Festering Desire

Chapter 37: The Inevitable Fate

"Curse my luck, it's the butcher from that time."

The special agent was reminded of the horror from her family being razed to the ground due to the Halfmoon family's special military operation. The flash back of Anna in her blood-soaked dress while mercilessly slaughtering her kins one by one was not something she could easily forget.

After exchanging a few rounds of bouts, she was quickly overpowered by Anna's immense bloodlust and was forced to flee with a frightened spirit. Several sharp needles appeared between her fingers and were hastily tossed towards the butcher in panic.

As anticipated by the agent, the needles were easily incinerated to dust by a surge of black flames on the blade. The attack was just a feign, following the projectiles were several smoke bombs and stun grenades that blasted around Anna to buy enough time for her escape.

A swirl of black flame quickly cleared out the surrounding smoke, but there was no trace of the intruder left in her sight. Anna glanced towards the old buildings of the shrine and make way towards that direction. The area was surrounded by the forest; she believed the agent was not foolish enough to challenge the island's curse.

Managing to temporarily shake off the butcher off her trail, the female agent sneaked into the building interiors in hope of finding cover. Hidden from sight and crawling along the dark hallway, she slipped past a certain room that still had its lights on despite being late into the night.

"The young master is already asleep. I was looking forward to serving him." Mei pouted.

"What do we do now, Mei? Should we head to bed as well." Rika whispered to her friend.

"You are a genius Rika! The bed is wide enough, we can sleep with the young master together... heh heh... I am sure he will appreciate having two young maidens cuddling by his sides." Excitement was leaking through Mei's perverted panting.

The female agent who overheard the conversation by the door had a confused expression. What happened to the purity that the shrine maidens were renowned for?

"The young master huh? It's that boy from earlier today. He must be some important figure. But he does look really cute." She glanced towards the innocent and harmless face of the sleeping boy.

After absorbing the demon's blood, Leo had been trying to consolidate his overflowing aura. With the techniques from the grimoire, the special agent couldn't sense any power emanating from his body in his hibernating state. Regardless, his Anima was also beyond normal comprehension and cannot be easily discerned without special means.

The agent thought of an ingenious plan of kidnapping the kid as hostage to make her escape. She only needed to last until the contingency she had in place taken into effect. Barging into the room, the two shrine maidens were attacked by surprise.

Alerted by the hostile presence, Mei pushed out her friend to the side and took the blunt of the ambush. With a deep cut on top of her firm and bountiful breasts., the girl ended up bleeding profusely with a non-lethal wound. The female agent must have been jealous of the shape and form from those two youthful marshmallows despite having similar sizes.

Fortunately, she wasted no time on the two girls and hastily ran off with the sleeping boy. While navigating the plan D escape route within the shrine, the agent quickly placed several bindings on him in a swift and skillful manner. Apparently, she seemed exceptionally experienced with this kind of deed.

Leo slowly opened his eyes from all the commotions and the rough handling of his body. Undergoing a certain mutation, the boy doesn't easily wake up unless there is a life threatening danger. Enjoying the sweet feminine fragrance while riding on her back, it took him almost a minute to realize he was being carried by a woman he doesn't recognize.

"Lady, who are you?" He calmly asked.

"Nice to meet you kid, I am Himeko. Let me borrow your body for a while, I will make sure to return you to them safe and sound after I am thoroughly done with you." She flirted with a smirk.

Somehow, there was an inexplicable yearning to pamper and tease the boy with the age similar to her own son. How pleasant would it be if he had a face this handsome? But it was not the time to have such silly thoughts.

"Leo!" Anna finally found her prey and was agitated to see her favorite boy being kidnapped by the bitch.

"Well, I am sorry lady, I can't indulge your fantasies. My sister is calling for me."

With a fluid control of Anima, the boy nimbly escaped her restraints and got on his feet under the bewildered expression of the agent. In the next instance, he unleashed a hand chop towards her neck, which she narrowly dodged by the skin of her teeth. A stone pillar holding the pavilion was snapped in half by a casual swing of his hand.

