Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 253: Aizen.

Chapter 253: Aizen.

If you wanna read ahead go to /cornbringer

Right now I'm on chapter 231 in Patreôn

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.


[Adam C. POV.]

As I watched Selene explain what had happened to her at the hands of Aizen, I offered her a comforting smile. "I will take Aizen down. That's a promise."

She nodded slowly, her expression softening for the first time. "I don't know why, but I believe you."

Our conversation was interrupted by the distant sound of footsteps.

A sharp sensation cut through the air, and instantly, the very atmosphere in Hueco Mundo seemed to twist and contort. My senses went on high alert. That feeling... It was unmistakably Aizen's spiritual pressure.

Aizen stepped out of the shadows, flanked by Gin Ichimaru and Kaname Tosen. His ever-present condescending smile adorning his face. "Well done, Adam," he clapped slowly, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You've performed even better than I expected."

I tensed, my hand on my blade, ready to move at a moment's notice.

"But I think you'll find that the real test is just beginning," Aizen continued, his eyes moving over to Selene, who was standing beside me.

Before I could begin to wonder what, he meant by that, Selene let out a sharp angry scream, her hands flying to her head as if trying to block out a cacophony of sounds only she could hear. Her eyes, previously filled with defiance and hope, were now glossed over, replaced with sheer terror. She was seeing something I wasn't.

"Selene?" I said.

"No… no, you killed him!" she shouted, her voice quivering. But she wasn't looking at me, her eyes were fixated on Aizen as tears dropped down her face.

I wasn't sure what was happening anymore.

I barely had time to react. Selene's blade flashed, a torrent of power erupting from it as she yelled, "Dragon Menguante!"

A blinding light enveloped her, and when it faded, Selene stood transformed, a hollow tail, draconic wings with hollowfied parts, and her chin covered and neck by hollow bones as well. Her entire demeanor had changed - she was more menacing, more powerful, and radiated an energy that felt several times bigger than anything I had felt from her.

Without wasting a second, Selene lunged at me with unparalleled speed. Her blade, imbued with even more power than before, aimed straight for my heart.

"If he couldn't do it, then I will kill you myself Aizen!" She growled, using something akin to Shunpo to close the distance between us.

I didn't recall the name for it. But I did remember the Arrancar had something like Shunpo.

I managed to dodge her attack with ease, feeling the rush of wind as her blade passed by. "So, that's your game, Aizen!?"

It was clear she was seeing something entirely different under Aizen's hypnosis. In her mind, she was attacking him, not me.

I was now beyond furious. If there was one thing I hated, it was people like Aizen, people who enjoyed toying with others.

Knowing there was no way to get through to her, at least not as long as Aizen lived, I took a deep breath and waited for her next move. As expected, she lunged at me again, but this time, I was ready to end this show.

With a swift punch powered by my own spiritual pressure, I struck her square in the chest. The force of the blow sent her crashing to the ground with enough force to send waves of sand across the desert beyond sight.

Due to the circumstances of her situation, I felt a pang of guilt for using such force, but it was necessary.

Without wasting a moment, I quickly recited a Kido spell, sealing her movements. Her body lay immobile on the ground, her eyes still filled with rage and confusion.

The Kido spell I had used to seal her movements would hold her for at least two hours, which was more than enough time.

Turning my attention back to Aizen, I could feel my anger boiling. "You are a sick bastard."

Aizen simply chuckled, his smirk never leaving his face. "Just a simple demonstration of Kyoka Suigetsu's power. But don't worry, I don't plan on using my Shikai on you, it would undermine everything you worked so hard to accomplish, not that you will accomplish anything regardless of that."

I narrowed my eyes, clenching my fists. "You are underestimating me, Aizen. Don't make that mistake."

He raised an eyebrow, still wearing his annoyingly calm expression. "You think?"


[Third Person. POV.]

