Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Editor: Sahloknir

Shi Qing felt like this kid Song Xiabing was trying to tell him something by beating those guys up.

Alas, he was a straight man. He certainly wouldn’t understand, hehe!

After venting, Song Xiabing refused to own up to his actions in a particularly shameless manner. He acted like his words just now weren’t meant for Shi Qing.

The Song family members were all beaten up, but they were still alive.

It’s not that Song Xiabing couldn’t kill them. He deliberately spared them for a reason.

He knew all too well what these people were like.

They were your usual bullies that feared the strong and tormented the weak.

Now that he noticed he had an audience (Shi Qing), Song Xiabing, who looked like he was about to raze the place to the ground, stopped his rampage. He suddenly turned into a ‘pitiful little thing’, softly but insistently clinging to the man.

The fear that the Song family originally felt towards him was instantly halved.

“Is this Mr. Shi Qing from Blazing Thunder?”

The person who spoke was the Song family’s young master. He struggled to his feet with a bleeding nose. After glaring resentfully at Song Xiabing, who had wriggled his way into Shi Qing’s arms, he plastered a fake looking smile on his face.

It’s not that he didn’t want to smile more sincerely...

He couldn’t help it because of how swollen his face was, ah.

The young master cupped his fist. “I’ve heard that the Blazing Thunder Boss, Shi Qing, is a straightforward person, so I will be frank. Our Song family came here to do legitimate business. Have we offended your Blazing Thunder in some way for you to send people to target us like this?”

“If nothing else, our Song family has an abundance of food. Enough to hire several top tier ability users. Mr. Shi, if you can’t give us an appropriate reason, it will be hard for us to let today’s matter go. If Mr. Shi doesn’t want to make an enemy of our family, it would be best if you let us discipline the person by your side.

Song Xiabing’s eyebrows twitched slightly. Black mist swirled around his fingertips.

He only liked to pretend to be pitiful around Shi Qing. This guy, who was a nobody before he left the Song family, sure had a lot of guts.

His expression cooled. Just before he was about to teach this guy a lesson, the man he was leaning against suddenly spoke coldly. Shi Qing still had that impatient gangster look on his face. His words were slurred and he had a cigarette in his mouth.

“How we handle our own affairs has nothing to do with your Song family.

Song Xiabing was slightly moved.

Shi Qing...

Is he defending me?

Although he knew that logically Shi Qing was only defending him because of his phantom fox physique, Song Xiabing felt like things were different this time.

Shi Qing was a very possessive person. He would rather beat his Blazing Thunder members to death himself rather than hand them over to outsiders.

By presuming they could discipline his Blazing Thunder members, the Song family had crossed Shi Qing’s bottom line.

Song Xiabing seemed to vaguely realize something.

Yes, Shi Qing was a very protective person.

He wouldn’t say anything if Song Xiabing was domineering to others. At most, he would come to share in the profits.

But if outsiders were domineering to Song Xiabing, and he made himself the weaker party...

The young man buried his face against the man’s chest. No one could see it, but his lips quirked up a fraction.

When he looked up again, there was a pitiful expression on his face.

“I only came for a look after I heard that the Song family was here. After all, I’m also part of the family. I was starting to miss them after being separated for so long.”

Song Xiabing seemed very aggrieved. “Who knew they would start cursing me out as soon as they saw me? Boss, I wouldn’t have done anything before, but we’re together now! By insulting me, they’re basically insulting you! How could I let them continue to slander you like that. Besides, they didn’t just hurl hurtful words at me. They said that I’m a dead man walking even if I have you and Blazing Thunder’s protection.”

The Song family members: “...”

The Song family’s young master almost spat out blood. “Bullshit!! What proof do you have that we said those things?!!”

Song Xiabing appeared to cower back at his tone, pressing himself even more onto Shi Qing’s body. “But you did say that. If you want to deny it so badly, why don’t you bring out proof that you didn’t?”

The Song family members: “...”

Song Xiabing pleaded his case with more urgency. “Boss, you might not know this, but they always looked down on me and bullied me when I was a child. When they couldn’t bully me anymore as an adult, they abandoned me at this base after the apocalypse. My dad doesn’t care whether I live or die. He pretends that he doesn’t have a son like me. I’ve suffered so much at their hands...”

His words would’ve made everyone shed tears.

Unfortunately, all the people around him right now witnessed how he had beaten up the Song family.

On the inside, they were all like: “...”

On the contrary, it was Shi Qing who was slightly moved.

This couldn’t be considered OOC because Song Xiabing knew that he was also abandoned by his father and raised in a single parent household.

A warm feeling flooded Song Xiabing’s being when he saw how his last few words affected the Blazing Thunder boss.

Although Song Xiabing knew that the main reason was because Shi Qing was reminded of his own father...at least a small part had to be because of him, right?

The man’s sword-like eyebrows furrowed. He spat out his cigarette with a disgruntled look and looked down at the person with injuries all over his body.

“Your Song family’s gone too far. I’m going to give you one last chance. Give all the food you bought with you to Blazing Thunder and I ‘ll spare your lives.”

The Song family members: “...”

