Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 96: Casino.

Chapter 96: Casino.

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[Adam C. POV]

The dazzling neon lights washed over us as we approached the grand entrance of the casino at the Akane Resort.

I wasn't one to like Casinos, in fact, I disliked them. I didn't have anything against betting, just betting when the house was modifying the odds to make it more likely you lose.

"Who's ready for some reckless spending?!" Cana shouted, her voice barely audible over the booming music coming from inside the casino.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her excitement. "I'm just here for the drinks, Cana."

Cana chuckled and looped her arm around my neck. "Ah, don't be like that, play some games, it's fun!"

Not sure how losing money can be fun.

But to each their own.

I guess Cana's addictive personality was bound to exist no matter what. At least she doesn't drink as much as she did in the anime.

"No thanks, Casinos are nothing but blackholes waiting to be opened in your wallet," I replied, my eyes scanning the crowd. The scent of expensive perfume, money, and a hint of desperation filled my nostrils.

"That's why I set a tight budget for us. Don't go blowing it all in the first hour," Erza reminded us with a beaming grin, as we walked past a row of glittering slot machines.

Ah, yes, the famous Scarlet Budget.

In order to avoid anyone spending too much, or spending more than they could, in the case of Lucy who was as broke as anyone could be, Erza had allocated the sum of one hundred thousand Jewels per person, out of her own money.

I almost felt bad about my revenge for the cake betrayal. Almost.

"I will use my part of the money to eat," I replied, already looking at a place in the casino that seemed to be serving some of my favorite appetizers. "So, have fun in my name."

"You'll regret not having played when I hit the Jackpot," Cana winked at me, before heading towards the slot machines.

Standing in place, I watched as Erza, Lucy, Gray, Natsu and Happy followed her, their faces filled with excitement.

Once the entire group was out of sight, I walked away from that side of the casino. My objective? Simple, delicious food and a good drink.


Pushing through the desperate crowd, I made my way towards the bar located at the end corner of the casino. It was a circular bar, with a towering display of every possible drink one could imagine.

The barman, dressed in a crisp white shirt and black vest, was busy shaking and stirring, his hands a blur of motion.

"What do you recommend me?" I asked, taking a seat on one of the high stools.

The bartender looked me up and down, sizing me up before he spoke. "Depends on what you're in the mood for. Something sweet? Sour? Strong?"

"Hm, something strong," I replied, flashing him a smile.

"Ah, good, a man after my own heart, I've got just the thing," The bartender reached for a bottle on the top shelf, pouring a rich amber liquid into a glass. He slid it over to me, the drink's aroma instantly hitting my nose.

I took a sip, the warmth of the alcohol spreading through my body. "Holy crap, this is amazing," I said, taking another sip.

The bartender grinned, clearly pleased with himself. "It's a special blend I created for the casino myself. It's got a bit of everything, whiskey, rum, gin, and a touch of absinthe."


I wasn't one to know about drinks, but this tasted amazing, way better than anything I had the pleasure of drinking so far.

"Is the food here any good?" I asked, looking around for the menu.

The bartender nodded. "Absolutely. We've got some of the best chefs in town working in our kitchen."

"Any meat cut you would recommend?" I said, taking another sip of the drink.

The bartender's eyes lit up. "If you're looking for something hearty, I recommend the ribeye steak. It's cooked to perfection and served with a side of truffle mashed potatoes."

My mouth watered at the thought of it. Nothing like a good steak to go with an equally good drink. "Sounds amazing, I'll take it," I said, handing the bartender the menu.

"Coming right up," The bartender said, disappearing behind the bar to place my order.

As I waited for my food to arrive, I took another sip of my drink, feeling the buzz intensify with each passing moment. My thoughts started to drift, and I couldn't help but notice a stunning woman with pink hair in a white kimono sitting at a nearby table.

She looked familiar.

I tried to place her, but my mind was too clouded to remember. The woman was accompanied by two burly bodyguards, who sat close by but tried to remain inconspicuous. She noticed me staring at her and tilted her head, giving me a coy smile.

"If you're going to stare, you might as well buy me a drink," she said, her voice sultry and seductive.

I chuckled. There was something about forward-woman that had me going. "Only if you sit with me."

