Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 3: Atonement: Red Earth (I)

Chapter 3: Atonement: Red Earth (I)

Editors: Kat & Yuzu

After sailing away from earth, the spacecraft immediately entered warp drive. All of the crew members, soldiers and nonhumans alike, entered the sleeping cabin, leaving only the mainframe to navigate for them. After sleeping for a month in the tiny capsules, the ship began to approach galactic region 930 and exited warp drive. They travelled nine tenths the speed of light as they approached the burning hot nebula located in the dark galaxy far awayHera.

Ethans floating consciousness was brought back to his body by the sound of gentle music, accompanied by a soft, white light fluttering across his eyelids. However, as soon as he opened his eyes, a strong sense of nausea suddenly stirred within his stomach. He leaned over the edge of the sleeping capsule and vomited out a lot of transparent gastric acid, until his face was covered with snot and tears. Embarrassed, he wiped his face with the back of his hand, until a towel suddenly flew and hit him on the cheek.

He looked up to see Tanisiels delicate and beautiful face close to him and wreathed in light, appearing as though he was part of an illusory dream.

Thank you. Ethan took the towel in a panic, careful not to look at the other partys naked chest. He had never expected that the priest would be sleeping in the capsule next to him, let alone that the other party would be willing to bestow kindness upon him.

Tanisiel smiled at him, before putting on a bathrobe that a nearby robot handed over. He gazed around the sleeping cabin with his silver-gray eyes, and observed the people beginning to wake up. Everyones reaction to the warp drive was different. Some of them were dazed, others were nauseous like Ethan, retching, and the rest were unaffected like himself. Additionally, everyone was almost completely naked. If not for the electric collar on the nonhumans necks used to keep them in line, it would be difficult to distinguish them from the others.

Ethan felt for the glasses that he had previously stored under the cabinet of his sleep capsule. When he  put them on, the world suddenly became much clearer. He let out a deep sigh. He had never travelled using warp drive before, nor had he entered a state of deep sleep, and did not expect to wake up feeling ten times more uncomfortable than having a hangover. He put on his bathrobe, and could not help but notice that the Eves priest was allowing the medical robot beside him to measure his blood pressure.

Have we entered the Hera galaxy? on his other side, a female Beta researcher asked.

The man on her left replied, Probably, or the ship wouldnt wake us all up.

I dont know why so many nonhumans came with us on this journey. We wont face any danger, right?

I heard that they lost contact with preliminary developers, and when the search and rescue team went to look for them, they also lost contact with them soon after they arrived. Some footage from the search and rescue team was transmitted back to Earth, but it was considered confidential and no one was allowed to watch it. This time, they even brought nonhumans, so perhaps some nuclear waste had leaked or something similar?

The female Beta turned to Ethan and asked, Which department are you from? Have you heard any news?

The male Beta nudged her, looking pointedly at his neck. The female Beta then noticed Ethans collar hidden under the bathrobe, and the look in her eyes suddenly changed. Moments ago, she had flashed a friendly smile after seeing Ethans refined and honest-looking face, but now she didnt even bother hiding an expression of disgust, and she subconsciously inched away from him.

Although Ethan understood her reaction, he still felt a little depressed.

Suddenly, he heard Diana, the spaceship AI, speak in a sweet and gentle voice, All nonhumans, please go to warehouse No. 13 immediately. Ethan did not dare to ignore her instruction, and quickly put on his clothes and walked towards the cabin door. Other nonhumans with collars around their necks also followed the instructions, and separated from the shining white crowd. As the cabin door was too narrow, everyone was crowded together. Ethan was pushed by the crowd and staggered forward. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pinch on his buttocks.

He yelped and turned around, but didnt see anyone behind him. The crowd shoved him through the cabin door, following an impatient soldier who led them through a winding corridor, appearing bright and clean. They eventually arrived at an elevator, and after several trips they all reached the cargo hold.

Even before the elevators door had opened, the rumbling sound of machinery operating had penetrated their eardrums, and a cold draft blew in, making Ethan shiver. It was obvious that, in order to prioritize the safety of the crew, the researchers, and the Eves, the nonhumans were isolated in the cargo hold that was unsuitable for human survival. The corridor outside has lost its simple and clean design. Steel pipes sprawled everywhere on the ceiling and walls, and  iron suspension bridges crisscrossed in the air above, allowing technicians to easily inspect the components. The huge space was divided into different sections with barbed wire, some filled with materials necessary for survival, and others containing tall machines with unknown purposes. Dim lighting  filtered through steam produced by the machinery, causing their surroundings to look hazy and gloomy, and the pungent smell of engine oil filled their noses.

