Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 129.2

Chapter 129.2

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Editor: Sahloknir

Jiang Bieyu had never thought that Shi Qing, who was so openly reckless on the outside and arrogant on account of his family’s background, had such an informed perspective.

He had only met Shi Qing a few days ago. Everything he knew about the little master was through hearsay.

It was said that he was the only son of the Shi family, so he had been given everything he wanted growing up.

In the past, Jiang Bieyu dismissed him as a wastrel.

When he arrived at the Shi family, he revised his opinion of Shi Qing to a good-looking wastrel.

Only now did he realise...this little master was good-looking, but he was certainly no wastrel.

Jiang Bieyu thought that perhaps Shi Qing was not unaware of the current situation, nor was he really stupid and ignorant.

He was intelligent, though spoiled and a little naive. Evidenced by the fact that he had told Jiang Bieyu everything without reservation.

The little master of the Shi family, their Qing-er, wasn’t unaware of his family’s situation, the current state of the world, and the false prosperity of Crane City.

He just saw it in more simple terms.

Jiang Bieyu could even guess what Shi Qing was thinking.

As the only son of the Shi family, their only heir, he would not be allowed to go anywhere in his life.

Even if he had a sharp mind and thorough reasoning, his status as the Shi family’s little master was already enough to hold him back.

Therefore, he couldn’t do anything even if he knew what would happen.

It would be better to remain the spoiled little master, who didn’t need to worry about a thing.

Jiang Bieyu had always known the importance of military power.

He also knew that although they were in chaotic times, the commoners were just interested in staying alive.

But in reality, chaotic times were also the best for seizing opportunities.

In times of peace and prosperity, those who could not climb up the ladder because of their lowly status were stuck. But in times of chaos, where might makes right, anyone could be a king.

Jiang Bieyu’s intention all along was to leave the Jiang family and slowly accumulate some military power while laying low.

But then his aunt passed away and Jiang Bieyu was caught off guard by Jiang Liye pushing him out to take the blame.

His plans didn’t change when he arrived at the Shi family. He still intended to lay low and then find a way to leave.

The man had even devised a plan about how to amass power afterwards already.

But now, from Shi Qing’s mouth, he heard almost an exact replica of what he had been thinking.

Jiang Bieyu’s hand was still on the youth’s waist.

He was still holding the other in his arms.

Before, the only reason he did this was to prevent Shi Qing from falling.

Now, that hand unconsciously tightened its grip.

There was a time when Jiang Bieyu thought that Shi Qing was a golden canary with a beautiful singing voice.

He also thought that, if he really became powerful one day, he would imprison this canary in a cage by his side. He wanted it to sing and show off its beautiful feathers to him alone.

The canary still looked the same as ever right now.

Soft and dainty, as if he had been born to be pampered and coddled.

But he wasn’t just good at singing and grooming his feathers like Jiang Bieyu thought.

This canary had long since been flying outside its cage.

It simply chose to willingly return, grooming its beautiful feathers and singing a pretty tune to disguise itself as a pitiful creature that would starve to death without its owner.

Inexplicably, Jiang Bieyu felt pleased by this development.

The little master was still as overbearing as ever. There was even some smugness on his dainty and fair face from shocking the person in front of him.

He raised his chin slightly and withdrew his soft fists. Like he was bestowing a great honour upon Jiang Bieyu, he leaned a bit into the man’s arms.

“So, did I scare you? Who would’ve thought that a big man like you would be so timid? Don’t tell people you’re my boytoy when you go outside.”

As usual, Shi Qing was so cutely arrogant that it was hard to dislike him.

However, his arrogant and haughty nature only made Jiang Bieyu desire to dominate him more and more.

He wanted this canary.

Never before had he wanted it more.

He wanted to imprison him and tame him.

He wanted to give him the most precious of jewels to adorn his beautiful feathers.

Such a beautiful, analytical and sharp-minded canary...

If Shi Qing became his, Jiang Bieyu would be able to scoop him into his arms anytime he wanted.

How nice that would be.

[Ding! Jiang Bieyu animosity value: 95/100]

[Ding! Jiang Bieyu animosity value: 93/100]

[Ding! Jiang Bieyu animosity value: 90/100]

The System was shocked: [Huh? Huh?!]

It was bewildered and at a loss: [Host, what did you do?]

Did you tease him again??

Shi Qing nestled comfortably in the man’s arms, looking like the most innocent person in the world. [Who knows what’s going on with him. Maybe he suddenly realized that our souls are interlinked or something.]

The System: [Huh?]

