Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 30: Atonement: Neptune (III)

Chapter 30: Atonement: Neptune (III)

It was dark outside the window and looked as though a cloth had been draped over the station. Even the twinkle of the stars could not be seen.

The nonhumans gathered under the window as they all gazed upwards. The dining hall was deadly silent.

Did they cover the window with something? A short Beta, number 240, was the first to break the silence.

Cavin ordered another nonhuman, who was also numbered 240 to bring over a stool. He was the tallest man present, so he was very close to the window when he stood on the seat. The station was shaped like a spinning wheel, a large ring with corridors crisscrossing through the center. He wanted to see if he could see the opposite side of the station through the window.

He looked through the window for quite some time but didnt come down. Ethan couldnt help asking, What do you see?

Space station. Our space station is still there, but He lowered his head, rubbing his eyes before looking out again. Ethan was kept in suspense due to his choppy response, causing Ethan to feel even more anxious as he prodded, But what?

The nonhumans voice sounded a bit absentminded, as though his entire consciousness was elsewhere. Both the Tenth Space Station and Neptune are gone. The stars do not look right either

His words caused all the nonhumans to burst into complaints and arguments. The people present all moved over chairs, sofas, and other things that can be used as a footstool to raise themselves to the windows height to look. Suddenly, everyone was standing up in the air motionlessly, craning their necks to stare at the glass over their heads. They could not even hear the sound of each other breathing. The scene was very strange.

Ethan also stood on a chair on the tips of his toes. He could see the other side of the space station floating on the edge of his limited field of vision, while the large space station and Neptune that should have been visible were replaced by darkness. The space patrol ships and spaceships that always circled the space station and Neptune were also missing. What was even stranger was that there were so few stars in their vicinity that everything around them seemed to be shrouded with darkness. It was only when they squinted and looked for them carefully that they could occasionally find one or two stars in the distance that were twinkling dimly.

Seeing the opposite side of the space station proved that their vision was not obscured by anything. However, why did everything look wrong except their space station?

At this time, the white wall at the front of the restaurant used as a screen, once again projected Gray Furs expressionless face. He asked them, Can you hear me?

The moment the nonhumans saw the cold and callous middle-aged man, it was as though they were all grasping at their life-saving straws as they ran over to surround the screen, exclaiming, Yes, we can hear you! We can hear you!

The person whispered a few words back to him, and Gray Fur stood up and swapped seats with another man.

It was a military researcher wearing a uniform and white coat. He appeared about 50 or 60 years old, with one eye altered into a bionic eye that could zoom in to see molecules.

Hello, Im Dr. Xu Wushang, the chief researcher for this experiment on Neptune. First of all, I would like to thank you for sacrificing yourselves for this great experiment and the sake of the country. However, I can assure you that the probability of accidents occurring during this mission is not high. We have conducted many experiments with rats and chimpanzees, and we believe that the temporary force field we have created is strong enough to protect you from being affected by the parallel universes radiation.

At this time, he seemed to have been interrupted by someone and raised his head, listening to who was talking before he nodded humbly and kindly. His eyes darted back to the camera, and he continued, The guard said that there was no need to explain too much to you, but I think Id like to tell you a little bit about the concept behind this experiment. After all, you are in a new land that has never been touched by interstellar humans, so you wont be able to avoid seeing something you may find difficult to understand. If you dont understand something, you can interrupt me at any time.

Cavin strode to the screen and said, Did you want to discuss the Philadelphia Experiment with us? If so, theres no need to say anything. Weve already heard about it from the one with glasses over there.

Dr. Xu had a surprised expression as his gaze moved to Ethan. Ethan pushed his glasses up uneasily and coughed gently.

Dr. Xu laughed again. Its even better this way since itll make it much easier for me to explain. This experiment is similar to that one, but the difference is that our goals are now clearer. As we all know, every planetary nation in the Milky Way is currently experiencing an energy crisis to a different degree. The Energy Bureau has proposed the exploration of a universe parallel to or even overlapping with our universe. However, the vibration frequency and amplitude of the universes strings are different, so it is impossible to contact and communicate with them. How should I put it? Its like a whale swimming in the sea. If its singing is not on the same frequency as other whales, it will never be able to communicate with or be found by other whales. Our universe and the parallel universes are different in frequency. However, we are not only different in the frequency of our sounds, but also the strings of each microparticle are using different frequency ranges. Therefore, we could have completely overlapped with a parallel universe, and there may be countless parallel universe creatures passing by where I am, but I am not able to see or feel them.

However, that is about to change. If we can temporarily adjust a part of our universe to the same frequency as the parallel universe, we can easily enter that universe and obtain its resources. Once this experiment is successful, we will have the ability to enter an infinite number of parallel universes, and we will no longer have to worry about the energy crisis.

Before we can succeed, our biggest problem is that the parallel universes physical laws may be quite different from ours. If we send creatures into another universe, then they will be infected by the laws of the parallel universe and often face deadly radiation.

