Face-Slapping System

Chapter 36 [Bonus Chapter]Arrival Of The Saviors?

Looking at the dislocated arm and the blood coughed out by the burly man he sent flying earlier; the situation finally sank in Roland's mind.

Roland was never a violent person. Due to him being weak, he would always opt out of any fight and or any violence that he encountered.

This time, he was directly involved in the incident, and he caused two grown men to cry in pain due to the injuries they sustained.

In this world there was a proper law. He knew that he could go into prison for what he did if he took it lightly.

His heartbeat started beating rapidly again, this time, it was not due to the rush in adrenaline but due to his fear of going into prison.

No sane man would want to go to prison.

At least, Roland did not want to.

He started to panic, not knowing what to do.

"Sir, please show mercy!"

The cry of the man with the broken arm awoke Roland from his stupor.

Roland had his tongue-tied, not knowing what to reply to the man he just 'pummeled'.

In the first place, he did not even attack them both, he only counter-attacked due to the situation.

'Right. I only counter attacked. This is just an act of self-defense.' Roland thought as he comforted himself.

Thinking of that, Roland looked around in search of something.

A moment later, his eyes lit-up as he saw a camera hanging just a few meters away from them.

Seeing the CCTV comforted Roland even more, thinking that he would truly have a chance of defending himself in the court.

However, what Roland did not know was that he actually did not have to try to defend himself.

"I only did what I did as self-defense, you can't blame me for this. Also, don't try to get nasty with me, there is CCTV over there to act as the evidence," he stated while looking at the man.

He even deliberately told him that there was a CCTV camera, in case he did not notice and would still try to put the blame on him.

Hearing that, the man's eyes actually lit-up.

'There was a cctv? Then this matter is over,' a victorious thought crossed his mind.

They only attacked Roland because they assumed that he would try to sabotage their work.

However, now that they failed to do the task, and was even pummeled to the ground by him alone, he was secretly embarrassed, especially after seeing that Roland's stature was actually not great compared to the two of them.

However, with the CCTV's existence, he was confident that Roland would be soon put into his right spot.

With the CCTV, even if Roland still managed to sabotage the car, as bodyguards, their punishments would no longer be as harsh anymore, especially if the CCTV saw how hard they worked together to try and stop him.

And about them attacking him first, self-defense? There was no such thing when one had the money and power.

It was an 'easy' task to edit the CCTV footage after all.

With the right amount of money, anything can be manipulated.

In fact, the moment Roland mentioned that there was a CCTV, Manda also heaved a sigh of relief.

In situations and neighborhoods like this, she was sure that the surroundings were monitored twenty-four-seven, especially when the neighborhood they were in right now was the most luxurious property around this district.

In neighborhoods like this, the owner would specifically request to be 'left alone', meaning they would not want securities to be seen everywhere they look just to monitor their safety. Instead, they would want the surroundings to be monitored in secret, and a special team of security guards were always on standby to respond to any kind of situation.

Knowing that there was a CCTV camera, Manda was sure that the security guards were already on their way right now. At that time, there would be nothing that the dork could do anymore.

Now, she just needs to play her part.

She pointed at Roland who was still reeked of sweat and said, "You! Why did you suddenly attack my men? You are here to cause trouble for us, right?"

Roland calmed down his nervous nerves, knowing that there was CCTV footage to defend him.

He looked at Manda carefully before he sized her up. And aside from the fact that she was wearing an expensive looking suit, there was actually nothing remarkable about her.

"Attack? They attacked me first, I was only defending myself," Roland reasoned out.

However, Manda did not plan on listening at all.

"I saw it with my eyes. You clearly attacked them first. And do you think we don't know your plan? You plan to sabotage our business here to damage the reputation of our branch, right? You plan to destroy this Ramborghini Sian before we send it to the owner, right? Who sent you here, is it the Terrari?"

Bombarded with the accusations, Roland could only stare at her in bewilderment.

What plan? What sabotage? What Terrari?

Destroy the Ramborghini Sian? Why would he even destroy his own car!

Lady, no one sent me here. I live here!

'This woman is crazy!' Roland could not help but think of this as he saw her still talking nonsense.

Just as Roland was about to retort, a patrol car suddenly pulled over with a drift.

Immediately, four men wearing the standard security guard uniform of the Sea Anemone District got out of the vehicle with a swift motion.

Seeing them, both Roland's, Manda, and the two burly men's eyes lit-up, each of them thinking that their savior has arrived.

Manda did not linger on her spot any longer. She wanted to seize the opportunity to know the security guards better as well as to recount what 'really' happened.

"Hello Sirs, I am Manda. I'm the manager of the Ramborghini Store in G-Grade City, Resh City. Here's my-"

As she introduced herself, she whipped out a business card to further display that she was the real deal.

However, she suddenly stopped mid-way through her valiant speech. It was because the four security guards did not even take a single glance at her as they made their way towards Roland.

However, her bewilderment did not end that way. Her face turned rosy as she saw what happened next.

The four men actually bowed respectfully towards Roland.

"Sir, are you okay?"

At the same time, melodious 'dings' of System prompts resounded in Roland's mind, as if to celebrate the moment.

Seeing that only made Manda furious. In fact, the two burly men had question marks painted on their faces too.

She was the legitimate manager of a popular sports car brand, how could they not show respect to her, and instead went over to greet the dork who wanted to sabotage their business?


She went over to them as she shouted.

"Hey, don't you know who I am? Don't you know why I am here?"

"I am the manager of the Ramborghini Resh City Branch. I am here to deliver this limited edition Ramborghini Sian to the owner of this villa when this man came over to sabotage our product."

"However, instead of allowing me to explain the matter clearly, you actually went as far as to show that dork a greeting and just ignore me like that?"

"If something happens to this Ramborghini Sian, will any of you take responsibility? Hmmp!"

"That's it, call your immediate superior. I want to have a word with them for selecting such low-quality security guards."



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