Shi Qing: [Don’t worry about it. This is all part of my plan. Weren’t you busy playing those games of yours? Be good and get back to that.]

The System, who still didn’t understand anything after coming out, went back obediently.

Shi Qing wasn’t lying to his System.

Anyways, his previous words were meant only for Jiang Bieyu.

It made sense that a mere young master wouldn’t be able to change the status quo, even if he was intelligent. So Shi Qing would be able to explain himself if someone overheard and confronted him.

Shi Qing snuggled further into Jiang Bieyu’s embrace. The other person was deep in thought. The little master chose to ignore how the man’s right hand was subconsciously touching his waist.

While he was enjoying this warm and secure embrace, the man who was hugging him asked coldly, “Why are you keeping me around?”

The little master answered quickly and decisively. For some reason, he even inexplicably looked up at Jiang Bieyu. “Of course it’s because you’re handsome.”

As he said that, Shi Qing’s hand skillfully slipped into the lapel of the man holding him and patted his firm chest.

“Why are you asking about this all of a sudden? Are you still thinking about the Jiang family? Don’t think about them anymore. You’re one of mine now. All you need to do is eat and drink well every day, build up your strength, wear the clothes I designed and look pretty for me.”

Jiang Bieyu was silent for a few seconds. “You knew very well that Jiang Liye pushed you, so why did you lash me 100 times?”

Shi Qing: “I had just been fished out of the water then. I was too dizzy to walk, never mind look at your face.”

Saying that, the little master of the Shi family’s fair face revealed a flirtatious smile. He extended one fingertip to the man’s chin.

However, his attempt to lift said chin failed.

Shi Qing: “...”

He was somewhat grumpy. “Lift your chin.”

Jiang Bieyu obediently followed his lead and lifted his chin.

A pair of light-colored eyes with a slight touch of darkness in them fixated on Shi Qing.

But the little master didn’t care how deep and dark the man’s gaze was.

He only said proudly, “You’ve always kept your head down when you were with Jiang Liye. How am I supposed to keep track of what his servants look like? But speaking of which, had I known earlier that you were so handsome, I would’ve asked for you a long time ago.”

With that, he smoothly touched the man’s cold, hard cheek again.

“It’s a good thing that the whip didn’t hit your face. It would’ve been such a pity.”

The beautiful eyes that looked up at Jiang Bieyu were bright and full of purehearted joy.

He didn’t even try to hide the fact that he knew it wasn’t Jiang Bieyu’s fault when he whipped him a hundred times.

Even Jiang Bieyu himself didn’t hold a grudge for that, never mind Shi Qing.

There was only one thing the man wanted to know right now.

Jiang Bieyu’s gaze was heavy as he looked at the youth in front of him, his voice hoarse and scratchy.

“If I didn’t have this face, would you still treat me like you do today?”

Shi Qing blinked. A strange expression came over his face, as if he found Jiang Bieyu’s question inexplicable.

He replied, “Of course I wouldn’t.”

“If you weren’t so handsome, why would I give you a second look?”

He didn’t even try to hide the fact that he only liked Jiang Bieyu’s face.

Jiang Bieyu didn’t say anything else.

Actually, Shi Qing’s answer didn’t surprise him at all.

After all, Shi Qing had been expressing his love for this face of his from the very beginning.

This face, which reminded others of evil spirits and fierce beasts, which could make maidservants and children scream in fright, happened to be an exact match for Shi Qing’s tastes.

The same went for Shi Qing’s Persian cat, who was so vicious that any other owner would’ve thrown it out already.

But the little master utterly adored it.

He kept it in his house, fed it well and didn’t spare it any affection.

Jiang Bieyu didn’t know if he was talking about the cat or himself anymore.

As he silently looked at the youth, a thought suddenly came to mind.

Perhaps it was because he could not go to war or take any risks...

Perhaps that was the reason this little master, who had been raised with the utmost care in Crane City, had perversely become fond of vicious-looking people and cats.

That was the only reason.

It sounded ridiculous, but it was without a doubt the truth.

Without this face, would he no longer get any attention from Shi Qing?

The man lowered his eyes slightly. The large, slender hands that held the little master slowly tightened.

If this was the case, he would definitely fight to make a name for himself in this chaotic world...

“Wu, that’s not right.”

Jiang Bieyu emerged from his thoughts after a soft slap from Shi Qing.

“...I guess I can do without that face of yours.”

Jiang Bieyu was actually a little flattered by those words. He looked down to see the little master smiling lecherously. Those soft hands crept back into his lapels and confidently groped his chest.

“Even without your face, you still have a pretty good body.”

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