Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 63: Unnamed Enemy.

Chapter 63: Unnamed Enemy.

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to /cornbringer

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Don't forget to check the auxiliary chapter about Adam. It's like an info chapter.

U guys won the extra release. The days are Tuesday and Thursday.

Also remember if we reach top 3 you guys get another double release.


[Adam C. POV]

I walked through the forest following the path laid in front of me.

The dense foliage blocked out most of the sun, casting a greenish hue over everything.

It was nice, I had to admit.

"What kind of monster do you think we will face?" Mavis asked, her eyes beaming with excitement.

I hummed. "Something stronger than Deliora?"

I wasn't entirely sure.

I mean I didn't have much to go by when it came to information about this quest.

All I knew was that I was on a mission to collect an old artifact that had, according to most, been long forgotten.

According to the quest, the artifact was hidden deep within a forest named the Hunting Range, inside an ancient temple that had been lost for centuries.

Beyond that, I had no idea what I would encounter, or how difficult it would truly be.

I imagined it would be difficult to some extent seeing it was a 10-Year Quest.

As I walked deeper and deeper into the forest, wondering what I would encounter, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease rise within me.

I guess I had my answer now.

I grinned.

Whatever I was feeling it was… strong, meaning this would be exciting!

"Adam, do you feel that?" Mavis muttered, her playful expression gone.

I nodded slightly, my face twisting with excitement. "I do, and I can't wait to see what it is."

The forest was eerily quiet, save for the occasional rustle of leaves or snap of a twig under my feet.

The closer we got to the temple, the more the feeling of being watched intensified.

And now, I knew that whatever I was feeling, was stronger than Deliora.

Strong enough to make things interesting.

Smiling, I pushed forward, driven by my desire to continue with the quest, and get a good fight.

Eventually, I emerged from the dense forest and found myself standing at the foot of a towering structure made of stone.

It was the temple, just as the quest had described.

But what the quest hadn't described was that the temple despite being abandoned for more than a hundred years was in pristine condition.

This either meant, someone was keeping the temple as it was… or Magic was involved.

"There's no way a temple of this size has been kept in this condition without someone doing so," Mavis said, her eyes scanning the area.

I nodded. "It seems whoever's keeping the temple in shape it's the same one killing all the mages coming to retrieve the artifact."

It would appear an interesting challenge was awaiting me.

How welcoming.

As I approached, I noticed that the temple was covered in intricate carvings and symbols that I couldn't quite decipher.

The entrance was marked by a massive stone archway decorated with stone deers, with a set of stairs leading up to it.

Taking a deep breath, I ascended the stairs and passed through the archway.

Inside, I found myself in a dimly lit chamber, illuminated only by the light filtering in through small cracks in the ceiling.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I began to make out the outlines of what appeared to be ancient artifacts and relics scattered throughout the room.

I approached each one in turn, examining them closely and noting down their details.

As Mavis scanned the room around.

However, before I could do anything else, I heard a rustling noise coming from somewhere in the shadows.

And before I could say a word, arrows rained down on me from out of nowhere.

Calmly, I jumped back, dodging the deadly projectiles.

Landing a few feet back, quickly scanning my surroundings, trying to determine where the attack was coming from.

No Magic around…

Yet the arrows carried enough magic power to hurt me if they managed to hit me.

How… odd.

And thrilling.

"Adam, behind you!" Mavis shouted.

As the arrows continued to rain down on me, it became evident I was facing an unseen enemy.

I couldn't see anyone, or feel them, but I could hear their movements and the sound of their arrows whistling through the air.

Despite the danger this peculiar situation brought, I remained calm and focused, relying on my abilities to keep me safe.

With each arrow that came my way, I weaved and dodged, almost as if dancing, while keeping an eye around, scanning the room, trying to determine their location.

Trying to catch a glimpse of my attackers.

Alas, whatever they were doing, was keeping them completely out of sight.

Without warning, the arrows suddenly stopped. And once again, the room was eerily silent

It was then that I heard a faint whisper coming from somewhere nearby. I couldn't make out what it was saying, but I could tell that it was in a language that I didn't understand.

I spun around feeling a change in the atmosphere, my sword at the ready, but saw nothing.

However before I could form another thought, a woman appeared in front of me.

The woman was tall and lithe, with a sinewy build that spoke to her strength and agility.

Her long, dark hair was pulled back into a tight braid, and her sharp features were set in a stern expression.

But what really caught my attention were her eyes. They were a piercing silver color, like two shards of ice that seemed to look right through me.

Her gaze was intense and unyielding, like that of a predator sizing up its prey, waiting for the right moment to strike.

It was both chilling and exhilarating.

She wore a simple outfit made of leather and fur, with a hooded cloak that draped over her shoulders.

Her bow and quiver of arrows were slung over her back, ready for action at a moment's notice.

Despite her imposing presence, there was also a sense of grace and fluidity to her movements, like she was in perfect harmony with the forest around her.

It was clear that she was a skilled warrior, and while I wasn't sure how strong she was, it was clear she was stronger than the strongest foe I had ever faced Deliora.

Her silver eyes seemed to pierce me with disdain, I could tell from her stance and the look on her face that she would attack at any given time.

"Who do you think you are?" she demanded, her voice cold and unyielding.

"The man you were attacking without a reason?" I replied, my voice firm and unyielding. I could feel the weight of her gaze on me, but I refused to back down.

If anything, I was kind of intrigued by the challenge she represented.

The woman narrowed her eyes, clearly not amused by my words. "Don't fool yourself, I have yet to fire an arrow, all you did was dodge the arrow of my huntresses." She hissed.

"Adam… there's something wrong about that woman," Mavis muttered.

Then, before I could answer Mavis, the woman lunged forward faster than I imagined, her fist connecting with my stomach.

The force of the blow knocked the wind out of me, and I was blasted away, stumbling back before crashing in the ground, gasping for air.

I couldn't believe what had just happened.

One moment, she was standing in front of me, and the next, I was on the ground gasping for air.

I grinned.

It seemed I was right… This mission would be fun.

"You're a fool if you think I will simply let you be after soiling my land," the huntress spat, her silver eyes blazing with anger. "I will do whatever it takes to make you pay for your hubris."

"Hahaha!" I chuckled, pushing myself off the ground. "I won't say no to a good time."

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