Jayden spoke and began to walk past Han.

" W-What? Swine? " Han stared at Jayden in confusion and anger. Just as Jayden was passing by him, he stretched his foot, trying to trip Jayden.


" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah m-m-my leg "

Jayden didn't even look down, and stepped on his feet, as bone-cracking sounds rang out. Han cries out in pain, as he fell on his butt, clutching his feet in agony.

" Kill that bastard haa haa " Han orders his Lackeys, rubbing his fat feet with a pained expression.


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