Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 184: Bankai.

Chapter 184: Bankai.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

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Goals and rewards of the week.

TOP 1 = Three double releases.

TOP 2 = Two double releases.

TOP 3 = One double release.


[Adam C. POV.]

The wind rustled my hair as I set foot on the shores of Tenrou Island, my hands firmly gripping the unconscious forms of Ultear and Merody.

I had decided to save them, not because they would eventually turn into good people, if the anime was anything to go by anymore, but because I owe Ur one.

She was family.

Even if she wasn't around anymore.

Gildarts' presence reached the area, his eyes wide with a mixture of shock, confusion, and relief, his brows furrowed deeply, "Son? What the hell happened? Why did you leave the island so abruptly, unleashing such power? What's going on? Is this about our talk in the ship?"

I took a moment to catch my breath, gently laying the two defeated women on the ground. "In a way," I began, smiling under my breath, "As for why I left the island without telling anyone? Well, long story short. Grimoire Heart. They were approaching the island, and I couldn't risk them reaching here, reaching Fairy Tail. So, I killed them."

Gildarts' eyes widened even further, his expression shifting to one of shock. "You...killed them? All of them?" he asked, his voice laced with disbelief.

I nodded. "All of them," I confirmed, taking a deep breath. "Most of them, at least, not sure if any of them survived the fall."

Gildarts looked thoughtful, nodding slowly. "Your heart's in the right place, son. But remember, it's not your duty alone to protect this guild. We are family, and we face challenges together."

I smiled. "I know. I promise, next time, I won't be so reckless."

A blatant lie.

Gildarts placed a hand on my shoulder, his eyes still filled with worry. "We both know that was a lie. But for now, let's focus on getting these two to safety and figuring out our next steps."

I shook my head. "You take them."

Gildarts frowned. "What do you mean? You're not coming?"

I smiled, shaking my head once again. "I have some unfinished business to attend to. You take care of these two, and I'll meet you guys back at the ship, when all of this is over."

Another lie.

"You're not coming back, are you?" Gildarts asked, his voice heavy with understanding.

I guess if someone was bound to figure it out, it was him. "No, I'm not."

Gildarts stared at me, his eyes searching for any hint of deceit or misdirection. He must've found none, because his shoulders slumped with resignation.

"Why?" he whispered, his voice shaking. "Why not come back with us? With your family?"

"I wish I could," I responded, struggling to keep my own voice steady. "It's just... Look, I'll go straight to the point, I'm dying, whether I like it, or not. My power, the very energy that courses through me, the very reason I'm this strong, it's ripping me apart, cell by cell. It's always been a double-edged sword, but now... now it's coming to its bitter end."

Gildarts took a step closer, his grip on my shoulder tightening. "But there must be a way. There's always a way! You don't have to face this alone, I'm sure if we ask Porlyusica, she can help!"

I chuckled softly. "I already talked to her, and she said there's nothing she can do. Besides, remember our talk on the ship? About making choices for the greater good? This is one of those moments, old man. I've always known that this day would come, and I was okay with it, as long as I get to take a certain someone down."

Gildarts looked down, tears brimming in his eyes. "No! FUCK THAT, and fuck whoever you want to kill! What about us, what about the guild, what about Cana?! Do you have any idea how this feels?! Seeing you like this, seeing you walk away knowing I might never see you again, it breaks me."

I could feel the weight of the emotion behind his words, the pain evident in his voice. I reached out, placing my hand on his shoulder. "I know how it feels, because I feel it too. However, this is a situation none of us can change, that being said, I still have one more thing to do, something only I can. A last stand, so to speak. And when it's done, I want to go on my own terms."

He looked up, his eyes filled with a mix of pain and pride. "Promise me one thing," he said, his voice cracking. "Promise me you'll fight with everything you've got and come back to us. Even if it's just to say goodbye."

I hesitated for a moment before nodding, the weight of the promise heavy on my chest. "I promise."

Gildarts pulled me into a tight embrace, the two of us holding on for what felt like an eternity. "Take care of yourself, kid."

Pulling back, I smiled through the tears, "You too, old man."

Turning away, I began to walk, the weight of the moment pushing me forward, knowing that even though the path ahead was uncertain, I had to keep my promise.

"Time to kill a dragon," I muttered, moving to meet Acnologia before he reached the Island.


As I moved through the air to face Acnologia, the weight of every step, every breath, and every heartbeat pressed against my soul, as my mind began to wander through the vast corridors of my memories.

I've lived quite a life, haven't I?

From the early days of struggle, discovering my power, from hate, to love, from death to live. Every scar, every wound, each one told a story, marking not just my body but also my spirit.

I died.

And came back to life.

Fairy Tail... They were more than just a guild to me. They were family.





Had I done enough? Had I left a mark?

Were they ready to live without me?

What am I thinking, of course they were. They would mourn me, but they would push forward, because that's what a Fairy Tail mage does.

I chuckled.

The choices I made, the people I met, the lives I touched, and the ones who touched mine... I may have regrets, but in the grand scheme of things, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons. Every challenge, every adversary was a stepping stone, shaping me, making me who I am today. I remember the fear, the doubt, but also the hope and the unwavering belief that things would get better. And they did.

This power... It may be tearing me apart, but it also gave me so much.

It gave me a purpose, a direction, a reason to push forward. It might be the reason for my impending end, but it's also the reason I would leave my loved ones in a safer place.

I wish I had more time. Not to say goodbye, but to let them know they made my life worth living.

I don't think I'll get enough time to do that.

"Are you ready, girl?" I muttered, glancing at my Zanpakuto, who remained silent in my grip. "I know you don't want me to die. But I would rather go out on my own terms, than die sick in a bed."

As if answering my words, the breeze brought with it a sudden, all-encompassing chill, and the world seemed to grow a shade darker. There was an unmistakable aura of power that emanated from the horizon.


The Black Dragon of the Apocalypse. The being who once stood as a dragon slayer but lost himself to the very power he wielded, turning him into the most formidable dragon in the world.

"Well, time to fight," I said, tightening my grip on my Zanpakuto as I brought it forward. "Bankai: Muryokusho."

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