Fuck this guy’s so shameless, ah!!

Who the fuck is going too far right now, ah?!!

It’s obviously this Song Xiabing who came over to their place and wordlessly approached the Song family young master.

The guards tried to ambush him but ended up beaten until they didn’t know up from down.

Then they were all beaten up for no apparent reason.

And now Shi Qing wanted them to offer compensation??

“Boss, I don’t think this will work.”

Those words were like a ray of light shining on the Song family members who didn’t know whether to start fighting or cursing.

Finally, someone reasonable around here!

They looked over hopefully, only to find that it was Song Xiabing who spoke.

Their faces immediately became twisted.

Sure enough, Song Xiabing softly leaned into the man’s arms and whispered in his ear like a malicious concubine.

“How can they be let off with a bit of grain after bullying me like this? Boss, from what I saw before, ten members of the Song family came this time. How about this? Why don’t we detain all of them and send a ransom to the Song family asking for more food? We’ll kill them one by one if they refuse to pay up.”

The Song family members: “...”


Utterly shameless!!!

So this bitch, Song Xiabing really was still holding a grudge against them for taking advantage of the apocalypse to seize power.

But Shi Qing wouldn’t play along, right?

If he really detained ten people from the Song family, and in public no less, there was no way the Song family wouldn’t find out the truth.

At that time, wouldn’t their Blazing Thunder immediately become enemies with the Song family?

That’s right!

At the very least, Shi Qing had personally created Blazing Thunder. He couldn’t be that stupid, right?

However, the man standing across from them nodded thoughtfully. “Damn, you’ve got a point there.”

“Yep. We can also make them do hard labour while waiting for the ransom to be delivered. It’s a win-win situation.”

Song Xiabing gave the Song family members turning blue and green an unkind look. “I think we can get quite a bit for ten people.”

One of the Song family young masters felt his legs soften involuntarily as soon as he met Song Xiabing’s eyes.

“They won’t give you anything for us. We’re all worthless as hostages because we’re from a side branch of the Song family...”

Shi Qing scowled. “A side branch, huh??”

“So they’re useless? Kill them then.”

The Song family members: “...”

These two are both screwed up in the head!!

Song Xiabing smiled. “I suppose it’s true that members of the main family are more valuable. How about this Boss? I’ll go to their base and kidnap their main branch for ransom. We can kidnap as many as necessary to get the amount of food you want. After that, our Blazing Thunder will never lack food again.”

The Song family members: “...There’s no way that’ll work! Our Song family has level seven experts protecting us!”

Shi Qing couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Then are the people here, who were beaten up by a member of our Blazing Thunder, not considered level seven experts?”

The Song family didn’t respond to that.

Not just because they didn’t know what to say, but also because they noticed that Song Xiabing’s mood had become odd after Shi Qing spoke. They were worried that he decided to kill them after all.

Actually, Song Xiabing couldn’t care less about them at the moment. All his attention was focused elsewhere.

His pretty eyes were glittering slightly as he regarded the man letting him lean on him. This man who looked pretty happy, whose big, fiery red tail was wagging.

He just said ‘a member of our Blazing Thunder’...

Did Shi Qing just admit that he was also a member of Blazing Thunder?

Song Xiabing’s cheeks went faintly red. Not due to shyness, but excitement.

The young man gently nuzzled the man with his face as he whispered, “Boss, you think I’m a member of Blazing Thunder?”

“Of course I do.” Shi Qing admitted it straight away. He even brought Song Xiabing’s whole body closer to himself.

Song Xiabing’s already good mood improved even more. Even his lips became ruddier in colour.

Shi Qing...

He isn’t so hopeless after all.

Then he heard Shi Qing continue, “You’re a member of our Blazing Thunder! Naturally, all of the grain you secure also belongs to our Blazing Thunder! Laozi isn’t going to budge on this!! Everything belongs to me!!”

Song Xiabing: “...”

He barely, barely managed to squeeze out a smile. “You’re...just after the grain? You think grain is more important than me?”

The little brothers nearby: “...”

If it was before, they might have just sighed at how bad their boss was at reading other people.

But now...

Song Xiabing had single-handedly defeated several level seven experts by himself!!!

Boss, calm down and think about this!!

One wrong word and things won’t end with just domestic violence...

This guy will send you straight to the afterlife, ah!

Shi Qing gave the question serious consideration. “En...”

The little brothers nearby were tense with apprehension.

Even Song Xiabing, knowing full well what Shi Qing was like and how he wouldn’t change anytime soon, couldn’t help but get his hopes up a bit.

In the end, the man gritted his teeth and spoke with pained determination, “Fine, I’ll give you 20%! That’s my final offer!”

Song Xiabing: “...”

He clenched his fists expressionlessly.

Behind them, the Song family members came to an agreement and shouted with pained determination, “Fine, we’ll agree to your terms. We’ll get you the grain if you let us go.”

The young man turned to them with ice-cold eyes.

Black mist suddenly surged and wrapped around them.

“I’ve changed my mind.”

“I have to destroy the Song family no matter what!!”

The Song family members: “???”


Didn’t you just want some food before?!

How shameless can you be?!!

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