All of the nonhumans were just wearing bathrobes, as they were not given enough time to change. In the poorly heated cargo hold, their blood felt like it was about to freeze. They complained angrily, but a soldier standing on a levelled platform coldly pressed a button on the controller fixed to his arm, and the two who shouted the most shrieked in pain and fell on the ground. Their bodies convulsed, their eyes rolled back, and they began to foam at the mouth. The crowd immediately dispersed from around the poor guys.

Shut up and wait here. Clothes will be delivered to you in a moment. No one is allowed to go to the upper level without permission, a familiar voice spokeit was actually the male Beta security guard who had picked them up from the Forbidden City.

No one dared to speak since they were afraid of being electrocuted. Fifty nonhumans scattered into groups of two and three, looking for spots to huddle together to stay warm. Ethan was not used to being so close to others, so he found a pipe that wasnt as cold and sat down beside it, wrapping his hands around himself. The roar of countless machines caused his skull to ache and his consciousness to begin to blur.

At this time, his body was suddenly pulled into a strong embrace. The scent was strange, not from Samuel.

Ethan roused himself and opened his eyes, only to see a muscular red-haired Alpha beside him with a predatory smile. His bathrobe had opened a lot, revealing his chest muscles and defined eight-pack.

Ottoit sounded familiar, because Samuel had mentioned him before

Ethan cleared his throat. His eyes darted around, looking for a chance to escape as he answered, Ethan Eldridge.

Someone was meticulous when they named you. Just by hearing your surname, I know youre from the upper echelons. Otto whistled, his hand caressing his waist flirtatiously while he impatiently sniffed at his neck, asking, Are you a Beta or an Omega?

Ordinarily, most people on Earth would be unable to differentiate between the scent of an Omega and a Beta if the Omega wasnt in heat. Omegas tended to be more petite and have an unusual sensual charm, so people could generally tell them apart based on their appearance. However, there were also Omegas who did not want to publicize their gender for various reasons, so it was still difficult for people to differentiate Omegas from an ordinary Beta. Thus, it wasnt surprising that Otto asked.

Beta Ethan grabbed Ottos dishonest hands by his wrists and said cautiously, I know Samuel

Samuel? Hahaha, he wouldnt be interested in a Beta that doesnt smell like an Omega. Hes very picky, even with Omegas.

Ethan thought inwardly that since Samuel himself is an Omega, of course he would be picky with other Omegas. Outwardly, he could only feign composure. His eyes were searching for the shadow of any guard or other soldier, but he wasnt sure whether anyone would even respond if he called for help

Otto, I thought we had an agreement not to make a move on each others people, Ethan felt relieved at the sudden interruption. He turned around and saw Samuel standing there with his arms crossed. He was smiling, but there was a trace of anger in his eyes.

Otto was stunned, but he just innocently laughed and let go of Ethans hand. Joe, when did your tastes change?

Samuel pulled Ethan up, holding his waist possessively and even sticking his tongue out and licking Ethans ear. Ethan shivered, goosebumps rising on his skin. He knew that Samuel was acting, but did he have to act so realistic?

However, Ethan was even more worried by the fact that the scent of Samuels Alpha camouflaging inhibitor had mostly dissipated after such close contact with him. He realized that there was already a faint scent of musk on Samuel, that only his Heavenbounder nose could detect.

That didnt bode well. According to his previous experience with Omegas, theyll enter their estrus period within two days of their scent appearing.

No, why would Samuel volunteer for the atonement mission if he knew he was going to enter his estrus cycle?! He would not be so stupid, right??

However, Samuel did not seem to notice it. He even hugged Ethan while glaring at Otto in an Alpha-like manner and proclaimed, I know this secretarys face suits your tastes, but Im sorry. Im his roommate, and after seeing that hes such a cutie, I carelessly struck first and gained the upper hand.

The cutie Ethan could not help but recall how his first Omega boyfriend had described him. It seemed that Omegas think he is quite cute?

Although he did not think the word had anything to do with him.

Otto raised his hands in surrender. Sorry, man, I didnt know he was your man. Ill make it up to you later. Then he waved his hand and turned away. Seeing that he went away, Ethan did not even have the time to relax and lowered his voice into Samuels ear and said, Your estrus is about to begin!

