Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 243: The Life of A Captain.

Chapter 243: The Life of A Captain.

If you wanna read ahead go to /cornbringer

Right now I'm on chapter 221 in Patreôn

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated. Will get on that today.


[Third Person. POV.]

The courtyard of the First Division was bathed in the early morning's golden light. Birds chirped in the distance, their songs a melody in contrast to the stern atmosphere that had taken hold since the events of a few days ago.

Right now, most of the members of the Gotei 13 had gathered, forming a semi-circle around a raised platform.

Standing on the platform was Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto. To his left stood the enigmatic warrior that had taken the Seireitei by surprise, Adam, his posture relaxed yet every bit as intense.

In Yamamoto's hand was a pristine white haori, the symbol of a captain's authority in the Gotei 13.

All the captains present had their eyes on Adam, some with disdain, especially Mayuri, others with curiosity. Their collective gaze was heavy, filled with a mix of skepticism, expectation, and in some cases, sheer disbelief.

Here was an outsider, one who, mere days ago, had been their adversary, now being inducted into their ranks. Temporary as it may be, it was still shocking for them.

Yamamoto stepped forward, his voice echoing through the courtyard. "In light of recent events, the Soul Society finds itself facing an unprecedented threat in the form of Aizen and his associates. We must adapt to counteract this menace with the full power we have at our disposal."

Adam's gaze remained fixed on the horizon, thoughts flowing. This wasn't how he had planned things when he offered his help in exchange for training, not at all, but then again, life rarely followed the script.

Yamamoto continued, "Until Aizen is captured or eliminated, we are in need of strength, of capable individuals willing to die in battle. As such, Adam will be filling the captain's position for the 5th Division."

There were audible gasps and murmurs among the onlookers. Captains and lieutenants exchanged glances; the weight of the decision evident in their eyes.

Holding out the haori, Yamamoto addressed Adam, "Remember our agreement, young one."

Adam nodded, taking the haori and draping it over his shoulders. It felt surprisingly light and warm. "I haven't forgotten. Training in exchange for my services."

Yamamoto's eyes seemed to soften a fraction, "It's not just about the training, brat. The Soul Society is trusting you, despite having no reasons to do so. Betray that trust, and consequences will be dire."

Adam met the old captain's gaze squarely, a challenging spark in his tone. "Don't worry, old man. I don't break my promises."

With the ceremony complete, the gathering began to disperse. The conversations that broke out were a mix of surprise, fear, and criticism. This was new territory for everyone, and Adam was at the very heart of it.


[Adam C. POV.]

I will admit I wasn't even sure what I was doing at this point. From enemy to Captain of one of their divisions… it was… beyond surreal, granted it was a temporary arrangement, but one that was mandatory until the threat that Aizen represented was neutralized.

I couldn't complain though, sure, dealing with administrative work was a pain in the ass, especially for someone that hadn't touched paperwork in forever, but the benefits made the gig worth it. More Urahara's gig anyhow.

As long as I worked with them, and followed their rules, as weird as they were, I would have access to not only training with Yamamoto, but the terrifying lady that shall not be named.

I am legitimately scared of that woman. It's not even that I think I can't defeat her, I know I will be able to do that eventually, it's more that her personally, and bloodlust are terrifying.

Bloodlust in my line of work was as common as the next thing… I mean, you don't fight a monster without dealing with their bloodlust, it is a deal package, the thing is…. That for that woman, it almost seemed like that was all she had inside of her, bloodlust.

No other emotions, just… thirst for blood. No hesitation, no fear, no pain, nothing, but… that. And well, that made her a terrifying individual.

"I guess I should go and see my division?" I sighed, wondering how they would react.

The walk towards the 5th Division barracks was strangely silent. A whirlwind of thoughts consumed my mind, mostly revolving; around the recent events, and what I had to do to go home.

As I approached the entrance, I noticed a petite figure standing in front of the doorway. If I remember correctly, her name was Momo Hinamori, the lieutenant of the 5th Division. Her raven-black hair fluttered slightly in the breeze, and as I got closer, she bowed deeply, an action signifying respect.

Not that she had any level of respect for me, at least on a personal level that is, considering this was our first interaction, but because she had to, due to my status.

"Welcome, Captain," her voice quivered slightly, something that made me frown.

I smiled, trying to appear as friendly and approachable as possible. "Thank you, and there's no need to bow, I don't really care about that."

But as I looked at her, I couldn't help but notice the sadness in her eyes, a deep pain she was trying to mask. Her face was pale, and every so often, her lower lip quivered, as though she was battling tears.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my tone softer.

She blinked rapidly, averting her gaze. "Yes, Captain. Just... adjusting to the changes."

It didn't take much to connect the dots. Aizen's betrayal had rocked the very foundation of Soul Society, but for those closest to him, like Hinamori, the pain was personal. He had been her mentor, her guiding light, her idol, and now...

"You know," I started, trying to find the right words, "Sometimes we place our trust in the wrong people. It doesn't make you weak or foolish. It makes you… normal. And well, no matter how powerful one is, or how much you care about someone, we are always prone to error."

She looked up, tears glistening in her eyes, but she fought them back. "I should've seen it, Captain. I should've realized."

"You can't blame yourself for the actions of another, if that was the case, Yamamoto should've seen how much of a scum the guy was before anyone else. What's important now is how we move forward, learn from this, and next time you'll be prepared."

I smiled internally. I mean, look at me, ten minutes in the job, and I'm already being wise beyond my years. High five for me.

She nodded, taking a shaky breath. "Thank you, Captain."

"You can call me Adam, if you want," I smiled, patting her in the head. She was cute, and while it was very likely she was older than me, her size would beg to differ.

Her eyes widened in shock, and she looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Oh! Captain, that's... that's highly inappropriate!" she stammered. "It's against protocol."

I shrugged, Yamamoto hadn't said anything about being a stick in the ass Captain, and even if he had, I would've ignored his orders there. "Meh, I don't really care for that, so don't worry."

She blinked, processing the offer. "I... appreciate the sentiment, Captain. But I couldn't possibly—"

I guess the idea of going against protocol was very hard for her. I guess I did my part in offering, now if things are formal, it is up to her.

"Hinamori," I interrupted gently, "It's just an option. No pressure. I just want everyone to be at ease while we navigate this situation together."

She hesitated, then gave a small nod. "I understand, Captain. I... I'll think about it."

"That's all I can ask," I said, offering a reassuring smile. She returned it, albeit hesitantly.

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