After speaking, an African American Alpha numbered 250 couldnt help cursing helplessly, Damn it! Didnt they say this was a five-point mission!!! If its life-threatening, then this experiment should give us 8 points at least!!!

The doctor was not used to dealing with such uncivilized behavior and wiped his nose with a handkerchief, slightly embarrassed. Dont panic, everyone. We have developed a special force field barrier. This barrier will temporarily wrap around the transferred objects, including organisms, so that they will not be affected by the universes parallel laws for a certain period. As I said initially, we have successfully used this barrier to protect different animals when entering the parallel universe. They all returned in good health, so we have reason to believe that your lives will not be in danger.

Cavin sneered, Im afraid you think that if the experiment goes wrong, we will not be able to return, so giving 10 points is too much of a loss for you. Its more economical to give five points, isnt it?

Dr. Xus expression was a little stiff, and he said with a dry smile, I am not the one managing how many points youll receive, but I can talk to your Forbidden City Committee and see if I can give you some more points.

Ethan suddenly asked, If were already in a parallel universe, then why can you still talk to us?

Cavin glared at him impatiently, probably feeling that there was no point in asking such technical questions at such a vital moment. However, the doctor seemed very happy. After Ethan asked, he gave Ethan an appreciative look as he explained, This is because the parallel universe we locked onto has the closest frequency to our universes strings. In other words, it is the closest universe to us and is almost identical in frequency. Additionally, we have given a force field barrier to you to keep in touch for some time. Well pull you back before the barrier fails, so dont worry.

Soare there any known features of this parallel universe?

Dr. Xu looked to his left hesitantly. After a moment, he said with a smile, There are very few planets in this universe. Moreover, the molecular structures of most substances are very unstable and are strongly radioactive. According to the energy curve we tabulated, the average number of supernova explosions that occur there is much higher than that in our universe. Their spatial structure is somewhat strange. According to the photos taken by the robots we sent previously, the massive stars there are not necessarily spherical. This is something impossible in our universe because the massive stars gravity will automatically cause them to become spherical.

The more Ethan listened, the tighter his brows knit together. He didnt understand difficult subjects like physics and chemistry, but he thought of the power of the God of Disorder in the universes that Tanisiel mentioned.

The Eves believed in both the God of Disorder and God of Order. They were intelligent creatures existing in different spaces, and they could control the laws of the universe. However, these two forces fought against each other, with each controlling their different universes. The universe where Earth was located was more inclined to the power of the God of Order. Although the God of Disorders power also existed, under normal circumstances, the God of Disorders forces would only creep in after the God of Orders powers were exhausted. Butin this parallel universeafter hearing that all of the molecular structures were unstable, no matter what, it sounded like whatever strange universe they were in was dominated by the power of the God of Disorder.

He forced himself to swallow despite his dry throat and asked in a low voice, IfI mean, if theres something wrong with the barrier, in what way would we get affected?

Dr. Xu had a nervous gaze. He seemed to realize that the Beta was moving the conversation in a dangerous direction and immediately pretended to look at the time and said, It wont happen. Time is almost up, so lets talk about it next time. After this, we will contact you every half an hour. You just need to pay attention to whether there are any abnormalities inside and outside the space station, and just need to report them back in time.

Seeing that he was about to end the call, Ethan quickly called out, Then, can we take the initiative to contact you?

However, Dr. Xu either didnt hear his question or pretended not to hear him and ended the communication.

Cavin came over and grabbed Ethans collar, glaring at him as he said, What the hell are you talking to him about! What the hell does that mean?

Ethan pressed his lips tightly as thousands of thoughts passed through his mind. Finally, he could only say dryly, We are now in a parallel universe, but there should be no danger. Theyve done experiments on animals before this.

What about the radiation he was talking about?

Ethan frowned. Let me go first. Cant you ask nicely?

Cavin suddenly released his grip. Ethan stabilized his body and adjusted his clothes before sweeping his green eyes over everyone in front of him.

Most of the nonhumans were at a loss. Only the shivering Omega and the African American Alpha seemed to understand his conversation with Dr. Xu, the latter swearing under his breath, This time Ive jumped into a pit.

According to Dr. Xu, this universe tended to be unstable, so their current stability was temporary, and they didnt know when the barrier would fall apart. That was to say, if they were infected by the laws here, then it was likely that every cell and strand of DNA in their bodies would disperse, and they would become a pool of flesh and water.

However, many of these nonhumans were placed into the Forbidden City for committing crimes impulsively, such as Cavin. If they knew the truth, then who knew what would they do? They were now trapped in the parallel universe, and it was just like they had sailed a ship made of sugar into the sea. If they enraged the doctors and researchers who were in control of their fate, they might leave the nonhumans on this ship that would eventually melt. Then, they would die.

We have barriers, so we wont get infected, he finally said to them.

The author has something to say:

Thankful to all the little angels who have been feeding me and leaving messages~~(3)?

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