Samuel was stunned and turned to stare at him. What are you talking about? My estrus is still two weeks away.

Ethan glared back. Didnt you think that the warp drive might disrupt your hormones and estrus cycle?

The two people looked at each other for a long time and saw the confusion and shock in each others eyes. Ethan quickly asked, Since you know youre going to be in estrus two weeks later, do you have any inhibitors, camouflaging inhibitor?

Samuels breathing also became quicker, I brought itbut its sewn inside my clothes.

Ethan heaved a long breath, Then that would be fine. They said they would bring our clothes to us.

Thirty minutes later, however, the two men were completely dumbfounded by the warm space travel uniform that the guards had given them. Samuel ran after the guards and asked, Where are my old clothes?

The guard glared at him. I dont know. Its probably destroyed.

I want my old clothes! Samuel was flustered and didnt pay attention to whether his tone was too unyielding. Seeing that the guard was about to trigger the electric shock button on his arm, Ethan quickly gave Samuel a hand and said with a smile, Hes so cold that his brain got frozen. Now, hes muddled. Sorry, sorry. He forcibly dragged Samuel to leave.

Fortunately, Samuels self-control was still present, and he was not completely flustered. Ethan pulled him to the back of a machine far away from other nonhumans. With his fist clenched tightly, he looked like he was going to hit people. Ethan was terrified. He did not know whether Samuel would really beat him because he was too frightened and lost control of himself.

Seeing Samuel sitting on a pipe, his hands scratching his hair, and having a look of annoyance on his face, Ethan bravely put the clothes he carried in his embrace on his body. But Samuel pulled them off in frustration and threw them on the ground. Ethan sighed and advised, Theres still a day or two before the scent will be noticed, and the ship will have to sail for a week. As long as we find a suitable place to hide and nest before it starts, maybe we will be able to smoothly get through these three days.

Damn! You put it as if its such an easy thing to do! Do you know how hard it can be without inhibitors?! There are so many Alphas around. If one of them smells it, Ill be finished!

Ethan inwardly thought that other Omegas went through the estrus themselves without inhibitors or other people marking them. However, the expression on his face expressed that he was full of concern and patience. He could only patiently and persistently persuade: Theres no other alternatives. Lets find a hidden place first. Ill keep an eye out and prepare everything we need and make all necessary precautions. When its all set up, well find out where our old clothes are. The people above probably dont want to touch our nonhuman things, so the inhibitors should still be there.

Ethan, a Beta that had always looked elegant and reliable, would always cause Omegas to rely on him as their protector when they are in heat. A Betas unresponsive nature prevents him from being seduced. Moreover, he is careful, patient, and meticulous. He was responsible for taking care of his Omega mother when his father was away from home. When he got older, he took care of his roommates, friends and even other ambiguous partners he had. Towards such matters, he had more than ample experience to deal with it.

It was the first time that he met such an Omega like Samuel who was as domineering as an Alpha. However, when it comes to the moment where he instinctively wants to be dominated, he should be no different from an Omega

Ethans gentle, smooth voice slightly calmed Samuels anxiety. He took a deep breath and restrained the uneasiness that was driving him crazy. As one of the Alpha leaders in the Forbidden City, he has offended many people in recent years. Once his Omega identity is exposed, he will never have peace in the Forbidden City.

If I disappear for three days, I will always be suspected, and there are monitors everywhere. Where can I hide?

You think too much. Most of the guards simply leave us here. As long as we dont go to the top, who cares where we are. As for the other nonhumans, their attention is focused on protecting their own little lives, who cares if theres one or two person lesser here. Ethan assured him, but inwardly, he was cursing incessantly. These Omegas and Alphas always felt that everyone is paying attention to them. Betas like them have never had this problem.

Thats why a Beta is preferred when choosing an interstellar spy because no one pays attention to them.

If you dont feel at ease, wait here, and Ill pick you up when I find it. Seeing that Samuel was still hesitating, Ethan advised. After all, if they have yet to find a suitable place to make a nest tomorrow, Samuel will be in danger.

Samuel is his backer in the Forbidden City. If he falls, Ethan will not be able to protect himself. And this time, if he helped Samuel to successfully tide through this obstacle, Samuel would be very grateful to him and would certainly take care of him in the execution of his atonement mission.