"Wow, you are pretty fast." Leo was impressed how a woman with this level of voluptuous figure can maneuver at such high speed while carrying the two giant weights jiggling on her chest.

The female agent was once again astounded for a brief moment in fear of her life. She should have expected that the boy was not normal. It was a gamble and she lost. Anna took the opportunity to loop around and cut off the path of escape.

"Surrender, now."

Threatening with the black flame, the blade of her glaive was itching for blood. The female agent was currently a cornered rat; she can hear footsteps of reinforcement drawing closer.

"You people leave me no choice!" Fueled by her hate for the Halfmoon family, Himeko took out the small pot in despair and attempted to smash it against the floor.

"Leo, stop her!" Anna frantically shouted.

The boy rushed towards the woman as the pot shattered onto the ground. A large conglomerate of dark miasma burst out and engulfed the surrounding area. However, what actually happened was contrary to the chaos the agent's expected. Just as the evil spirits tried to escape into the sky, an invisible vacuum was sucking in a great portion of them towards his direction.

Compressed into a thin stream of black strings, the black miasma converged towards a certain mushroom tip within Leo's pants. Thick, gruesome and menacing veins propagated from his crotch along to the whole body as they traveled through his member. With both extreme pain and elated pleasure, they overloaded his senses while a swell of arousal began to overtake his mind.

Naturally, the event that followed was the noble sacrifice of the pants on duty. A dominating monstrous flesh of muscles mercilessly ripped through its containment and revealed its gigantic presence to the two women present.

A single pulsating beat from the behemoth sent a shock wave of Anima down to their spines. Anna felt an electric spike tingling through her body with just a glance and continued to stare at the divine armament with amorous gazes.

As for the female agent, her whole body was burning in heat and her mind failed to register the inhuman magnitude of the great beast. She can already smell the saturated pheromone that permeated densely in the surrounding ambient. The foul stench from the heavy fume was bombarding her nostril as her consciousness was on the brink of collapse.

The colossal tower stood with majestic presence before her eyes. However, it was the horrifying amount of thick and potent Anima radiating around the leviathan that drove her mind to a corner. The womanly instinct embedded in her genes was usurping control, a sudden urge to bask under the towering monument was overwhelming her thoughts.

While the veins thickened on Leo's overly swollen orbs, viscous strings of pre-cum were already spilling out from the widened tip. They looked extremely painful from being packed to the brim. Along the length of the heavy rod, large swells of bulges were popping in and out, displaying the intensity of the pulsating mass. Having absorbed another large batch of vile energies, the boy was in a dire need of release.

"No! No! Don't come any closer, go away!" Himeko clumsily fell on her butt and crawled backward with shaky arms and legs while leaving a river of clear nectar along her trail.

The female agent felt a certain dread when the boy stepped forward. Her impulse was demanding her body to submit wholly to the monster. But her consciousness was trembling in terror; in fear of losing her sanity and being stripped from human dignity, like many of the cultic fanatics she saw during her missions in the dark side of the world.

"Anna, take me away! Please... I surrender! My body... can't resist much longer...anything but this." She reached out her hand with a teary and frightened expression.

Having participated in numerous vile deeds related to many kinds of forbidden art, the female agent had an idea of what kind of existence the islanders managed to contrive. The last of her clarity and foresight understood that if she were to be blessed by that monster, the fate of being reduced to his mindless cock sleeve was inevitable. She was fighting with all her might against the influence; yet, her body was woefully honest to the desire of wanting such fate.

Having been vaccinated from Leo's potent seeds on a recent daily basis, Anna was much more resistant to the influence. She smiled viciously at the woman who was on her knees crawling towards her for help, becoming a meat toilet for her little boy seemed like a fitting end for this bitch. How could the kind and loving big sister deny Leo a mere container to dump his excess load?

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