Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

I am a maid that serves in the royal castle.

Just by working at the royal castle, I can earn an enormous salary with my own hands.

However, I am still just someone with a low position. If I was to speak of what I do at the royal castle, I clean, do laundry, and other miscellaneous jobs.

As I was leaving my post to go on my break, certain conversation made its way into my ears.

. . . well let us put aside talk of work for now. Right now, I would like to ask for an answer regarding that matter . . . you know . . . (Raul)

Was that voice Count Raul-Nizzet-sama?

He was a really gentle person who was always smiling.

However, those words just now . . . I felt that they had a serious tone.

If its about that, I cannot wish for more than that . . . However, I asked Jake-kun about it and he seemed to feel uneasy about it.

I almost shrieked because of the next voice I heard.

It was Duke Grid-Ractos-sama, a man rumoured to be an evil administrator.

I knew that the two of the had the positions of administrator and administrative advisor.

Thinking about their positions, I didnt think that they would have a discussion about such a seemingly complicated matter between them in this manner.

No need to worry about that. After all, we also understand Jake-kuns circumstances. Honestly, our house is also having quite a bit of trouble as well.

The name of the Dukes son Jake-sama comes out of the mouths of both Ractos-sama and Nizzet-sama.

That matter,Duke Ractos,Jake-sama,

And then Nizzet-samas remark brimming with seriousness.

No way, no way!

That rumour, the rumour that Duke Ractos is planning to overthrow the current king . . .

Its true and even Nizzet-sama is participating in his plan!

Ha-havent I just heard something incredible!

As I thought that, Nizzet-samas usual gentle smile gave off the feeling he was hiding an ulterior motive.

Certainly, it is better to do this as quickly as possible. If this keeps up, it will be bad for both of us. (Grid)

A . . . aaa . . . as quickly as possible!

No way! Has their coup already progressed to such an extent?

What should I do!

Well then, the date will be fixed on . . .

. . . Thats right! I have to tell them! I need to inform the prime minister and His Majesty of this important thing.

I strain my ears as they are about to talk about the fixed day.

I have to listen more to this piece of information . . . !

Excuse me. Father, Count Nizzet. (Jake)

A male voice suddenly cut into their conversation.

Thi, this voice is . . . !

Jake, for you to come to the royal castle . . . has something happened?

It was Jake-Ractos-sama as expected, the Ractos households first son. Someone who has dark rumours lingering around him.

[Incarnation of the Devil Snake]

I gasped.

Well, theres nothing that important. I also heard the two of you talking here. By the way . . . eavesdropping isnt good you know? (Jake)

A feeling that felt like there was something holding tightly onto my heart snatched the heat away from my body.

The fact that I heard this conversation was noticed.

I, I will get killed! I have to run away!

Fortunately, I was able to escape safely.

No. Perhaps, they just allowed me to escape.

After all, someone like me can be easily erased.

I cant tell anyone that Ive obtained an amazing piece of information regarding a plan to usurp the current king.

The moment I tell this to anyone, I will be killed for sure.

By any chance, it will not be just me. They will kill my family as well. We will all be murdered.

I am deeply sorry Your Majesty.

For me, my own life and that of my familys is more important to me than the kingdom.

That day I couldnt even close my eyes to sleep.

(TL : Sigh .. prince and this maid will become great friend tho )

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