Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 235: Orihime.

Chapter 235: Orihime.

If you wanna read ahead go to /cornbringer

Right now I'm on chapter 218 in Patreôn

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[Adam. C. POV.]

As the Garganta in the sky closed, I sighed, relief washing over me as I dropped to the floor only for Jushiro to catch me.

"Well, hello there," I smiled, waving at him.

Jushiro chuckled. "You seem okay all things considered."

"Meh, I dealt with worse," I replied, shrugging.

Without Aizen, or the Soul Society deeming a traitor for reasons I could assume had to do with Mayuri not telling them everything about me, there wasn't anything stopping me from recovering my arm and foot, which meant.

I needed Orihime.

"So, would you happen to know where's Orihime?" I asked, turning to Jushiro once more. "Human, innocent looking, kind has a save me princess vibe?"

Jushiro blinked, frowning. "Should I be worried… I know who she is by your bizarre description?"

I shrugged.

"Yes, I know where she is," Jushiro nodded.

"Would you mind carrying me like a sack of potatoes to her?" I asked.

Jushiro blinked, seemingly taken back by my answer. "I guess not?"

"Lovely," I replied, happy he had agreed. Did I need to be carried? No, was I being extra just because? Yes, yes, I was. What can I say, I'm a little rascal.


[Adam. C. POV.]

Being whole has a different definition for every individual. To some, it's a state of mind; to others, a state of body. But in my current predicament, it was rather literal.

There I was, on a quaint futon, surrounded by concerned faces, my right arm and left leg noticeably absent, because well, I had lost them not so long ago. But the mood was far from somber. Because beside me, Orihime, the gentle soul with the power to reject reality, was busy channeling her abilities. Her hairpins, or the Shun Shun Rikka as they were called I think, danced around, forming a golden barrier around the spots where my limbs used to be.

"I must say, Adam," Rukia remarked, an eyebrow raised, "Most would be in agony after a fight with the Head-Captain, yet here you are after that, looking as if you're enjoying a spa day."

I chuckled. "Oh, trust me, if spas had this service, they'd be swamped. Who wouldn't want a quick limb reattachment after a rough day?"

Ichigo, leaning against the wall, cracked a smile. "You've got one hell of a way to cope, you got your ass handed to you twice by the old man."

I chuckled, ain't that the truth. Fucking badass the old man was.

The atmosphere lightened considerably as we continued joking, which was good especially considering the events that had just transpired. Though most of them looked at me as if I was crazy for being okay with what happened to me…

But what was I supposed to do? Moan and groan over it? Life was too short, or long, in my weird case, for that.

I watched with awe as Orihime's powers worked their magic. It was an odd sensation—feeling parts of you that had been severed growing back, as if they'd never been missing in the first place. The tingling sensation intensified, as I felt bones reform, muscles knit, and skin stretch.

Orihime's face was one of immense concentration, her eyes closed, but her cheeks were tinted with a rosy hue. I couldn't resist. "Ha! If I knew my limbs coming back would make you blush like that, I'd have lost them sooner."

She let out a surprised squeak, eyes fluttering open, meeting mine. "W-What do you mean?"

Ichigo groaned. "Adam, now's really not the time."

I smirked. "Oh, come on. Look at her. She's done an amazing job. The least I can do is compliment her, besides she's adorable."

Rukia sighed, shaking her head. "Unbelievable."

Ichigo sighed.

"I would bag her before someone else does Ichi," I added, a teasing smirk on my face.

Making both Ichigo and Orihime blush. Ahh, young love, how adorable.

As I continued to tease everyone in a teasing radius, the final stages of Orihime's power wrapped up, and I flexed my right hand, then wiggled the toes of my left foot.

Good as new.

"Thank you, Orihime," I said, hugging her.

She smiled gently, a little flustered. "It's okay, Adam-san. I'm glad I could help."

Adam-san? Yuck… I don't like that.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I stood up, testing out my newly reformed limbs. Perfect balance, everything was back to normal. Orihime had done a remarkable job.

"Alright," I began, clapping my hands together, "Now that I'm all in one piece, what's the plan?"

Ichigo frowned, his brow furrowing. "We need to kick Aizen's ass, that's it."

Bitch, he almost killed you with a finger.

Rukia nodded in agreement. "Yes, however, we need to gather intel. We have no idea what Aizen's next move might be."

I stretched, a yawn escaping my lips. "Sounds good, but before we jump into that, I think we all could use some rest. Let's regroup later. For now, everyone should heal and recover."

Ichigo grunted in agreement; his eyes heavy with fatigue. "Fine, but we can't delay for too long."

As the others started to disperse, Orihime approached me, her fingers fidgeting. "Adam-san," she began, hesitating, "I'm just glad you're okay."

I smiled warmly. "Thanks to you, Orihime. And hey, if I ever lose another limb, I know who to call."

She laughed, a soft, tinkling sound. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

As she left the room, I found myself contemplating the turn of events. Aizen's betrayal, the reality marble... Things were moving, and fast.

I glanced at my newly restored limbs. The irony wasn't lost on me. Here I was, put back together while the world around seemed to be falling apart.

I grinned.

Aizen would regret not having killed me in the Muken. Because I was about to fuck up everything he has ever worked for.

I yawned, dropping on the bed beneath me. Resting my head on the pillow, I closed my eyes, letting sleep take over, I had things to do tomorrow, like talking with the old man, who apparently wanted to talk with me.

Wait... where the fuck is Ishida?

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