Farming Happiness: Husband, Come and Plough the Fields

Chapter 137: New Year's shopping

Lucheng is adjacent to the border town, and the border town is to the north, next to the barbarians, but in winter, the difference in temperature is not the slightest bit.

The cold wind is like a sharp dagger, blowing on people's faces, and the pain is like needle pricks, but this can't stop the enthusiasm of the people to buy new year's goods. When they arrive in the town, the streets are narrow, and the carriages are blocked on the side of the road, making it impossible to pass up.

"Husband, why don't we buy all the things for the Chinese New Year, and we'll be relieved after we finish shopping."

At the end of the year, heavy snow falls one after another, and the mountains are blocked by heavy snow. It takes several hours to walk from the bottom of the mountain. If there is food and drink at home, it is better to stay at home and cat winter.

There was no shortage of rice, flour, grain and oil at home. Li Haitang brought some vegetables from Lucheng and covered them with muslin cloth to prevent freezing. It would not be a problem to keep them for about twenty days.

"it is good."

Outside the male lead and the female lead, Xiao Lingchuan always obeyed the arrangements. He left the carriage at the chariot and horse shop, and took Li Haitang and his siblings to the market.

Cloth, tea, candies, pastries and drinks are all ready in the border town. Li Haitang has already made a big purchase, and there is still a shortage of fresh eggs and domestic pork at home.

The savage husband promised her that when he entered the mountains, he would take her to experience hunting, deep mountains and old forests, wild boars, silly roe deer, pheasants, rabbits, whatever you want to eat.

"Wild pork is too old, it will smell fishy if it is not cooked properly."

Li Haitang looked disgusted, she still likes to eat relatively tender domestic pork, and there is no pollution in this era, pig feed is also pig grass and other things, pure natural, the meat is burnt, and the aroma of the meat wafts far.

Chinese New Year is approaching, and there is a jubilant atmosphere everywhere. Most of the people who come to the town to sell things are from the nearby villages, selling their own grain, rice, vegetables, fungi, and live fish and shrimp.

Fish and shrimp are rare items, especially live ones, and the asking price is quite high. A carp with the length of the forearm and the weight of more than one catty can cost two to three hundred yuan.

There is fish every year, and there is more than enough every year. On the New Year's Eve dinner table, the common people want to buy a complete set of chicken, duck and fish. There are also poor people who can't afford fish. They figured out a way to make a fish shape out of glutinous rice and steam it. It's easy to pour, lifelike, and looks good enough to be fake.

"There is a deep pool in the mountains, the pool does not freeze, and there are black fish."

There are few bones in the black fish, the fish is deboned, and the remaining fish meat can be sliced ​​into boiled fish. It can also be marinated with rice wine and other condiments, and a braised fish section is served. The fish meat is smooth.

As Li Haitang said, she rubbed her stomach with her hands. She has a skill in describing the dishes, and she can tell a person who has just eaten hungry that she is hungry.

"Sister, there are some dried fried **** in the market."

Li Jinhu followed the scent and looked straight ahead. The stall owner was frying meatballs in the oil pan. The scent made several children drooling and watching eagerly.

"If you want to eat, buy it."

Li Haitang is very heroic, the point is, it doesn't cost much money.

Meatballs are the size of quail eggs, and they cost a penny each. The common people just buy two or three to give their children a taste.

Save money all year round, and you can relax at the end of the year, but you don’t dare to spend all the money at once, and you have to live your life with calculations.

"Little brother, do you like meatballs?"

Fried meatballs are nothing more than a waste of oil. There are fine white noodles and **** pieces at home, and then add minced meat and green onions, and add some shrimp oil to taste. It looks simple, but the fried meatballs are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. It really tests the heat.


Li Jinhu nodded. In the past, when the family was in a good year, my mother would make some croquettes. Later, when my parents were not in good health, the Li family came to the house again a few years ago to play the autumn wind. It has been several years since I made it.

"If you like it, let your brother-in-law do it for you!"

Li Haitang naturally pushed it to Xiao Lingchuan. It's not a good idea for a gentleman to stay away from the kitchen. She also thought about training the savage husband to be a chef in the future, so that she could wait to eat ready-made ones.

It's not that she's not virtuous, but that men use them when they can. Li Haitang discovered a fact that those women who are successful in the halls and kitchens often end badly, and most of them have to endure cheating or bad tempers from men.

They are all used to it! You have to ask for what you need, and you have to do what you need to do. Life is like a pool of stagnant water. What's the point!

"Five-spice peanuts made from the secret recipe passed down from the ancestors, delicious five-spice peanuts!"

In front, a tall woman was yelling to passers-by, "Come, look, taste, it doesn't matter if you don't buy it."

Most people will stop and taste it if it is cheap. Some people say it tastes good and pay for it, while others are indifferent and move on.

The woman is very good at doing business. When weighing, she doesn't forget to have a few homely chats with the customers and auspicious words for New Year's greetings.

Some business people are very stiff, like a wooden man, not saying a word, and it is much deserted in front of the booth.

What Li Haitang paid attention to was the young man next to the peanut seller. He was wearing a scholar's square scarf on his head, and there was a stack of books in front of him. It seemed that he was here to sell books.

These days, books are precious, and where can ordinary people read books, they are all blind and illiterate.

Selling books in a bazaar full of rotten cabbage leaves is against the law.

Out of curiosity, Li Haitang stopped to read two pages, his eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't move his legs anymore.

Most of them are medical books, and there are experience and handwriting on them, which is definitely a rare wealth for a doctor.

One of the books is a recipe for how to restore your figure during confinement. Li Haitang understands it a little, so I think this book is very reliable.

"??? How much is this book in silver?"

Li Haitang saw that the scholar was silent and didn't shout, thinking that his family was poor and continued to spend money, so he took the initiative to ask.

"???? The two hundred taels of silver you took is my ancestral inheritance, and the rest of the books are just extras, free of charge."

The scholar finished quoting the price and fell silent again. These books are treasures handed down from his ancestors, and he didn't want to sell them unless it was absolutely necessary. Two hundred taels of silver, compared to the value in the book, is really cheap.


Li Jinhu was very excited, screamed, and said to the scholar, "Are you sure you're not crazy about money?"

It's true that the books are valuable, but two hundred taels a book, and they're not ancient books. It's really a lion's mouth. He thinks this scholar is here to fool people, not to do business sincerely.

"???? Brother, this price is not expensive."

Li Haitang shook his head. The definition of a book is that its value comes from needs. To Li Jinhu, these books may not be worth a penny, but she is a doctor, but it is quite different.

Two to one hundred taels, it couldn't be cheaper, just cheat a rich man, and the money will come out. Li Haitang didn't want to take advantage, she knew the special significance of the objects passed down from her ancestors to her descendants.

"??? How about this, I won't bargain for two hundred taels of silver, I'll find someone to copy your book, and I'll return the original to you after copying, how about it?"

Li Haitang picked and picked among the pile of books again, the rest were all about farming, she didn't know anything about it. ??? The scholar didn't believe that such a good thing could happen. He opened his mouth wide, surprised for a long time, and then smiled bitterly, "Thank you, kind lady, but I probably won't need this book."

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