Eternal Villain: I can enslave Reality!

Chapter 243 243: Your own answer

Chapter 243 243: Your own answer

Even the wrath of Heavenly Tribulation that directly targeted him in the past had proved futile. Meanwhile the tribulation that came for the Divine Empress was weaker in comparison. Although it still posed a threat to her life, Xu Shan's intervention allowed her to focus on her own task.

As the Divine Empress continued to absorb the purified celestial aura, her body gradually adapted to the overwhelming energy. Her resilience increased, pushing the limits of mortality.

Approaching the breakthrough point, the Heavenly Tribulations intensified in the sky, as if acknowledging her getting closer to the ascent towards immortality. The Lightning Dragons became fiercer, launching relentless attacks.

However, before the lightning could reach the woman, Xu Shan emerged before it. He didn't require the Book of Devouring to consume the wrath of Heaven; his evolved Celestial Spirit was sufficient.

The clash between Xu Shan and the Lightning Dragons reverberated throughout the Divine Realm. Yet, the battle was short-lived as Xu Shan devoured both Lightning Dragons, further angering Heaven.

The Heavenly Law seethed with fury, as if the sky itself roared, ready to unleash a punishment capable of obliterating the entire world in an instant.

"Even Heaven must abide by its own laws, doesn't it?" Xu Shan smiled, gazing at the clouded sky. It seemed as if he was taunting Heaven itself.

"Will the Tribulation end like this?" he asked, his voice echoing across the realm.

Even Xu Shan knew that the Heavenly Law couldn't subject a weaker world to a stronger tribulation. Meanwhile the weak tribulations were pointless.

Xu Shan relished on the taste of the Heavenly Lightning. Unfortunately, he had a feeling that even with his taunting, there was going to be no more Heavenly Lightning.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, the Divine Empress felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude towards Xu Shan. Observing the strength behind the Tribulation and the energy she absorbed, she became certain that she would have died without his intervention.

This experience surpassed her initial expectations. For a moment, she found solace in the fact that Xu Shan was there to protect her. She even contemplated whether it was her destiny to encounter him, as if he was fated to be her savior.

The world quivered under her power as she defied the boundaries of what was believed possible. She transcended the Heavenly Celestial Realm, entering the Realm of Immortality.

Finally, she took the long-awaited step she had dreamed of. No longer a half-immortal, she had shattered the shackles of this world, becoming a true Immortal. Unfortunately, her pursuit of strength came at a great cost.

After the breakthrough, she stopped absorbing essence from the formation. As an immortal, she experienced her first flight, her body brimming with incredible strength.

"So this is what it feels like! It's amazing! I feel as though I can obliterate this world with just a flick of my finger!" she exclaimed, floating in the air before Xu Shan.

At this moment, she no longer resembled the cruel queen. Instead, she resembled a child who had received the toy she had always yearned for, and that toy had exceeded her expectations.

"What's left to obliterate?" Xu Shan asked. "Do you see anything?"

Frowning, the woman turned around. With the achievement of Immortality, her Divine Sense was able to cover a larger distance.

With her Divine Sense, she observed far and wide. Multiple cities within her Kingdom and beyond came into her sight and what she saw was nothing less than absolute carnage.

For a long time, she couldn't respond. Her eyes kept moving from one city to the other, but the scene was the same everywhere. Although she had already expected something like this, but now that she was actually seeing it with her own eyes, it was a completely different feeling.

In the past, she held an obsession toward breaking through to immortality. Because of that obsession, she was able to bury many other thoughts. But now that the obsession was fulfilled, she was coming to terms with her actions.

The happiness that she was feeling about her breakthrough had changed to a feeling of emptiness. Her heart felt cold.

"This is what you created. The faster you come to terms with this, the easier it will be for you in the future." Xu Shan spoke as he flew back towards the palace.

He left the Divine Empress back to her silence. As she stood there, gazing at the vast landscape before her, a wave of strange feelings washed over her.

She looked at the back of Xu Shan, who was going farther with each passing moment.

"How would you have come to terms with it?" She asked, her voice loud enough to reach him.

"I'm not plagued by that empathy or sadness that keeps you people tied down. So I might be the worst person to ask that question," Xu Shan answered as he landed on the balcony that was already cracked.

Even the entire Palace felt damaged, like it could come crashing down with each passing second.

"Moreover, even if I could feel anything, why would I feel for them?" he further asked. "They weren't the citizens of my Empire. I barely even knew them."

"For me, they were no different than any other being that I've killed in my life. And I won't be hypocritical enough to say that I'm a good man. We're not the same." Xu Shan waved his hand as he stepped inside the mansion.

"I'll wait for you for a day. After twenty-four hours, we'll be leaving this world. You have twenty four hours to find your answers."

His last few sentences fell in the Divine Empress' ears. She stood there, stunned, as she watched him disappear into the palace.

Xu Shan's words echoed in her mind. She wondered if she was hypocritical like he mentioned. She didn't feel anything when killing people that she considered enemies.

She didn't feel anything when killing strangers for her goals. But now that she killed her own people, she felt this strange sadness within her heart.

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