Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 201: Wake Up.

Chapter 201: Wake Up.

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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Alright let's crunch numbers. I owe you all, 4 chapters due to the electrical problems, plus the 2 of the event you won.

Making a total of 6.

I post Sunday to Friday. So this week to make things easier for me, I will make double releases every day, that way I compensate, pay the event, and leave enough time to write on my schedule without killing me.


[Adam C. POV.]

I woke up in the middle of the tatami, the woven straw mat cool against my back. My eyes snapped open, and the intricate patterns of the wooden ceiling came into focus.

The room, with its paper doors and sparse furniture, emitted an aura of tranquility. A light breeze blew in from the window, rustling the paper screens and carrying with it the faint scent of cherry blossoms.

That's when I realized – there was no pain.

The agonizing ache that had haunted my every waking moment for as long as I could remember was gone.

I felt... light.

As if a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Every cell in my body felt alive, rejuvenated.

"I'm... okay?" I muttered, pushing myself to sit up, as I tried to recall how I'd ended up in this room, but the memories felt blurred, as if looking through frosted glass.

My memories felt like a jumbled mess.

Perhaps it was side effect of what Kisuke had done to me, in order to heal me.

A deep sense of gratitude washed over me. Whether or not he intended to use me, he had done what I had long given up on, he had healed me.

I could now live on with them, with Erza, with Cana, with Gildarts, with Gramps, with everybody.

Sure, I was a soul now, I think...

But I hadn't died, at least completely, meaning I could still find a way to actually live.

I smiled at the thought.

The soft shuffle of sandals on the wooden floor interrupted my musings. The door slid open, revealing a figure that was all too familiar – Urahara. With his green and white striped hat tilted slightly, shadowing his eyes, he bore that signature mischievous smile.

"Good morning. Or should I say, afternoon? You slept quite soundly," Urahara remarked, folding his fan and placing it in the folds of his yukata.

I smiled at him. "I slept like never before."

His eyes twinkled with amusement. "That's good to hear. I'm glad you're feeling better."

"So, I'm a soul now?" I asked tentatively, still trying to wrap my head around the idea.

Urahara nodded. "Indeed, well... a Shinigami to be exact."

I blinked, there was a difference? I mean, wasn't being a Shinigami a title, more than a state of existence?

"Based on your expression, you must be wondering what's the difference between the two, right? Well, let the awesome Urahara explain!" Urahara chuckled at my confusion before settling down on a nearby cushion. "To put it simply, Shinigami are souls with exceptional spiritual prowess that train their bodies, to reach the next level, that being a Shinigami."


Would you look at that. And here I thought the term Shinigami was just a title, when in reality was a state of being, how curious.

I tried to push myself to my feet, surprised at how easily I stood. The room felt different from this vantage point; bigger, brighter.

Urahara watched, that enigmatic smile never leaving his face.

"You'll need some time to adjust. The world might feel a bit... different now," he advised, offering a supportive hand.

I nodded, taking a deep breath. The air tasted sweet, filled with promise.

"Thanks again, Kisuke," I smiled, to the point my face hurt.


This was so confusing.

I had no body, but somehow it didn't like I had lost it. I just felt better than ever, body and all.

I wonder how that works.

He simply winked, the bells on his clogs jingling as he turned to leave. "You're welcome. Now, let's see what you're truly capable of, shall we?"

I blinked. "You mean a spar?"

Urahara turned around, nodding. "Of course, what else did you think I meant?"

A spart with Kisuke Urahara himself?

Didn't he just said I needed time to get adjust?


Who fucking cares, I finally get to fight without holding back!

Despite my own concerns, about different things, I couldn't help but grin at the offer. "Very well."

Urahara frowned. "For a moment there you reminded me of someone."

I tilted my head. "Who?"

Urahara shook his head with a dismissive tone. "It doesn't matter. Follow me."


[Kisuke Urahara - POV.]

As I led Adam to the training grounds, the weight of my thoughts seemed as tangible as the lantern lights flickering on the walls leading to the basement.

Every step I took echoed with questions that buzzed in my mind, each more persistent than the last.

I couldn't help but steal glances at the young man I had aided, trying to decipher the enigma behind the man.

Since our first encounter, his very existence had given me more answers than questions.

How is it possible?

I mused internally.

That first time our eyes met, the flicker of recognition in his was unmistakable, he knew me, he knew who I was. But I am certain, absolutely certain, we've never met before.

I've encountered countless souls throughout my life, each with their own stories, their own mysteries. But this... this was different.

He knew me.

He knew Yoruichi.

But we didn't know him.

Could it be he was working for Aizen, or manipulated by him? The idea swirled in my mind, but it seemed far-fetched, even for someone like me, especially knowing Aizen.

As smart as Aizen wanted to believe he was, he wasn't one for these kinds of tactics. I knew that man more than I wanted to admit, and this wasn't his style.

No, that's not it.

I thought, completely dismissing the idea.

There's something else at play here. A deeper mystery, one that I'm yet to unravel.

Beyond our first interaction, the kid behind me carried more mysteries, some more concerning than others.

His spiritual energy felt ancient and powerful, yet there was an innocence to it, a purity that was hard to put into words. It was as if they carried the weight of ages, and yet, were untouched by time's relentless march.

It was... confusing.

Hm, confusing, there's a word I never thought I would use.

Who are you, really? I wondered, as we neared the entrance to the training area. And why do I feel your role in what is coming will be so important?

I smiled.

One thing was for sure, though; discovering the truth behind his existence would be an adventure in and of itself. And I was more than ready to embark on that journey.

After all... It's been a while since something challenged me, intellectually speaking.

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