The woman stood up, her kimono flowing elegantly around her. "That sounds wonderful," she said, walking over the bar to take a seat beside me.

"The name's Adam, a pleasure to meet you," I said, extending my hand.

She took my hand and placed a kiss on it. "I'm Ikaruga. And the pleasure it's all mine, Adam."


That name also feels familiar.

"Shouldn't I be the one kissing your hand?" I joked, grinning at her.

Ikaruga chuckled at this. "True, but I think we can skip formalities, don't you think?" She leaned in closer to me, her pink hair brushing against my cheek. "So, what brings you here tonight, Adam?"

"Fun," I replied, feeling a shift in the air. Killing intent.

Coming from my companion.

Ikaruga smiled, her eyes glinting with something dangerous. "Well, you've definitely come to the right place for that."

I grinned.

I remember now.

I guess she had been so... unimportant to the general plot that I had forgotten about her, but I was almost certain she's the one Erza fought in the Tower of Heaven.

Honestly, I was surprised she's this good at hiding her power. I guess being an assassin had taught her a thing or two.

Either way this means that Jellal is finally making his move.

I guess it's time to play the role of the damsel in distress in order to learn the location of the new Tower.

"So, any recommendations?" I asked, tilting my head with a beaming smile.

Ikaruga smirked, her eyes glinting with excitement. "I have a proposition for you, Adam. How about we leave this place and I show you a different kind of fun?"

Really, that was all it took?

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "And what kind of fun would that be?"

Ikaruga leaned in, her lips brushing against my ear. "The kind that involves a lot of pleasure, and a few surprises."

Using her sexuality to separate me from the rest.

Not a bad approach.

I wonder how far she's willing to play her role.

"You had me at The," I replied, standing up and offering her my hand. "Lead the way."

Ikaruga's hand slipped into mine, and we made our way out of the bar. As we walked down the dimly lit street, I could feel her eyes on me, waiting for the right moment to strike.

I wasn't worried though. I knew what I was getting into and I was ready to play along.

The only thing I regret is leaving my steak behind, and the fact my friends will worry about me.

We arrived at a dark alley, and Ikaruga turned to face me, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. She took a step closer to me, her body pressed against mine so close that I could feel her breasts on my chest. "Are you ready for this?" she whispered, her lips just inches away from mine.

I smiled. "Not the place I would've picked, but I am."

I guess as far as places go, a dark alley it's as good as any to strike at your unsuspecting enemies. A bit too cliché for my tastes though.

I guess she picked this place because there's someone waiting for her here.

Cutting my thoughts short, Ikaruga's lips crashed onto mine, and I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through me. Her kiss was wild and untamed, filled with a hunger that I had never experienced.

Playing my part, I responded in kind, kissing her back with the same level of fierceness, exploring every inch of her mouth with my tongue. My hands found their way to her hips, pulling her even closer to me.

As we broke the kiss, Ikaruga's eyes sparkled with laughter and mischief. "You know, Adam," she said, stepping back and beckoning me to follow her deeper into the alley. "I think we might have underestimated you. You're more than just a pretty face, aren't you?"

Oh, so she noticed I knew what she was doing.

Then again, I could be reaching conclusions far too early.

"What do you mean?" I asked, following her into the darkness.

"Don't play dumb, you know who I am, don't you?" She replied, her voice low and husky. "And yet, you followed me outside."

I guess I was right, she knows.

Oh well, I won't feel bad for losing in a game she has been playing longer than me.

I smirked. "I do, kind of. And on that note, I wasn't expecting that kiss. You caught me off guard."

Ikaruga laughed, the sound echoing off the walls of the alley. "That's the idea, stud. Keep you on your toes."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, you definitely succeeded in that."

She had.

As we walked further into the alley, I could feel the tension building up between us. Ikaruga's movements were graceful and fluid, like a predator stalking its prey.

"So, what's next, dear assassin?" I asked, stopping on my tracks.

Ikaruga turned to face me, her eyes smoldering with an intensity that was rarely ever seen. "Next?" she repeated, her voice low and sultry. "Next, we have some real fun."

"Oh?" I hummed.

Time to play my part. Let's channel my inner Peach, or any other princess persona in a game, and be captured.