He should never screw this matter up!

Knowing that this was probably the best available alternative, Samuel eventually nodded his head.

Ethan looked around and saw that the guards had entered the elevator and left. He immediately went deep into the cargo. With a brief glance, its hard to see whats on the ceiling in this high space. The iron bridges above their heads scattered and overlapped, and there are countless huge motors and cylindrical machines that he has never seen before on both sides. Since most of the machines in the cargo hold does not need much maintenance, there is little lighting here. A layer of dim, yellow light covered the items and things here. The continuous tremoring sound reverberated in their brains, causing them to hear noisesas if something were ringing in their ears. In addition, the temperature here is freezing. Its really not a suitable place to create a nest here.

Ethan had his back against the shadows of the machines, trying not to make a single sound. He has never been to this place when he boarded a spaceship previously and he also doesnt know the structure of a regular spaceship. Occasionally, there would be a pipeline on the ground, much alike a hand that had suddenly opened and had grabbed his ankle, causing him to stumble. After searching for a long time, they finally found a higher temperature space hidden near the nuclear reactor of the spaceship, behind a pile of dense pipelines. Although they may be at risk of exposing themselves to nuclear reaction, this advanced spacecraft has already set up various measures as a precaution to this. As long as they are outside of the door which is marked by No Entry, they shouldnt be in any danger.

Most importantly, theres probably no nonhumans who want to get close to here.

After bringing Samuel in, the Omega who was in a tense mood before the estrus, looked around and reluctantly agreed. They moved some boxes from the cargo hold and piled them around to cover the whole space as much as possible. Ethan dug some sleeping bags out of some of the loose boxes and laid them in the secret space they found surrounded by boxes.

Their plan was for Ethan to sneak back to get food and water every day. If he needs to go to the toilet, he will take care of it here. There is a certain distance from the gathering spots of nonhumans, so the probability of them being found is not high.

To be on the safe side, Samuel did not return so that Alphas with strong sense of smells could not detect his scent.

As they lay side by side in the dark hidden space at night, Ethan could smell the sweet musk scent on Samuel. He couldnt sleep, and there were many questions in his heart. He asked tentatively, Have wehave I seen you somewhere before?

After that, he felt that his words were like a poorly constructed pickup line

Samuel did not speak for a long time. When Ethan thought he was asleep, he suddenly said, You may have seen me on TV. I used to be a boxer.

This sentence broke through the fog in Ethans mind. Isnt he Jonathan Samuel, the famous young boxer a few years ago?! Even Ethan, who has never paid attention to boxing, has seen him because he has a handsome face that was rarely seen in the boxing community. He was also powerful and fierce in competitions, which has attracted many female Alphas, Betas and Omegas who are completely uninterested in boxing. He has also been on the cover of fashion magazines.

Its you?! F*ck! Why are you here! And hes never heard that Jonathan Samuel was an Omega?! Has he been using inhibitors and Alpha camouflaging inhibitors since then?

In the dark, Ethan could not see his expression, but only heard a sneer, Yes, I dont understand how I came to this damned place.

Realizing that he seemed to have asked the wrong thing, Ethan shut up. What other kind of reason would there be if he did not commit an unforgivable crime?

As for you, secretary, seeing how submissive you are, how did you end up here? Samuel asked.

Ethan took off his glasses and blinked slowly in the dark. I dont understand either.

Hehe, dont you know what crime you have committed? Dont tell me youre a saint, but youve carelessly made a mistake.

Ethan felt that his words were stuck in his throat. Inwardly, anger surged forth. He thought that Samuel did not understand him, how would he know if hes not a saint?

So, he also argued against him, Didnt you also say you didnt understand?!

I didnt say I was a saint.

You Ethan snorted, it seems that you are not only not a saint, but also stupid. Its almost time for us your estrus, yet youre still willing to take up an atonement mission.

What do you know. People like me, who are usually active volunteers, if I suddenly disappear every three months, everyone would be suspicious. Besides, I have prepared enough inhibitors and camouflaging inhibitors every time. If it wasnt for this time that those psychopaths sent us some new clothes, there would have been no accident at all.

Alright, Omega. Since you are blindly pretending to be an Alpha, isnt it clear that something will happen sooner or later?

Shut up or Ill beat you.

After a while, they were both tired. Ethan turned around angrily, feeling the entire days fatigue hitting him, and fell asleep unknowingly.

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