Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 205: Rukia Kuchiki.

Chapter 205: Rukia Kuchiki.

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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I know I owe you all 3 chapters from the double releases. I will post them soon, just working on something, bear with me till Saturday.


[Adam. C. POV.]

The sun pierced through the storefront windows, casting a soft glow over the haphazardly stacked goods. The usual morning routine had me dusting and rearranging, making sure that Urahara's wares were at least somewhat presentable.

I was starting to get a hang of the whole 'store assistant' gig, and though the store and his owner were... eccentric, to say the least, it had a peculiar charm.

Besides, other than training with Urahara I had very little to do, so helping out around the shop made things... more bearable for me.

As I was adjusting some particularly quirky-looking candies on a shelf, the door chime rang. Expecting it to be a regular customer, I didn't bother to look up. "Morning! Let me know if you need any help."

But the voice that responded was unfamiliar. "Is Kisuke Urahara in?"

I straightened, meeting the gaze of a young woman with raven-black hair and piercing violet eyes. She donned a black kimono-like uniform, one that I recognized all too well — the garb of a Shinigami.

Rukia Kuchiki.

"You must be Rukia," I observed, recalling some offhand comments from Urahara about a new Shinigami being assigned to Karakura Town.

She looked momentarily taken aback, then nodded. "And you are?"

"An associate of Urahara's. He mentioned you might come by," I replied, smiling at her, though her sudden appearance had me on edge. After all, if she was here now, then the world was about to get a lot more complicated.

Rukia's gaze scanned the shop, an almost imperceptible frown forming on her lips. "This place is... different to what I expected."

"That's one way to describe it," I chuckled, trying to break the ice. "Urahara has a flair for the unique."

She seemed to consider this for a moment, her demeanor cautious yet curious. "Is he here? I need to speak with him."

Before I could respond, a familiar voice echoed from the back. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear!"

Urahara, donning his signature green-striped hat and wooden sandals, emerged from the store's depths. "Kuchiki Rukia, I presume?" he greeted, offering a slight bow. "Welcome to my humble abode."

Rukia bowed in return, her expression professional. "Thank you, Urahara-san. I was informed you could assist with certain... supplies."

"Of course! We have a wide array of goods tailored to a Shinigami's needs." He winked at her, and I could see Rukia trying to decipher whether he was being genuine or just his usual playful self.

As the two engaged in a discussion about supplies, I couldn't help but wonder about the implications of her arrival. With Rukia in Karakura Town, events were about to unfold that would forever change the course of this world's history.

And, whether I liked it or not, I was now a part of it.

The thought was both exhilarating and a bit terrifying.

"Are you okay?" Ururu's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, and I realized I must have zoned out.

"Yes, I'm fine," I replied, giving her a reassuring smile.

Things were about to get a whole lot more interesting, for better or for worse.


[Third Person. POV.]

The skies over Seireitei were as clear as they ever were, giving the white stone walls and walkways a luminous glow. Behind the doors of a captain's quarters, a man with brown hair and glasses sat at a wooden desk, an untouched cup of tea beside him.

Sosuke Aizen.

His fingers tapped rhythmically on the desk, a sign of contemplation. The whispers in the wind had brought him an interesting tidbit, a newcomer by the name of Adam, now entrenched in Urahara's shop in the World of the Living.

It wasn't hard to deduce that this stranger was the one Mayuri had tried to collect with his experiment.

"I hadn't expected Urahara to harbor such an interesting stray," Aizen murmured to himself, a small smile on his face. "But then again, Kisuke always did have a penchant for collecting rarities."

Adam's presence was a variable Aizen hadn't fully anticipated, a new piece on a chessboard meticulously set for a game spanning centuries.

Despite his clear lack of information about him, it was clear this Adam had some connection to something unique to say the least, making him an anomaly.

But in every anomaly, Aizen saw potential.

His plans for the Hōgyoku and the worlds beyond were intricate, layered. Every player had a part, every event a purpose. The question now was, could Adam's arrival be a serendipitous boon, or would he prove to be a hindrance?

Either way, things would become interesting.

A knock on the door pulled Aizen from his thoughts. Without waiting for a response, Gin Ichimaru slid the door open, his fox-like eyes betraying nothing. "Captain," he greeted, his voice light, almost playful.

"Gin," Aizen acknowledged, his gaze never wavering. "What brings you here?"

Gin leaned against the doorframe, his ever-present grin in place. "Just thought you'd like to know that Rukia has finally arrived at Karakura Town, safe and sound."

Aizen smiled. "Perfect."

"Have you finally decided what to do with the new variable, Adam was it?" Gin asked casually, twirling a strand of his silver hair around his finger.

Aizen's fingers stilled. "Still thinking on it, but for the sake of curiosity, what do you think I should do, Gin?"

Gin's grin widened, if that were possible. "I think it's always fun to have a wildcard in the game."

Aizen was very well aware of Gin's intentions, his ultimate goal. So, it was easy to see the motives behind his answers, he thought Adam could prove to be a hindrance, one hopefully big enough to turn the pieces around.

It would be easy to dispose of Adam right now, unimaginably so. But that would give him nothing.

Aizen leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "Have someone keep an eye on him. I'd like to know more before making a decision."

Gin's eyes sparkled with mischief. "As you wish, Captain."

As Gin exited, Aizen's thoughts returned to Adam. Would this newcomer be an asset, or another thread to be snipped in the grand tapestry of his design? Only time would reveal the answer.

But for now, Aizen reveled in the unpredictability of it all.

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