The desert landscape of Hueco Mundo was deceivingly calm for a place who many considered worse than hell, but deep beneath its facade, tumultuous energies roiled and collided. Kisuke Urahara, hat firmly in place, stood with the other captains, each of them carefully tuning into the spiritual pressures in the distance.

Urahara's sharp senses zeroed in on two particularly overpowering forces colliding in the vast expanse. Aizen's spiritual power was unmistakable, and equally so was Adam's own spiritual power.

It appeared they were about to clash, the oscillations from their spiritual pressures causing ripples that every shinigami in the vicinity could sense.

"It seems our reckless friend Adam has engaged Aizen, after fallin in his trap," Urahara noted, the tip of his cane drawing patterns in the sand.

Toshiro Hitsugaya, turned to Urahara with a frown, "If that's the case, what are we waiting for! Shouldn't we be moving to aid him? We can't just stand by and let that bastard do as he pleases!"

Urahara tilted his head, eyes thoughtful beneath the shadow of his hat. "I see your point, however, given the situation, it would be best to strike elsewhere. If Aizen is preoccupied with Adam, then the majority of his forces will be uncoordinated. Meaning we have an opening."

Byakuya Kuchiki chimed in. "Urahara is right. While Adam as a Captain of the Gotei 13 is an ally, we must consider the bigger picture. Destroying Aizen's army would weaken his reach, allowing us to deal with him with much ease."

Mashiro Kuna stomped her foot in frustration. "But he's out there alone against Aizen! We can't just leave him!"

Urahara sighed, "I understand your concerns. But the reality of things is, we would only get in Adam's way."

"Most of us are under Aizen's spell, which would only make us a liability for Adam to have in the battlefield," Unohana added, a soft delicate sigh escaping her lips.

Shunsui Kyoraku chuckled. "Mah, don't worry guys, Adam's no slouch. He fought the old man twice, and survived, so I'd wager he can hold his own for a while. Gives us the time we need to do our thing."

Toshiro took a deep breath, clearly not happy with the decision, but understanding the logic. "Very well. We'll strike Aizen's forces. But the moment Adam's in real danger, we move. Agreed?"

Urahara nodded, "Agreed. Let's move quickly and decisively."


[Third Person. POV.]

[Aizen and Adam.]

The world around one particular spot of Hueco Mundo seemed to constrict, tightening around the two monumental figures facing off amidst the sea of white sand, their spiritual pressure making the entirety of Hueco Mundo tremble.

In one corner stood Aizen, his eyes cool and calculated, his features softened by a smile that held countless layers of depth and deception. "Adam," he began, his voice almost melodic in its cadence, "Still clinging to Urahara's tales, are we? You do realize he's hiding a lot from you, right?"

Across from him, there was Adam, his stance was resolute, his aura matching Aizen's spiritual output. The weight of his blade felt familiar and reassuring in his grip as he unsheathed it, its gleaming edge reflecting the pale light of the moon above.

Seeing that, Aizen chuckled. "You know, there's no need for this animosity between us. It's rather... unnecessary. Our goals, when stripped down to their core, are strikingly similar."

Adam's gaze never wavered; his piercing eyes locked onto Aizen. "And what would that be?" he inquired; a hint of skepticism evident in his tone.

Aizen's smile deepened, and he took a step closer, his spiritual pressure rising like a tidal wave, yet never becoming aggressive. "To create a new world," he murmured, his voice barely more than a whisper, yet carrying with it the gravity of a thousand promises. "A world without the shackles of divisions and classifications, where every soul, living or dead, is free, a world with a system that actually works."

The weight of Aizen's words hung in the air, challenging, beckoning. But Adam, with all his experiences, was not one to be easily swayed by honeyed words.

"You know, had we met under different circumstances, I would've believed you, heck, I would have supported you," Adam replied, the cold edge to his voice contrasting the heat of the desert around them. "Because I know that to some level, you are right. The system from which this world operates within is flawed, corrupt… it needs changing. However, I know enough about you to know that what you truly want is a world where everyone dances to your tune."

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