Ikaruga stepped forward and with a steady hand, tugged at the ornate brocade of her kimono. The fabric hung heavy as she drew out a long-bladed curved katana.

Ohh, a Nodachi.

"Bring it on," I replied, unsheathing my own sword and taking a defensive stance.

With a faint smile in place, Ikaruga lunged forward, her katana glinting in the dim light as it came down on me. Taking a step forward, I parried her attack, before countering with a swift thrust of my own.

Our swords clashed together with a resounding sound.

Despite the clear difference in power between us, I had to admit, she was good, her movements were fluid and precise.

"As fun as this is, I'm done playing games with you," Ikaruga smiled, her voice echoing in the deserted alleyway as the cold steel of her sword glinted ominously under the dim streetlights. "Empty Flash."

Empty Flash.

I had read about that sword magic style.

A technique that allows the user to slash whatever they are attacking without touching it with their blade, shattering even most forms of attack and defense with one attack.

I jumped back, narrowly avoiding the invisible attack that came my way. I mean, sure, I had to play my part, but I couldn't make it that obvious, she had to work for it to make it believable.

"That's quite a dangerous attack," I stated, my eyes on her. "But I'm afraid it won't be enough to defeat me."

Ikaruga's eyes narrowed at this as she readied herself for another attack. This time, she charged forward with incredible speed, her blade slicing through the air as she aimed for my neck.

I swiftly dodged her attack and countered, my sword piercing through the fabric of her kimono and grazing her arm.

Blood dripped down her arm, staining the pearly white fabric of crimson red.

Ikaruga's eyes widened in surprise. "You're quite skilled."

"Thanks for noticing," I replied, taking on a defensive stance.

"But this battle was over before it even began," Ikaruga stated, her voice cold and hard.

I guess she's getting serious.

"Empty Flash: Soundless Death!" Ikaruga muttered, turning around, swinging her blade in an arc multiple times, in a flurry of movement.

Invisible slashes coming at me from every direction.

Not bad.

Let's block only half of them, and wrap this up.

That should make my defeat at her hands believable.

Taking a step forward, I moved my blade, blocking some of the slashes, before pretending I was being forced to dodge the rest at the last second, allowing them as I did, to slice through my clothes, leaving shallow cuts on my skin.

Hopefully this amount of damage, and struggle would make it look real.

"It seems this is your limit," Ikaruga said, her eyes buckling down in satisfaction as she pointed her sword at me. "You're good, very good, but not nearly good enough to defeat me."

And the Oscar goes to me.

I would like to thank me, and only me, for this honor.

"Cockiness isn't attractive, sweetheart," I said, trying to put as much defeat into my voice as I could muster. "Do your worst."

I saw the glint of satisfaction in her eyes as she registered my words. "If you insist." Having said that, she lunged at me then, swift as a panther, her sword slicing through the air towards me.

I stumbled back, purposely tripping over a loose cobblestone and falling to the ground, my own weapon clattering from my grasp as her blade grazed my arms, legs and chest, warmth spreading out from the shallow cuts.

I clutched at the wound in my chest, hissing through my teeth as I made a show of being more injured than I actually was.

Ikaruga stood over me, a victorious grin spreading across her face. "It's over," she said, her voice full of smug satisfaction as she sheathed her sword and reached down to grab me by the neck.

"Fuck you," I cursed.

"Sho, your turn," Ikaruga ignored me, calling out her ally.

Oh, so the one hiding in the alley was Sho. I guess it makes sense, seeing he can seal people in his cards with his magic, which makes it easy for transportation.

I looked up to find…a small, blond-haired guy, who looked like he was about twelve from height alone, standing next to Ikaruga.

"So much for the legend," Sho said, an almost bored expression on his face as he reached forward, his palm outstretched towards me.

"Fuck you too, pal," I replied between ragged breaths.

"Goodbye, Adam," Sho spat as his hand burst into bluish flames, engulfing my body in a flash of light, until there was nothing.

One moment I was watching them from the ground, and the next I was floating in a void of nothingness.

It was…strange.

Being sealed felt weird.

Oh well, time to destroy the Tower, once again.

This time, permanently.

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