Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 198: Mysteries Of a Soul.

Chapter 198: Mysteries Of a Soul.

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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Alright let's crunch numbers. I owe you all, 4 chapters due to the electrical problems, plus the 2 of the event you won.

Making a total of 6.

I post Sunday to Friday. So this week to make things easier for me, I will make double releases every day, that way I compensate, pay the event, and leave enough time to write on my schedule without killing me.


[Adam C. POV.]

As Urahara handed me the vial, his fingers lingered for a moment, and I could feel the weight of not just the small container, but of the decision I was about to make. His eyes, always so unreadable, seemed to hold a mixture of pity and determination.

"Remember," He murmured, "This journey is one you'll have to navigate alone. But your soul will guide you."

I nodded, uncapping the vial. The iridescent liquid seemed to glow even brighter now, almost as if connecting to my very soul. Taking a deep breath, I drank it.

There was no point in wasting time.

As soon as the liquid hit my tongue, a tingling sensation began to arise at the base of my throat, rapidly spreading through my entire body until everything turned black.

"Good luck, kid," Urahara said, his voice sounding distant as the darkness enveloped me, leaving only an echo behind.

When I opened my eyes, I was no longer in Urahara's shop, nor was I in any world I recognized. I stood in the midst of a vast expanse, a strange blend of twilight and dawn. Far away, an enormous crescent moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow over everything.

As I turned, my gaze fell upon a figure standing a few feet away from me. It was a woman, with hair cascading down in dark, endless waves, shimmering like the night itself. Her eyes, deep and profound, mirrored the universe, holding stars and stories untold.

"Zanryuzuki," I whispered, recognizing her instantly, meaning this was probably my inner world. Which seemed to have changed again.

She inclined her head slightly, a soft welcoming smile on her face. "It's been some time since we last spoke."

The world around us seemed to shift and change with each passing second. Flames licked at the edges, burning away the horizon. It was as my world, this inner realm was disintegrating, turning to ash.

"I don't understand," I said, looking around. "Why is our world burning?"

Zanryuzuki moved closer, her form almost floating. "This world is a reflection of your soul. Its current state shows the damage and turmoil within. The flames, the instability—they signify the imbalance you've been facing."

A soul destroying itself, just to avoid dying, how ironic.

I swallowed hard, memories of my loved ones, Cana, Gildarts, Makarov, Erza, flashing before my eyes. "Can it be fixed?"

She looked at me, her expression inscrutable, pausing for a moment before answering. "That is a complicated question. The soul is a resilient thing. It can endure and recover from much. But the path to healing is never linear, nor is it certain."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes," I said determinedly. To live, meant to have a chance to go back to them, and for that chance, I was willing to do anything.

Zanryuzuki's eyes softened. "I know you are. That's always been your strength—and your weakness. Your determination, your will to push through, has led you here. And now, we must navigate these flames, this hell together."

As the world continued to burn, the very ground beneath our feet started to crack, revealing a bottomless abyss. My soul was truly dying.

"Well, this is new," I chuckled, fear evident in my voice. I wasn't one for fear but watching something outside your control happen in front of you, shattered any bravado. "Is this the end, love?"

That being said, fear or not, I refused to die.

She took my hand, her grip reassuring. "It could be. Or it could be a new beginning. Remember, rebirth often comes from destruction. But the choice is yours."

My heart thudded loudly in my ears, much like it had before, but this time, it was not out of weakness, or fear, but decision.

Zanryuzuki leaned closer, her voice a soft whisper against the chaos surrounding us. "Do you trust me?"

I nodded, looking deep into her cosmic eyes. "Always."

She smiled, pulling me closer. "Then let's walk through these flames together and see what awaits us on the other side."

And with that, hand in hand, we moved forward into the inferno, ready to face whatever came next. Hopefully, it wouldn't be that bad.


[Third Person. POV.]

In the dim lighting of Urahara's shop, two figures stood in hushed conversation, casting furtive glances at the prone form on the floor. Kisuke Urahara, his fan tucked away, wore a more somber expression than usual, while Yoruichi Shihouin's cat-like eyes reflected concern.

"He took the elixir," Urahara began, adjusting his hat. "I would've loved to prepare him for what he might face, but time was running short, and there's only so much one can anticipate in these matters."

Yoruichi approached Adam's still body, kneeling beside him. She gently placed a hand on his forehead, sensing his spiritual energy. "His soul is still connected, but it's... turbulent. Like a storm."

Urahara sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "That's the issue. His spirit and physical body were always in turmoil, always at odds. But now, it's entirely up to his spirit to find its way. I've given him the tools, but it's up to him to rebuild."

She looked up, her eyes sharp. "And if he can't? If he loses himself entirely?"

Urahara remained silent for a moment, considering. "Then, he'll be lost. Possibly forever."

Yoruichi's gaze turned icy. "You took a huge risk, Kisuke. I hope you knew what you were doing."

He met her eyes steadily. "I did it to give him a fighting chance, Yoruichi. Without intervention, he wouldn't have had much time left."

There was a moment of tense silence before Yoruichi spoke again, her voice softer. "He's strong. Stronger than he even realizes. I have a strong feeling he will be fine."

Urahara nodded, looking down at Adam. "His soul is indeed very powerful; it almost makes you wonder..."

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow in question. "Wonder what?"

"Nothing, don't mind me," Urahara replied hastily, a secretive smile playing on his lips. "Let's just hope Adam surprises us all with his resilience."

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